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Posts posted by RedShooter

  1. Thanks for the replies, so one word of advice from you guys


    when i land my damaged plane on the ground, do i press the escape key to end the mission and hope that i do not end up dead or should i press shift-escape key to bail even though my plane is already on the ground?

    I realise when i press shift-escape when my damged plane had landed on the ground, it blew up and mission ends, but i may not necessarily die, i got chance to escape in fact comapred to just pressing the escape button to end the mission.

    Please advise.

  2. Hi all, i am 2 weeks into first eagle gold and I have a few more questions

    that needs answers.

    1. How do I know if my wingmen was shot down by flak and not by

    enemy aircraft? If one of your guys is shot down by flak, does the debrief log

    tells you so?


    2. On the campaign map,it seems that all the airbase have a supply

    Percentage, how does it affect the campaign?


    3. Now this is a weird discovery, when I was badly shot up and I managed

    To land my plane on the ground safely, I press the escape button and it shows

    That I am killed. ????? I managed to land safely already, why killed? Later I discover that

    If I press shift escape to bail even I land my damaged plane, I have a chance to escape. Bug?


    4. I discover enemy plane which seems not damaged in battle start emitting smoke all of a sudden and then crash. Is that a bug?

  3. Hi guys,


    I bought the first eagles gold recently and had a go at the Cambrai campaign. I found the game great , and have use some of the updated effects mods and such on this website, but i have a couple of questions


    1. In one of the mission, i thought i personally shot down 3 enemy R.E.5a british planes but in the debrief, it shows that i only have 1 kill , the other 2 went to the credit of my other wingmen. Just want to know

    if this is a bug ?


    2. I have 2 fellow pilots KIA at the moment in my campaign, will i get any replacement pilots soon?


    3. Does the ground flak or artillery ever hits you?? It seems that me and my wingmen were never hit, even though we flew through the worse flaks ever. They seems to miss most of the time.


    4. Sometime in the mission debrief, i will see my wingman having kills and the number of hits landed on it etc. but there is another 1 kill right below which he have no hits on, but consider a kill too. Is that a probable



    5. Will i encounter enemy aces in the campaign? Currently it seems that me and 2 other wingmen ar the only known aces on the whole map....


    Thanks, and i hope i can get answers to my above queries as i cannot seems to find the answers in the manual.


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