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Everything posted by zagnut

  1. I've Been Mia

    Glad to see everything turned out ok. Welcome back, welcome back, Welcome back! dadada
  2. It's A Conspiracy!

    Dudes, About 3 weeks ago, I bought a new ATI graphics card since my GF4 had burned out and was non-functional. Well, I install the thing with Omega Cat drivers (they rock), and test it on my software. It was the first time I had ever gotten the BSOD with XP ever in my life. After a day of optimization, most things are running smoothly, so I go out and get Farcry. "No", my puter says, "Not even when hell frezzez over will you run this game." I was like OMG! This card is for the most part twice as fast as my old GF4 ti4600 128mb card. Well today, I became fed up with it. I went back to Fry's and exchanged the ATI for a Geforce fx 5600 256 card and all my computer can say is "Thankyou, I won't melt when you play LOMAC anymore." Now, the whole conspiracy theory of mine is that how does everything work great with nVidia and goes from bad to worse with ATI? Even with new XP service packs, re-formats, driver rollbacks and updates (LOMAC players KNOW what I'm talking about), this ATI's performance is mediocre at best with all the tweaks in the world? I know that most devs get freebees from nVidia in terms of hardware. Yet, everywhere I look, I see the logo; on walls, magazines, games, and websites. It's getting as bad as the Budwieser ads in Texas! Ads are one thing, but come on, now we have to buy the bloody video card that the friggin game was 'optimized' on? Who's with me here?
  3. It's A Conspiracy!

    Could it be more like ATI+AMD=good? or Intel+nVidia=good? or ATI+Intel=bad? I don't know, but I do know that Liquor+beer=good, not the other way around.
  4. Combat Helmet

    LOL I remember when I was 14, my mom got me some Aviator glasses that went with my bomber jacket. I loved them so much, that I'd wear them while playing B-17 and listening to the Glenn Miller tape I bought at the Air Force Museum. If that's not geeky....
  5. Doolittle Raiders

    That is truely outstanding.
  6. Nice Movie (how Low Can You Go?)

    Very cool!
  7. Jesse Ventura For President?

    I aint got time to bleed, but I'd vote for the Body.
  8. Nvidia Geforce 6800

    for more info, check out www.gonegold.com There's over 30 pages of links on the specs. To sum it up in a word; it's a monster. I think I'd have to finance that thing.
  9. Ouch!

    I have one thing to say for all of us with a girlfriend/ wife....
  10. Nice skin work, but I love the cockpit most of all. Very nicely done Wolf!
  11. Jealousy

    We just got a new dog a couple of weeks ago, and we take her out 3 times a day. Well, the cat sits on the porch and watches us walk off with the dog so she can do her business, but tonight had an interesting twist... Earlier in the evening, Vicki and I took the dog with us to the pet store thinking she would have a good time there. About an hour and a half later, we get back to find out cat sitting at the front door waiting for us. Usually this really never happens unless one of us is gone a 2 or so days; he wonders where the other went, but today was the first time I have ever seen jealousy in one of my animals. Just about 30 minutes ago (it's 11:15 now PST), Vicki again took the dog for the last walk of the night. As she was heading out the front door, the cat jump in front of her and the dog yelling "MEOW!" to be let outside. This is not our policy, or in the usual Rules of Enagement when dealing with the cat. He gets most of the house, the porch, and the main bedroom. NOW he's dying to go for a walk. Luckily, we made a contingency plan to deal with this situation; he has a small harness and leash. I tie him up to a tree when I'm working in the garage or washing the car, but never has he been so intent on this whole 'outside' thing. So, I affix the leash thing and pick him up; at the same time he yells and hisses at me! He wants to do it all by himself! I set the boy down, and away he goes, right into the shrubs. Thank God I had him on a leash. We sit outside for about 10 minutes while he sniffs and eats grass but doesn't really go anywhere, and I tell him "Time to go inside" (he knows this from sitting on the porch near bedtime). He also knows how to say 'no' but in a meow kind of way. So, he starts up "NONONONONONONO!", as I picked him up and headed inside. I get him in, and be throws a Sh*t fit, jumping and yelling at the door to open. He finally calmed down and now he's chilling with me in the computer room. Now for a question: Has this happened to anyone else???
  12. Black Hawk Down

    It is truly an amazing story for the U.S. troops. Going into it soem more peaked my fascination when I read about Mike Durant, the other Blackhawk pilot that was shot down but survived to be captured. On another note, I wish I could get Vicki to understand what it means to be a Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine and serve your country. When we watched the movie, she kept asking about the two Delta snipers, "Why don't they get out of there, the guy's dead anyway?" She, like soooo many others doesn't understand, and I'm having a hard time getting her to. She, like the others out there (not all) cannot corrilate the pride of serving one's country with honor, defending it, and helping your teammates come home alive. I wish there was a button I could press tp change that. We might have more people actually supporting the troops then just saying it. /Sorry, needed to vent a little. Semper Fi all! S~
  13. Just Curious

    Does anyone know of a modern jet simulator with a true dynamic campaign without over the top AI that doesn't take a 3.0hgz system to run?
  14. Just Curious

    Thanks Skater, I just sent you a pm.
  15. Just Curious

    My bad, I have that one. Shoulda said something. I was just messing around sim hq, and learned that alot of people are still playing Falcon 4. I wonder where I can find that. I haven't seen a copy of that on store shelves in years.
  16. nevermind, just shortly after this post, I found the 'save' button.. lol
  17. The A-10 is one uuuugly plane, but gets seeexy results! ;)
  18. Looks Good

    Thanks for the link Fates, I'll give it another shot. :)
  19. Looks Good

    Well, yes, It looks great, the gameplay is wonderful, and the AI is fanfrikintastic. I wish I could get it to run. Since loading this thing, I've gotten countless BSOD's for the first time that I've ever had Win XP! If you have an ATI card, and want to play this game; be sure to check out the ubi.com forums under farcry and go into the technical support postings. I don't know if it's bugs or just hardware conflicts, but I spent 7 hours trying to get this thing going on low graphics and still no dice. My specs: P4 1.8 ghz 1gig rdram 10 free HD space ATI 9200 256 mb 8X agp card SB live All drivers updated from catalyst to bios - the whole she-bang dxdiag - turned sound acceleration to minimum loaded Farcry 1.1 patch, still no luck Disabled disk shadowing and pagefile, running apps acceleration according to program only. Some errors: Numerous VPU errors (ATI thing)- when disabled, my pooter would just freeze up. countless BSOD's (first time ever since having XP) after uninstalling and reinstalling/ wiping everything out of the registry related to Crytek, I get a splash screen with a logo and then no activity. (when re-installed) I know the sys specs were steep, but I also knew that it would atleast run on my system. Since getting the card, I can play LOMAC w/out probs! That's an achievment for me. It's kinda sad when one can't even run a game when the specs even far exceed the so-called minimum requirements without all 'the pretty'. I don't know about the others, but I feel cheated. At least until another patch comes out the make this crap work.
  20. Probs With New Nvidia Drivers

    Hi all, I just loaded up new nvidia drivers- 56.xx i think, butg whenever i load a program, i get a freeze/ctd. anyone know how i can fix this?
  21. Probs With New Nvidia Drivers

    lol. GOD help us all!!!!!
  22. Post When You Got It!

    Just got it an hour ago, and now I'm d/l the final patch b/c the game crashed me cold on every load. Also d/l new catalyst drivers as well. Will post when I get that bloody game running.
  23. Probs With New Nvidia Drivers

    Actually, I just bought a new ATI card. It's not the drivers, but the dang thing has been easily overheating, and they wouldn't replace it! Nothing personal, and I've been using their cards for years now, but c'mon man!
  24. Probs With New Nvidia Drivers

    rgr that

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