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Everything posted by zagnut

  1. The Other "chief" In Our House.

    Good for you Chief...and Chief! That's a good looking dog, and you were right about him looking P.O. but being nice about it! lol We're looking into getting a dog, but it's like taking baby steps w/ her man. She has never had a pet in her life growing up, so we got the cat first a few years ago; now it's doggy time. She had some premonition about 'small house = small dog theory' which I'm trying to disprove, and I don;t really think it's working all too well. So, I'll have to cave and get a wussy dog, but I guess that's ok. I haven't had a K-9 buddy in some time now.
  2. I Need To Vent.

    Dude, I'm right there with you. My other half and I always have the debate- "To spank or not to spank" She never got spanked IN HER LIFE! Me, my brothers and sisters all got our butts busted. She thinks it's child abuse; I think it's enforcing the rules when the kids don't listen. If any of us ever meet up together in real life and I have kids that are getting out of line, I Give FULL PERMISSION to bust ass. Teach those little buggers a lesson. The only kid in my family who never got spanked was my little sister Hope. She hardly ever did anything bad. Being the youngest of all of us, she saw what could happen!
  3. Today Is My B-day

    Happy birthday bud. Hope all goes well for you!
  4. Fellas, Life Is Good Ya Know...

    I lost 10 pounds and 3% body fat so far in the last 2 weeks. A friend came into town this weekend and we partied, but I'm trying hard not to undo all that hard work. Way to go PC. Keep us updated.
  5. My fiance and I just saw it last night, and it was pretty powerful. Curious of anyone else has seen it yet.
  6. Haha, Yes It Is, Yes It Is.

    wtf mate???
  7. Gun Footage...this Is Graphic Be Warned.

    I agree w/ you guys. I see my fiance as I would look at the general public. I deon;t tell her things about our firepower, tactics, or some of the tools we used to get the job done. I know that killing is tough, and it can take alot out of a person mentally as well, but they would've done the same thing if they had the chance. Better him than me. As one of the Comanche test pilots said, "If it turns into a fair fight, then you did something wrong."
  8. Gun Footage...this Is Graphic Be Warned.

    My fiance saw that in an email circulating around the office. She freaked out about it when she got home and asked me why they do that to innocent people. I had to explain to her that those guys were Iraqi combatants, and pointed out the vehicle on the left was clearly a military one. She still didn't belive me. Yeah, what Seawolf said...
  9. Oh Man!

    Very sweet, lookin' forward to those pics! :D
  10. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    sorry, i hit the submit button twice, mod plz del
  11. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    Oh, I forgot my websites: Biohaz - ROOLES! Sim hq Fark.com ebaum's world albinoblacksheep.com rvb.com sftt.org - Col. Dave Hackworth's site; He worte About Face, and Hazordous Duty oming others, and was the first senior officer to speak up against Vietnam. That's about it
  12. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    Oh, I forgot my websites: Biohaz - ROOLES! Sim hq Fark.com ebaum's world albinoblacksheep.com rvb.com sftt.org - Col. Dave Hackworth's site; He worte About Face, and Hazordous Duty oming others, and was the first senior officer to speak up against Vietnam. That's about it
  13. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    Lets see: Rainbow 6 pt 3 hitman2 halo lomac sfp1 IL-2 FB empire earth cnc generals call of duty the latest jedi games morrowind w/ expansion max payne 2 air racing planetside - dont play anymore it's a rip GTA 3 GTA vice cuty x-wing alliance galactic civalizations cnc red alert 2 unreal 2 americas' army- it's ok and last but not least: Battlefield 1942w/ most mods All on a mere 40 gig hard drive w/ a buttload of music (should I have said that?) that's off the top of my head so far
  14. Need Prayers...

    I'll be praying for you man, and pilot is right on what he said about thigs turning around for the better. So, have faith in your prayers and your family members. Good luck, and blessings.
  15. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    In light of all debates on the new president, raising of taxation and all, (and I'm no Hillary supporter). I can only think of one thing: Pay to Ceasar what is Ceasar's. That just popped into my head for some reason.
  16. 3d Rendered Mig-21

    That was sweet. :D
  17. A Small Prayer Request......

    I'll be holding you guys up tonight
  18. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    BIG rgr on that one.
  19. Which Mos Would You Pick?

    Hey guys, I can pick from some tasty MOS's for my re-enlistment, and I wanted to get the opinion from those who have ARMY background. It's cool if anyone puts thier post in tho. Here's what we got: Military Police Radio Operator/ (fixer upper guy) Medic SATCOM (this is a 39 week course btw, and it takes forever for a clearance) those are some of the MOS, here are the units: 992ND TROOP COMMAND LAS VEGAS NV 72D MP CO (-) HENDERSON NV 72D MP CO (-) - DUIC HENDERSON NV 777 EN TM UTILITIES CO (4000) HENDERSON NV 777 EN TM UTILITIES(4000) DUIC HENDERSON NV 1864TH TC CO (MED TRK) HENDERSON NV 440TH SIGNAL COMPANY HENDERSON NV That's it for my area, anyone know or have info on these units maybe? Thanks
  20. Which Mos Would You Pick?

    Thanks for the info Gator, but I've already been in 2 branches of the service! I started in the Army and switched to the Marine Corps in the late 90's. The Mos's listed are the only ones that I'm interested in. I originally wanted active duty, but I had to compromise with my Wife-to-be, and re-enlisting would be simpler done right there in the rec office that at MEPS. I walked in and asked the recruiter what was open and went from there. My MGIB had run out, not that you mentioned it, but the other reason for the Guard is that they feed into state run Gov. jobs, which seems the only option out here in Vegas unless you're a union person.
  21. Which Mos Would You Pick?

    Thanks for your replies. The #1 reason I'm going Guard is because of 100% state school tuition assistance. Second, they have a buttload of 'continuing education' courses that could very well help me find a job. Since I'm going to incorperate a life change into this ie: get my fat ass back in to shape and stay that way; I'm going to eventually shoot for OCS or WOC school. I'd love to be the first in my family to be commisioned since WWI. It's kinda wierd, we had one officer in the Civil War, and one in the first World War, but non since. We've all been mostly a family of Sergeants! I guess we get one officer per century. Thanks again. Any other advice?
  22. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    They're breeding like...rats!
  23. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Just a couple things I want to throw in here; Taxes will be raised, there's no doubt about it. We have a big bad defecit right now. Corperations are shipping most jobs out of country and cutting positions here in the states; it's for real because I was one that was laid off among many thousands. A couple of days ago, CNN and most networks reported a 1% or so increase on jobs in the U.S., and the Department of Labor was wetting themselves in delight. They are mostly contracting jobs for various projects, which are being eaten up by most unions. Those of us not in one or not affiliated are SOL. Guys, the 'old boy club' is at it's pinnacle. Trickle down economics hasn't taken effect because hardly anyone is spending money except for our guvmint which is paying off companies like Haliburton, Bechtel and several others for the reconstruction of Iraq, and they're making off like bandits. I know from experience because I used to work for the Bechtel outfit. My Dad and my fiance` are still with them. The only ones still keeping their jobs are mostly managers. They fire the worker-bees and the Mgrs. do the stuff that the others did because there isn't anything left. Houston office is a ghost town and has been since 1998, Frederick, MD has followed suit since 2001. Most people have taken jobs (hard to find I might add) overseas in Iraq or in other pipeline countries like Turkey. Not that it's all bad, but I do have dear friends in Iraq right now, and they say it's hazardous to one's health (expected, but not like this). Anyone is fair game there aside from our servicepeople, and it's pretty sad to see that is happening to people I know, love, and worked with most of my life. (I grew up in Houston, Dad's an engineer) It's these reasons that have affected my life, that helped me make the decision to re-enlist in the Guard. I know that it's a weekend warrior thing, but EVERYONE is getting the call to go active, and jobs out here in Vegas are like hot, disease-free women that would want to go home with me. That is very few and far in between.
  24. A Joke Just For You Chief

    Good one!
  25. 100 Posts!

    Well guys, I had my height/weight taken today for re-enlistment, and I need to lose 4% body fat. Translate that to body weight, and I need to lose at least 10 pounds. I think I'm going to go on a low carb/high cardio diet and workout for the first 2 weeks since I get weighed in again in that exact time. What do you guys think?

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