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Everything posted by SupGen

  1. NAVAL_STRIKE only comes into play if the opposing Navy is EnemyNation=001, see above. "The key is to create a new nation, SovietNavy in the NATIONS.INI that goes in the Flight folder, and to make it EnemyNation002 (or anything but 001) in the LimitedNationsList in the NATIONS.INI in the terrain folder." Also extract all the Soviet ships Data.inis and change their NationName to SovietNavy and place those Data.inis in the proper ship folders in the GroundObject folder. Do this for the Yak-38 also or it won't fly off the Kiev. If you set SovietNavy as EnemyNation=001 and Soviet as 002 in the LimitedNationsList in the NATIONS.INI in the terrain folder your airstrikes will only attack land targets; if you reverse it the game seems to act completely stock. So far, I can't see why TK didn't do it.
  2. Not even "Seven Days in May"! One of the best movies ever.
  3. Well, the later Mods DID have a 274Kg warhead (Mod 0 was 178Kg). Two questions Wrench; why would this one work better than the original one? Are you using the same Data.ini? Can a new .lod actually fix performance issues? The other question is: were you able to get the torp to hang better on the pylon than the accompanying pictures or are you just "squinting" at it a little, too? Edit: Hey Wrench, where are those historically accurate TBD skins you mentioned? Just searched the whole WW2 d/loads section (which, by the way, is getting quite large) and no dice. You're not keeping them to yourself, are you?
  4. You're the best! The wooden shrouds weren't just for shallow water; they were used on all Mk-13s after mid-1943 or so; check out the vids on this page: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7khO4qRRSFEAo_pXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0dWczZjcxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1NNRTIxNl84Mg--/SIG=12ked5eoj/EXP=1369789134/**http%3a//www.eugeneleeslover.com/VIDEOS/Aerial_Torpedo_Attack.html They were essential in causing the torpedo to assume the correct attitude before hitting the water and in holding down the speed to the point where the torpedo was eventually cleared for drop heights up to 2000ft and speeds to around 450kts. It would be more realistic for the later war years to have these attached, however, they did shear off on hitting the water, so, it's up to you. Check out those vids though, very cool stuff, shows the attachment process for the nose and tailfin shrouds and some nice video of the torpedo in use. Thanks again for your fine work.
  5. I just tried it; it works fine, slow, but fine. Give it another shot. Yeah Heck, I do the same thing; BeeMP3 has a lot of stuff. I think the copyright thing may be a little ambiguous; Fair Use (?) may apply for non-commercial purposes.
  6. Say, Veltro, can you upload the bottem fish in thes pic as Mod-1=early war?
  7. No problemo, there's also a music mod for it in the downloads section-The Byrds, Doors, Hendrix, although CCR is conspicuously missing. Here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11396-vietnam-era-sounds-mod-pack-for-sf2v/ . Very "period" and immerisive.
  8. Don't worry, I's a leetle fried, too. Long day of BBQ and all that! Glad you got it sorted out; it's kinda cool having your strikes originate from Yankee or Dixie depending on which terrain you select, ain't it?
  9. Something about the timing of the last two posts tells me you were writing while I was posting...don't uninstall the mod; believe me, the Data.inis are the problem, I just tested to be sure (nuke 'em from orbit; it's the only way to be sure). It took me half a rainy saturday afternoon to figure that out the first time and I forget it just like that. Boss; (looks furtively left and right), don't move the ships, just the Data.inis; you need the ships to take off from!
  10. All of which is worthless without this (I did say in that thread I linked to that I'm a big dope, right?)...the CVA-63, SBC-125, and theSUMNERFRAM2 all have pre-NA Data.inis in their folders that will prevent them from even showing up when using NavalMap=TRUE, much less allow you to launch aircraft. I just parked them in a folder called saved in the GroundObject folder in case I find out I need them (not so far). This allows the ships to use the new NA Data.inis in a merged install. I think I must be losing my marbles; something was bugging me, but I had to actually search through the GroundObject folder before I remembered. Sheesh!
  11. SupGen>Drooling! Oh man! That's gonna look nice on a Devastator!
  12. Heck, check out this thread, especially Post#6 on down http://combatace.com/topic/78293-all-strike-missions-are-on-carrier-battle-groups/. I used a different water map in each terrain; I'm getting strikes launched from Yankee and Dixie stations (as defined by the Carrier zones on the water maps).
  13. Soulfreak, it's not this, is it? http://combatace.com/topic/73755-terrain-tweak/
  14. Yeah, I brought the mod itself up to SF2 standard (folder structure, decals,etc.) but I haven't addressed things like the dual cockpit issue or anything like that. ADHD, I guess, I jump from one thing to another.
  15. A couple of good pictures, here. Note the tail shrould ring, it was hidden by the wooden box shroud in the other pictures.
  16. Here you go, Boss. Hope these are good enough. The tail should be the 13-1/13-2.
  17. Very close, Boss, verrry close.

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