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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. Hi all I would like to expand bakwards my angle of vision (it should be nice using my trackir , have a glimp at my vertcal stabilizer) from the first person cockpit position. Ive read something about how to get it, in a previous post here , but I cannot finf the viewlist archive to edit. pd:. I run SF2 EU pack, at the latest patch (July 2013) Thanks S!
  2. I wonder if It is possible by editing the viewlist.ini?, not to unlock the head movement on all the aircraft and get a 380º all around view,. but just modify the view limits and let say to gett a specific an generic angle of view for the whole aircraft. S!
  3. Many thanks to you , but... Ive extracted the viiewlist file and I´ve edit it, Now, what is suposed I have to do with it? And another thing, about the twiking fir the lighting,how do u know the "ObjectData022.CAT". is the place to find his COCKPIT.INI file , is there a list or similar? Thks again and I beg ur pardon x my english. S!
  4. (If you go into the viewlist.ini and make the following changes LimitPitch=FALSE -----> look up down - FALSE allows more freedom so I use it LimitYaw=TRUE ------> Set to FALSE to enable 180 all round LimitRoll=FALSE This will unlock the head movement on all the aircraft......) How may I get the viewlist.ini? Thks S!
  5. Good, But how i get the COCKPIT.INI? From where? I have Windows 7 home premium SP1, the path to my SF2 file is (C:\Users\Alex\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Objects\Aircraft\Lightning6), there I dont found any cockpit file, just Lighting6 file. S!
  6. Hi all I would like to expand bakwards my angle of vision (it should be nice using my tracki have a glimp at my vertcal stabilizer) from the first person cockpit position. Ive read something about how to get it, in a previous post , but I cannot finf the wiewlist archive to edit. pd:. I run SF2 EU pack, at the latest patch (July 2013) Thanks S!

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