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Everything posted by JDUK

  1. That's exactly what I mean. It has nowt to do with my browser, though - I keep getting a page telling me I don't have permission to view them. JD
  2. Hi Guys (and Gals?) I just discovered SF2 a week ago and have bought SF2/E/V and will get the others next month. I've been a LOMAC/FC/FC2 pilot for years and fly FSX a lot (on the Air Hauler development test team), but this combat sim has just completely blown me away - I'm having a real blast with it (pun intended). I have paid my subs and spent the whole week downloading the amazing mods you guys have created, and made public for no personal gain other than to see others enjoying the fruits of your work. I have reached my download limit now (I got slammed by Talk Talk last week and am forced onto a 3G mobile connection for now) but as soon as I am back on my rightful ISP connection, I'll be back in the download selection, fetching aircraft I never though I would have the pleasure of flying - let alone in a combat environment. You are doing a fantastic job! THANK YOU :clapping: JD c/s Zebedee

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