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Posts posted by JDUK

  1. Thanks to those who read my AARs - my visit figures were well up for the DCS campaigns. I had to close the website due to BT working on the line and slowing my connection to a crawl, but I've since got FTTC at 80mbps and moved to a much better hosting service, so my website is now back up.


    So far the only new content is the scale models, as I'm learning to use Joomla, but I will be flying further campaigns very soon and this time the videos will be much better quality, too.


    I hope some of you will pop along for a read/look and I apologise for the lack of action since December.

    • Like 1

  2. Don't see it mentioned elsewhere here, but Gunship! has been put up on Steam - for a mere £4.99 in the UK (that's around $7.50 I think).


    Also - the old mod sites are still up, so you can still get the stuff if you didn't already have it.


    I've had the CD since release - and really liked it back then. I tried it on Win7 H64 and it installed and started okay, but there were some problems that are probably fixed in the Steam version.

    About to give it another outing now - hopefully will get TrackIR working okay with the mouselook option, as POV viewing from a cockpit sends me squint... :blink:

    • Like 1

  3. Sim Voice Checklists, also known as Voice Activated Checklists - I posted this on the BMS forum - download links are given on the YouTube page, along with more info. It's mostly a demo of what can be done with Paul's little freeware program - but anyone can use my checklist however they like.




    Also, see Paul Endersby's videos on YT:



  4. I've had it since release - but I can't remember the last time I used it.


    I did like it to start with and it seemed quite a lot of fun, but when I installed it at a later date it just seemed different, somehow, and I didn't like it so much. The guns shoot differently - I think it's a bug that others have complained about, but I didn't have on my first install. They seem to shoot well above where I'm aiming and above the centreline.


    Never used the AA mode and radar - though I keep promising myself I'll try it, along with the scenarios Capt Sim provides, and their OpFor AI.


    Now P3D v2 is out, I may never get around to it.


    btw - if you do buy it, make sure you go and look in the relevant forum at Capt Sim, as many people have made custom ordnance and HUDs for it, along with posting config settings.

  5. Some time ago I installed a number of mods into SF2. I use the full 5 merged and the only DLC I have is the custom campaign one that allows you to change the aircraft you can fly.


    I always used whichever part of the SF2 series was required as a base for the separate mods (e.g. for Vietnam AG-XP I used the SF2:V executable and mod folders and so on). I didn't test all the mods, but the SF2V AG XP and Mescalaro range mods were flown and worked well, as did all the add-on aircraft that I had got from CombatAce - I put them in the standard SF2 mod folders and they showed up in the game, no probs.


    However, after taking a break of nearly a year, I am finding that the mods aren't working any more. I haven't updated since July 2012 and as everything has been left exactly as it was, I'm stumped as to why it won't play along.


    I get the same list of aircraft appearing, regardless of which SF2 'theatre' I start up, and none of the added aircraft are on it. Mescalaro is not showing as a theatre - only the default ones.


    The mods I have installed also include the full Nato Fighters 5 (and a separate NF4), which also doesn't seem to be adding anything extra.


    It's weird!


    I thought I'd ask here before doing a complete reinstall, as it's not something I ever had issues with before. Could it be something to do with SF2:NA, which I bought and installed after the modding had been done, and have never flown as yet?


    Two pics are the SF2 root folder and the mods folder in Saved Games:






    Ta for any ideas.

  6. Okay, I've finished the campaign now and all the AARs are up.


    It's quite a fun campaign - the biggest problem being having no targeting systems, so you can only really aim as far as you can see. That's okay for CAS, but when you are continually tasked to destroy SAM systems, it can get a bit critical - but then again, if you can't stand the heat... :baby:


    The only other thing is how nothing that you do in any mission affects any future missions. So, for example, if you have fulfilled your mission and have some ordnance left over, taking out some extra enemy hardware isn't going to help your future war effort one iota. The missions do follow a story, though - but my point is that you lose absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay by flying the missions as a series of singles instead of as a campaign.


    What I learned the most during the campaign is "if in doubt - send your wingman instead". So, if you can't find something (an enemy convoy, for example) just tell your wingie to attack ground targets or targets of opportunity and he will show you where the bad boys are. Similarly if you are not keen on attacking a SAM vehicle - usually Strelas in this campaign - just send him in, he usually pulls it off, but if he gets launched at he's likely to drop all his stores and you have to do everything yourself. Another thing is remembering that they only have four missiles before they have to rearm - I got lucky several times by attacking a SAM vehicle after it had launched a couple of missiles at my wingie and a couple at another flight. In some missions, for some reason they don't launch at you at all (such as mission 10).


    I tried to start The Valley this evening in the A-10A, but my heart really wasn't in it - looks like Cold War Warrior is up next, instead! :biggrin:

  7. I am concerned that the 'new terrain' we were assured would come once EDGE was done are going to turn out to be Nevada (sorry - no interest) or WWII/Normandy. So it may be quite some time yet (possibly a year or two) before any other terrain is released for us to fly our modern kit around :sad:


    Of course, I would hope we would get something relatively soon (i.e. within a year) but with what has been said, it doesn't really sound like it.


    Now, if we had the ability to fly our nice jets and helicopters around Normandy, I would definitely not complain! :smile:  Though that is a year or more away, too.


    Oh well... :shout:

  8. Yeah, I got that on the first flight - problem is that the troops that get put in by the Chinooks are very well guarded by air defences, too. As soon as they start shooting, your wingie drops all his hardware leaving you to carry the can. What I didn't know was that you can get a mission success without firing a shot.


    As it turned out, I switched the load from rockets to a couple of tanks and 6 S-25s and just blasted the rockets into the general landing area from a safe distance. After the convoy had arrived on the scene and destroyed the two Strela SAM vehicles and the manpad-toting grunts, I went in again and hosed them down with the cannon.


    The convoy only lost one vehicle, fighting through on their ownsome.


    Was one really weird thing, though - when I told my wingman to RTB he started heading off over the mountains! Dunno where he was going (the scenic route, perhaps...) but it wasn't to either of our bases! Thankfully a "complete mission and RTB" call brought him back.

  9. Nice one! I must get this mod. When I was a wee lad, I used to read the thicker action-comic books. Don't remember if they had a series name, but anyway, my fave one ever was a story about a squadron of RAF Whirlwinds that went East to fight with the Russians. I really liked that story and you never see much about the Whirlwind anywhere - I think most people never heard of it.

  10. Hmm, no option to delete the post - so I'll just let you know that this has been resolved now - the answer was given at DCS in the files section (where the campaign file is located) by Winz, who updated the campaign for FC3.




    Thanks to him for the update and the answer.


    So the AAR for this will be up on my website soon - now we can get on with the campaign! Great.


    Deployment is continuing, too (AARs also up ) and soon I'll be doing the valley campaign for the A-10A and Vergeev payware campaign for BS1 and after all of that, I intend flying Cold War Warrior in FC2 and then we'll see if I have enough energy left for Georgian Oil War in the A-10C and Black Shark.


    That's going to keep me busy!

    • Like 1

  11. Hi Chaps


    I'm having a problem with mission 6 in the Revanche campaign - if anyone here has flown it and got a mission success, I'd be keen to hear how you achieved it.


    I've flown the mission about 8 times now, and last night I thought I had finally cracked it, but no - I got neither a 'mission success' nor 'mission failed' - so I'm stuffed!


    I know what I am supposed to do - attack the units that get put in by the Chinook flight, and make sure our convoy gets through.

    The first problem is that it says there are four Su-25As in my flight, but in fact there are only two. Then there are lots of AA about and with the kind of weapons available to me, it means getting in close enough to ID the targets (at least 2 Strela vehicles and the odd Igla), and the wingman instantly ditches his load when we come under fire, and heads for home. So I am left to do everything myself. 5 times I eventually got shot down. Once I got a mission fail whilst flying and the convoy was miles away, so I've no idea why. Once I even ran out of fuel before the convoy had even reached the area where the enemy had landed! Just a kilometer from landing for fuel at Telek :blackeye:


    Last night I got to the area before the Chinooks had offloaded and together with my my wingman, we downed all but one of them, who limped home damaged - so no troops landed and I even waited for the allied convoy to get to Telek before exiting, but again, no mission success.


    I get the feeling I am going to have to hang back and wait until all the Chinooks have offloaded and left the area and then go in and kill everything with my meagre ordnance load (which wouldn't seem to be possible) on my own - maybe get reloaded at Telek once before the convoy arrives.

  12. I backed this - though I must admit, I withdrew my backing at one point (as they were asking in a poll about what they should release) and then repledged just before the end.


    I personally couldn't care less about the Me-262 and I never fly German stuff from WWII anyway (I did test a Bf109 in Romania scheme once just so I could say I had tried it :gamer: ) and as I'm not into dogfighting the only aircraft that will interest me is the P-47D, unless they make the Spit PR or FGR - I already have the P-51D.


    Am I the only one who thinks that scenery doesn't look right? It looks too much like a wishy-washy water colour painting to me. I sincerely hope that a lot more texturing will be done before release. It's a bit like FTX - people say it's so realistic, but to me it seems, well, similar to what I just described. I like UTX/GEX very much - to me, that looks great. :huh:

  13. I've been doing some AARs on my hobby website, if anyone is interested - some from Flaming Cliffs 3 (Revanche campaign) , Black Shark 2 (Deployment campaign) and one from Mi-8MTV.




    Hope you like them. So far the highlights videos are nothing to write home about, but now I have bought decent recording and editing software I hope they will improve - in picture quality, at least :prankster:

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