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Posts posted by bigal1

  1. Indeed, things look great on your example.

    Again no luck here with your shader mod though, animated water insists on being crappy on my system.


    I just checked with a clean 2006 WOE installation, and animated water gives no such flaws with that version. So I correctly remembered it to work properly in the past.


    Coincidentally a similar topic was just revived at the thirdwire tech. support forum:



    Same for me aswell , works fine in raw version but not with new patch . Interesting what the other thread is saying about the z buffer think i'll look more into that .

  2. I downloaded and installed your shader effect , it has fixed the blue outline around waters edge but left me with flickering on the water ? . I've checked the entries regarding the fix and they seem to be ok in your shader effect so i'm sure somehow this can be fixed as before your shader was installed i had no flickering but blue outline and after have flickering but no blue outline . Somewhere between the 2 i think i'll find a fix lol

  3. Hi there , i'm also getting the dark blue outline at the waters edge . I'm using the payware euro terrain from razbam store and i also have square box's appear in the water which seem to be visable at about 20k ft , the dark outline flickers and sometimes goes away the closer u fly to the land . On a side note i have some flickering on the cloud when close up and wondered if it was a clipping issue and how to sort it ?

    I use an nvida 8800 gfx win xp pro

  4. I've had this problem before and the only way i found to fix it was to unlink all the landing gear parts then reset xform . I'm guessing the problem was something to do with mesh pivot point orientation and animation , after resetting xform i think you will have to redo gear animation . Good luck


    Ps . Dont forget to have backup of file just in case as xform reset cannot be undone ( i think lol ) .

  5. Hi all , i have a model of the XB70 which has been sat on my HD for a while so i decided to give it some attention . One problem i have found is that when i powerup on the runway the aircraft will veer off to the left , not by a huge ammount but enough to have to correct it with full rudder . Everything seems to check out fine with the model in max so i'm guessing it could be an ini issue and wondered if anyone here had any ideas on what could be causing this and any fix's i could try .














  6. That is truely INCREDIBLE!!!!


    Quick question:


    Where would I be able to find the B-1 aircraft? Is it available for a free download?


    Hi there , the B1-B is not complete yet but when it is finished you will be able to download it from this web site :yes:


    There is not much more work to do on the actual model but the uv mapping is gonna be the hardest part for me to sort out ( i have serious uv problems lol )

    I'm in touch with a few people at the moment who hopefully will be able to help me sort out the uv stuff , if this happens it may be ready a lot sooner than expected .

  7. Damn this bird is great and I love the pit pic!! WOE is getting a new generation sim.. if you compare it with the first strike fighter release!


    There has to be some things redone, avionics a bit so you can target something on the ground .. for the AGM-65 eg and sound files... maybe a new start up the engine possibilitys together with those sounds .. compare lomac and WOE (sound)


    Yeh you right there mate , these things would be a nice addition to the sim .

  8. Hi all , this is a quick update on the b1 progress . I had some computer storage problems and lost my main file for the b1-1 which was not good , so went to backup storage of my 3ds files loaded up the backup and somehow this file was a very early one and not the current one . Now i very much wanted to get the bone completed and in game but just couldn't bring myself to go back to the start of the project lol so i have aqquired a new b1-b model through the correct channels of course :yes: and this one is waaay better than my model was . I'm still having problems with uv mapping which is slowing me down on quite a few projects ( still skinning them my own cheap way haha ) but as soon as i can figure this out hopefully the bone and a few others can get released , so here are a few screenies of the new b1-b ( some of you may recognise the model :wink: ) .

















  9. The cockpit model in 3ds MAX has to be build around the zero point of all axes. This zero point is the place where the game sets your viewing point. So figure out, where the pilots head would be in the cockpit and move the pit to there.

    Also, have you changed the name of the cockpit model?



    ModelName=F-15CPit <--- In this example your exported model would need to be "F-15CPit.LOD"


    The position line is just to tell the game where your cockpit is, so the game engine knows, what parts of the external model you can see from there.

    If you are still stuck, feel free to contact me. :wink:

    Well all is working good now , the problem was the position of the cockpit in 3ds max . Thanks for the advice was just what i needed :good:

  10. The cockpit model in 3ds MAX has to be build around the zero point of all axes. This zero point is the place where the game sets your viewing point. So figure out, where the pilots head would be in the cockpit and move the pit to there.

    Also, have you changed the name of the cockpit model?



    ModelName=F-15CPit <--- In this example your exported model would need to be "F-15CPit.LOD"


    The position line is just to tell the game where your cockpit is, so the game engine knows, what parts of the external model you can see from there.

    If you are still stuck, feel free to contact me. :wink:

    Hi there , thanks for the info .I'll give it a try if i get stuck will drop u a pm :)

  11. Hi all , i've decidied to try and model a cockpit and have run into a problem . I have the basic cockpit structure made in 3ds max and have exported the lod to my cockpit folder and added a few bmp's to the same folder to give it some basic color but ... when i switch to in cockpit view all i see is open air ( no cockpit ) . So i was wondering if anyone had any good tips and suggestions on what may be wrong , there are only a few sub components to the model at the moment and all are linked to the main cockpit structure . Thanks


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