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Everything posted by JDUK

  1. CF-18

    Pleased and thankful as I am that you have provided this model for us, some further details here would be very nice, mate I am downloading it anyway, though
  2. Tunnan Festival

    Thanx :D
  3. Jaguar GR1 For SF2 series

    Thank you very much! Wish TFC/Eagle Dynamics/DCS would do one of these next. Fat chance!
  4. Whilst this is a nice model and enjoyable to fly on strike missions, I am completely unable to get the RN scheme to show. Installed the base pak and the two (J & H) upgrades. Have merged install to last update. Have read the readme (as always ). JD
  5. F-86K For SF2 by Paulopanz

    Yummy! Ta.
  6. Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2

    looks good - thanks
  7. StrikeFighters2 "Operation Hydra"

    screenshots are waay too big - even for my 1680x1050 monitor. Can't download either, either
  8. Unified Effects pack update 1

    Thanks anyway
  9. Unified Effects pack update 1

    mandatory in what way?
  10. DH Sea Vixen FAW.1 & FAW.2

    8.74MB = large? Whatever - thanks, Skippy One of my faves JD
  11. Dassault Mirage5COA, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

    Downloads fine for me Thanks JD
  12. Templates for 3W Harrer GR1

    Ta - this could be interesting...
  13. Yak-27R fix 1.1

    thanks - original: http://combatace.com/files/file/11743-yak-27r-for-sf1/ JD
  14. Su-30Mk2

    This is in the SF2 aircraft section, but you describe an install into SF1 - so will it work in SF2 as well, 'as is' ?
  15. Thanks for your reply, Eric. Yeah, it's not so important, I just looked at it and saw those results and thought "wtf?!!". So long as the correct outcome is logged in the run of the campaign - although I don't know if that affects the way the campaign proceeds. Ta JD
  16. Thanks for this add-on - it's giving me a baptism of fire in the Thud, rather than the tame, by comparison, A-4B in the default Rolling Thunder. I do have a query, though - whether it's a general SF2 thing or pertaining only to this mod, I don't know. It's the mission debrief results - they seem to be inconsistent. I went on a mission to destroy a warehouse - which I succeeded on doing at the second attempt (used the 'refly' option after missing the first time) and these were the results: This just doesn't make sense to me at all. How can my wingman have launched 10 weapons for 0 hits and 0% and yet have 5 kills? In my own case, I'm guessing that I was credited with 3 kills due to dropping the 6 bombs in a ripple with max interval and hitting 2 barracks as well as the intended warehouse. So why does he have 0 hits? Or is that just about hitting the assigned target? I did send him off to attack some nearby AA radar which came up as a target on approach. Secondly, where did that supposed AA kill come from? Yes, I had flown some single missions a few weeks bak - but if that is what this AA kill is from, then why do I have only one AG kill credited, when I've destroyed many targets? Just doesn't make sense to me. Oh - one other point - when I dove to attack the warehouse, I found myself diving through my F-4 fighter escort! I nearly had a heart-attack when they suddenly came out under me and around my cockpit. Is this right - I was at low altitude. JD
  17. I posted this yesterday - when I came back today to add some screenies, I couldn't find any edit option - so I deleted it and made a new post :) Wow! Just had a baptism of fire on my first campaign. Thought I was getting nowhere in all my single mission activities, which I was using as training, couldn't hit a barn door at 5 feet with a Blunderbus! So what the hell, I thought - might as well do some proper training - on the job! I chose Vietnam for my first campaign, as I'm a striker by nature (being ex-army, I would be! ). I had never taken off from a carrier in a jet before, either - full power, brakes off and hope! It turned out pretty easy in the end. Anyway - first mission wasn't much different from the single mission types, except there were much more enemy aircraft about. We did have to scarper pretty rapid, like, after accomplishing the mission goal and destroying the inevitable warehouse. Daft, isn't it - in all the training bombing missions I've done in the last week, I never hit a thing (well, not the target, anyway) and yet on my first campaign mission I hit with my first bomb. Second mission is SEAD - a bit more interesting. Main mission goal was completed tout suite - but we got bounced by a flight of Frescos. Whilst the escort and my wingman held them off, I bashed another couple of AAA units before heading home. By this time, a Fresco had got on my tail, and he was clearly visible in my mirrors. So I quickly doubled back and pulled him into my sights..... click! Winchester! Sheeee-hit! So I did a quick squiggle-all-over-the-joint (special technique... ) and managed to pull out a few hundred yards on him. Then I had to skoot the whole way home with this guy on my tail, at less than 150ft agl, as I don't know what kind of AA kit he has on board and think I have better chances at treetop level than up where he can easily see me. I had to take a windy route around the several AAA sites enroute home and just hope no-one would get the chance to get a shot off at me, wondering the whole time if an A-4 can outrun a MiG-17? I thought not, and he did seem to be gaining - but maybe help was at hand...? I called in to base for assistance and they duly sent a flight of interceptors in our direction - but unfortunately, from our rear - and they never caught up! Eventually they gave up and turned away - I couldn't believe it! By this time, we were over open ocean - there was nowhere to hide. My only remaining hope, with him gaining by the minute, was to fly back to the carrier and hope they would blast him when he flew over - unless he chickened out first. At times I was less than 50ft above the waves Finally, the carrier came into sight - huge relief and desperation in equal measures sweeping through me as I kept an eye in my mirros - as I approached the carrier really fast, like, I started worrying that I wasn't going to pull up in time to make it over the deck and yanked back on the stick - and just made it, zowsing past the 'tower' in a move that would make Maverick cry into his beer! Anyway, I noticed on the map view that the Fresco hung around a bit over the carrier, before pulling away. With a sight of relief, I turned back towards the ship - only to see him suddenly rejoin and start coming at me again! The ship's crew didn't seem to have any AAA to hand, so my only chance was to try and land the thing (which I've never done on a carrier with a jet - just a couple of time in props in IL-2). My approach was a shambles, and I did a Cougar and came in wayyyy too low - but just popped up at the last second and plonked it on the deck, having only remembered at the last second to lower the hook. Made it! "He's bugging out and heading home..." Actually, on later debrief I noticed he is heading straight towards my wingman, who got left behind (as if I was hanging around...). Well he will go galavanting off on his own! If they are all like this, I'm gonna need a new pace-maker! Cheers JD
  18. F4:AF types and CPs

    no longer relevant - sorry, don't see an option to delete. JD
  19. Do we need to download this again now? I don't see anything about what was updated? It's just that, together with part 1, it's a quite large download for those of us with monthly limits :) JD
  20. For some reason, I am unable to view or save any of the weapon info documents linked to in the Unofficial Community Manual forum's Bunyap's Weapons Wiki thread. Anyone know why? JD

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