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Everything posted by hrc

  1. Iran Wants to Play Stupid Games....

    It's all within the international and maritime exclusion zone law. Pull your horns in, and holster your guns boys...
  2. Press PrintScrn on your keyboard when you see one!
  3. 2015 04 13 222532

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

    Cooking over the range
  4. 2015 04 13 222321

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  5. 2015 04 13 220142

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  6. 2015 04 13 214351

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  7. 2015 04 13 214238

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  8. 2015 04 13 213557

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  9. Jug Has Passed Away

    R.I.P. Sir
  10. ...and they yell a lot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z32p4ZA_beg
  11. Saudi Arabia is Hitting Yemen

    Saudis also hate Syrian gvmnt and Iranian gvmnt. because they are populistic and revolutionary, Baath party in particular. Such parties are inherently opposed to monarchies and royal houses which Saudi royal house is, and such ideas are a threat to them. Why do you think Saudis are begging USA to bomb Iran, they have even said that they would allow Israeli jets to fly over their teritory if they decide to strike Teheran...
  12. Saudi Arabia is Hitting Yemen

    Ha ha! Saudis supporting owerthrow of government in Syria , and at the same time supporting "legitimate" government in Yemen from owerthrow. Their PR personas should advise them to refrain from such imbecilic statements. When one day the fall of the House of Saud comes it will be a grand spectacle for sure.
  13. The audacity

    Nice photo. Judging by the belly underneath the fuselage it is the maritime patrol version of the Bear, the Tu-142. I guess such encounters weren't unusual during the cold war...
  14. 2015 02 02 220837

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  15. 2015 03 04 204134

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  16. 2015 03 02 211042

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  17. 2015 02 28 191324

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  18. 2015 02 20 221029

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  19. 2015 02 18 213806

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  20. 2015 02 14 204431

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  21. 2015 02 13 220123

    From the album Falcon BMS 4

  22. 2015 02 13 214330

    From the album Falcon BMS 4


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