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About LtSturm

  1. anything better than this? :s :s
  2. I even can't select a carrier as home base in the mission editor... It aint in the list anymore... Please help thx
  3. Yes ok but in the beginning I had carriers, now If I want to takeoff from one MY plane is in the water.... that aint normal I guess... Is it possible that I deleted the carriers from the original games be adding mods?? And there in the groundobject folder... but can I check if they are enabled on the map? greetz
  4. Thx for the reply, but where can I do that? greeetz
  5. Hi Having a great time with this game, but I created a big problem! I lost my stock carriers... they 're in the map with the ground objects... but when I select a mission with a carrier the plane lies in the water? this also happens with AI planes... And I can't select them if i am editing a mission... I don't know where to look... Anyone an idea please? Greetz
  6. Is it possible to create or just no one interested??
  7. Is it possible in multiplayer to have a Human co pilot in the backseat of an f4 for example, like a RIO.. Grtz

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