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Everything posted by V4Friend

  1. Tracknoir

    Hi Robert, Did you also install the fix for 1.5? The issue you describe seems familiar...
  2. Tracknoir

    Hi Robert, First things first: does FaceTrackNoIR run and do you get the video-display with yellow lines around your face? Then you're really close. For FS2004 you need FSUIPC.dll to be in the right folder. You'll have to set 'game Protocol' to FSUIPC, click the appearing "Settings" button and define the location of the DLL. For Cliffs of Dover, you need to select the fake-TrackIR protocol. Did you assign a short-key for start/stop? Sometimes it helps to press this a few times...
  3. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi SkateZilla, Unfortunately, the non-commercial version of faceAPI does not support resolution-selection. But I think you could change the resolution in another program? FaceAPI uses 640x480 as standard...
  4. Tracknoir

    OK! I'm glad you have got it working now .
  5. Tracknoir

    Hi 33LIMA, OK! That's a good start . Did you load the 'Over Flanders Fields.ini' file? That contains the settings I have tested OFF with. I'm attaching it here (you should rename it to .INI though...) Over Flanders Fields.txt It is possible that the faceAPI has trouble with features like glasses or beards: I understand they are continuously working on that. Did you install the fix for update 1.5? Did you also assign short-keys to 'center' and 'start/stop'? It sometimes helps to press them, to initialize the view.
  6. Tracknoir

    Hello guys (and girls?), vonOben just pointed me to this thread, which I was not 'watching', so I didn't know you had problems... Thanks vonOben! The main reason there is no detailed description of 'how to use FaceTrackNoIR with OFF' is simple: it's easy . Well, there are some 'known issues', but they are not typically OFF-related. The only things that are specifically OFF: you must use the 'fake TrackIR' protocol and use Tirviews.dll. So what you do is: Install FaceTrackNoIR; Download Tirviews.dll and copy it into the installation folder of FaceTrackNoIR; Start FaceTrackNoIR; Select 'fake TrackIR at the 'game Protocol' listbox; Click the appearing 'Settings' button and tick 'use Tirviews' (the checkbox is only enabled if the file is found in the right place); Start FaceTrackNoIR and minimize (after checking it tracks your face); Start OFF; There are no settings you need to make in OFF (or CFS3 if you use that). I'm now watching this thread too, so if you still have questions: just ask
  7. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi crash101, I guess you read the manual? For OFF, there is not very much 'extra' to do. You should however get the TirViews.dll from NaturalPoint and set the 'use TirViews' checkbox for the 'fake TrackIR' settings. Good Luck!
  8. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi vonOben, Well, I haven't really paid attention to that. When I tried it before, the game 'kind of' halted and facetracking was not good. Now I have just flown a little round while looking around a lot. I would like to hear feedback from others too .
  9. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello vonOben, I just tried FaceTrackNoIR with OFF. Just like CFS3 it now works fine on my PC (CPU-load is quite high, but my PC is not exactly 'state of the art'). I think that with the previous version the load was 'just' too high and now it isn't any more . I would recommend a PS3Eye, if you are planning on buying a web-cam. Have fun!
  10. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Combat Aces! I have recently released update 5 of FaceTrackNoIR (if you didn't already notice). The website was also completely re-designed, so maybe you would like to take a look there? Update 5 contains a number of improvements, among which a brand new filter. It responds faster and makes tracking more accurate. As a bonus, the program seems to consume less CPU-power: I am now able to run CFS3, FaceTrackNoIR and TIRViews on my Dual Core PC and it works fine! Try it and have fun!
  11. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Yes, that may very well be the case. Maybe someone else can enlighten us on that subject? While trying to find a way to optimize my PS3 Eye, I did find a way to switch the driver to 'advanced-mode', so it can go higher than 30fps (see Webcams on FaceTrackNoIR) . I am now studying the CL-Eye SDK, to see if I can create a facetracker, using opencv (hopefully creating a 'lighter' tracker than faceAPI that way). That will not be easy and very time-consuming. It would really help if more people would support the project.
  12. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Ratatat, I've just tried some other combinations with the CPU-affinity of the processes FaceTrackNoIR.exe and CFS3.exe. Alas, to no avail: CPU-load jumps to 100% as soon as I start flying and then I can't even fly straight any more . It works best when I leave CPU-affinity to default and let both processes use both processors... I think there are some 'connections' there, which I am not aware of. You say 11%?! That very fair. I do really wonder why it won't work smoothly on your system then. I'm hesitant to propose some other things you might try, but I will anyway. Could you try another flight simulator (like FreeFalcon 5, it's free!) to see if that does work? Another thing you might try, is another web-cam (maybe you can borrow one, from a friendly neighbour?). I hate disappointing people
  13. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Gous, Thanks for your support. Indeed all donations are welcome! Some people just don't seem to realize the time, effort and money it costs to maintain and support a program like FaceTrackNoIR. @Polovski: Well, your PC-specs are significantly better than mine . 11% CPU-load is very decent. I had an older web-cam first and that used approx. 20%. Now I have a PS3 Eye and it tracks better, but uses more CPU (30%). I think that is mainly caused by the fact that it's resolution is higher, so a bigger image must be analyzed by faceAPI. I must investigate, to see if I can change that... I will try to run CFS3 and FaceTrackNoIR on seperate CPU's, to see if that works. I'll be back
  14. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi Polovski, 'Your thoughts are my thoughts' . I just tried that... Well, I changed the affinity of FaceTrackNoIR to use only CPU1 and let CFS3 use both CPU0 and CPU1. Actually, the results were worse than before... When I first tried the Tirviews solution, I only sat in the plane while moving my head and not touching any controls. Doing that it seems to work fine. However, when I do use the controls the CPU-load gets bigger (I can understand why) and the game gets choppy...
  15. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Well, couldn't find an 'Edit' button? This is my edit of my previous post: I have just tried CFS3 and FaceTrackNoIR again, while monitoring the CPU-usage. When both are running, my CPU-usage (well, of one CPU) is sky-high. That explains what happens when I also try to run fraps to record some video: my PC can't handle it .
  16. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Tamper (and others), After Ratatats' posts and after I had made some video's for FSX and FS2004 to put on youtube (see Gallery ), I tried CFS3 again (actually, I also want to shoot some images with that). Then I saw what Ratatat means: gameplay became very 'choppy' and head-movement was everything but smooth . Maybe the solution with the Tirviews DLL is not so good (yet). I'll look into it some more . BTW: my PC is not very impressive. It's a simple Medion Core2Duo E7300 @ 2,66GHz. Anyway, if you look at the video's I've shot with other games, you can see that the problem isn't really a face-tracking one (on my system). If the yellow lines appear and disappear like you say, then apparently there is a facetracking problem though...
  17. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi Ratatat, I'm sorry to hear that . For some users it's just not meant to be... It's probably a combination of PC-power, web-cam and bad luck that's keeping it from functioning right? Well, maybe you'll get lucky some day, win the lottery and buy a nice, new rig. Then you might try again .
  18. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello Ratatat, Well, no, there's no 'reset to defaults' button. But re-installing FaceTrackNoIR won't help much, because the settings are saved in the INI-file(s). You could just re-extract the file Over Flanders Fields.ini from the ZIP-file of update4 instead... You don't mention how much fps and CPU-load you get? It's quite important that you get the fps somewhere above 20, because otherwise it will probably respond badly. You already mention removing software, that may interfere with FaceTrackNoIR: that's good. Besides that, good lighting is very, very important. If fps are good and response is still slow, try gradually adjusting the settings: a lower settings always means faster response (but possibly more jitter). Hope you don't need a TrackIR, unless you're a millionaire
  19. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello OFF-fans and (hopefully-to-be) FaceTrackNoIR-users, After quite a bit of work, I have now released update 4 of FaceTrackNoIR . The new version includes: * configurable curves; * support for Microsoft FS2002, 2004 and FSX; * support for Microsoft CFS3 (and thus also OFF); * auto-start-tracking feature; * improved stability; * and some other tweaks; As usual it can be downloaded here: Downloads FaceTrackNoIR Users who don't have FaceTrackNoIR yet, must install version v130 and then apply update 4. To use FaceTrackNoIR with OFF it is necessary to have the file TIRViews.dll placed in the program-folder of FaceTrackNoIR. This file is part of the TrackIR software and can be downloaded here: TIRViews Then the 'fake TrackIR' game-protocol must be chosen and in the Settings from the protocol, the checkbox 'use TIRViews' must be ticked. I hope the website has enough information for anyone to start. If there are questions: ask them here P.S.: For any of you who like FaceTrackNoIR: It is now also possible to show your appreciation and support development by donating
  20. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello OFF-pilots, That's right! I've just finished beta-1.4, in which I have built support for some older games (like CFS3) and indeed it works (probably will work for OFF as well). If anyone wants to try the beta: just contact me. V4Friend P.S.: I will be offline for a few days: holiday

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