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About Yyrd

  1. heh im in okeechobee, but we speak english up here...
  2. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    On May 25, 1982; the Atlantic Conveyor was hit by an Exocet missile fired by an Argentine Super Étendard jet fighter and sank later that day. It is unclear whether the missile's warhead detonated?the Exocet that sank HMS Sheffield had failed to explode?but the ship was set alight by the impact of the missile and the unburnt rocket fuel. Although the cargo of Harrier jump jets had been safely delivered to HMS Hermes, all the helicopters but two (one Chinook, callsign Bravo November, and one Wessex, which were airborne at the time) were destroyed in the fire. The loss of these helicopters meant that British troops had to march across the Falklands to capture Port Stanley. the Atlantic Conveyor picked up a cargo of four Royal Air Force Harrier jump jets, four Chinook HC.1s and six Wessex helicopters. that counts for more uk air loses.
  3. what am I doing now?

    back to the drawing baord.....
  4. what am I doing now?

    Wow i got mentioned. I'm the new guy thata been helping. I fact im realy theer coding slave, they got my coding to the wee hours of the morning locked inj some cold basement and ill get is some rice and beans as payment.. Ok just kidding. Ive been working on the harrier FM, ( flight model) adding some more reliastic features to it. trying to get it to react as real as the plane did in this year. It;s realy a easy job with this outstanding phyics system steve layed out for me. i'll write a autobiograhy so yall know who i am. I'll keep it less then 600 pges. Burp~!
  5. Recent screen shots of water explosions

    particasl are 2-d bitmaps. they go out in 3d creating a 3d like image. each with the own life and direction/speed. so if your asking if the spalshes are 3d, if theer particals this is a given. pactical effects are a no brainer for any level graphics coder. Yyrd <-- the newest member to the thunder-works coder team.
  6. What Do You Want More??

    I seen many a game not played because they was just to real. Any pilot will tell you flight is rather boring, aside from the take off and landing. Just think of how much combat a normal sim has per mission, vrs real life. this is alway a bit esscesive, but needed to prevent the game to be dreadfuly boring. To me the funnest game ive played was janes FA, a completely unrealistic game. But endlessly replayable. BTW i'm new here, and im a coder mysefve, ive been coden with darkbasic, but now ive moved upto c++. i fuond this site because, i was working on my own flight sim, and ild admit this one completely humbles me. Welcome me aboard, i plan to be hanging aruond for a bit. I just love how you guys picked the folkland wars, THIS was exactly the timeline i was after, this or a veitnam, but vietnam was a bit more common. i think the folkland war was very well balanced. also; i like the tech level. so many sim today are utra-modren. missles have to far range and too damn easy to fire to get your kill.In this timeline, your needed skill to get a missle kill. even the sarhs was very hard to fire. make many battles a battle of guns and pilot skill of manuvering. one thing i want to see is heli operations, if the gruond deatil is nice with fair amount of foilage, it wuold be very exciting to do some troop drops from heli's. as other aircraft sopport us. Burp~!

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