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Posts posted by LZ43

  1. Hello. Anyone know some WWI/ WWII Air combat Games or Add Ons, where I can attack big Cities with Searchlights (Night-Air Raids) and Air-raid-sirens, like London, Berlin? It must be very cool, wen I attack a big City with my Zeppelin, or a nice B-17 and when I come closer to the City, the Air-Raid-Sirens wail, the searchlights capture my plane / Zeppelin......hope you understand, what I mean.




    PS:Sorry for my english, I'm german.

  2. I have fixed the Problem, now I can use L 32. The cockpit file and a parameter in the file "ZeppelinL32" was missing. But Now I have n new problem. The elevator dowsnt work on both Airships. On all other Aircraft it works perfectly and on the fictional Airship L 63 it work too. But with the R 23 and L 32 I can't fly up and down. But I can turn right and left. I use the Saitek Cyborg Evo-Joystick

  3. Hello. I downloaded and installed the flyable AI Airships R 23 and L 32. by ojcar (models and skins by Stephen1918)


    But I only can select the R 23. I can't see L32 in the Aircraft selection. But I put both Airships in the aircraft folder. R 23 works fine for me, but what is with L 32? How I can fix that?


    Please help me.





    PS: Sorry for my english., I am German.


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