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Everything posted by WarWolfe

  1. Ah yes I meant DCG but i think he may have the answers there.......and yes i do have 3.04 patch for the merged install. I have DLed your camaipan add on some time ago and the idea to look at what you did just never came to me..LOL...... :blush2: thanks MK2
  2. Mk2 can you post it? Also do you now how to slow in campaign flak fire? I downloaded lowengrin Dgen and the rate of fire is set way to high for my puter to handle.
  3. http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ or here: http://empyrean.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/~nem/gimp/tuts/ or maybe here: http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html or possibly this: http://www.rru.com/~meo/gimp/Tutorial/ This is just from the first page of 'Googling' for "gimp tutorials".
  4. Check this one found it at a models site Stalins Eagels is over 470 b&w photos, 16 color profiles, appendices, 368 pgs. Hrdbnd. WOW!
  5. Royalties against Modeling: There is a current political "war" in the US about Manufacturers paying royalties to trade names to build their Boeings, North American, Sikorskys and others, while the tax payers have already paid their dues to these companies. If the law is passed in Congress in the next few weeks, it could affect the modeling industry and make it too expensive to make new kits. Here is a link from Mike Bass of Stevens International http://greatmodels.com/main/Specials/copyrights.htm with more details and how YOU modelers and shop owners can react. From GreatModels.com website weekly newsletter. Don't Know if it relates to PC games or not.

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