Hey everyone!
How can I make the reheat caused light in cockpit less prominent (or disable it)?
It totally kills the immersion for me in night missions when I want to step on the gas and the dashboard suddenly gets illuminated like it is Times Square. :(
I'm playing WoE with NATO Fighters.
Thanks for your answers.
I've been fumbling around with the ini's and finally after finetuning the lightrange setting in 'AfterburnerEmitter3.ini' I made the cockpit look a lot less like it has a chandelier in it when I hit the gas. Although I changed the setting so the cockpit does get illuminated but only by a few tones as a low-key visual reminder that I have reheat on.
Thanks malibu43.
Thanks for your reply but I can't figure out a work around for my problem from that thread.
Also I'm not sure what differences are there between SF1 and SF2 .ini system... (I'm playing with the former)
Basically it is only a nuisance, I want the cockpit to stay like this
instead of this when I'm using the afterburner.