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Posts posted by bigal1

  1. Hi all , well after having some computer issues recently i seem to have finally fixed it :) so now maybe i can get back to some good stuff . I'm still finding it tricky to uv map the models i'm working on and always end up skinning it using an easy method i've found although the results are not the best lol . So i was wondering if anyone out there has any good and helpful tips in this area , i've been through a lot of tutorials but still not cracked it yet .

    Here are a few screenies of 2 things i would like to take further but both models will need the uv mapping sorted before i can progress .









  2. looks cool.


    Looking at the picture - you know a SCUD launches straight up?


    Yup most of the time a scud launches straight up but i did find a few pics on the net of scuds firing at an angle hehe . The angle of the launcher can be altered through the data.ini for the scud and this is where i fall short as some of the data.ini i'm still to get to grips with . If anyone can improve any of my work feel free to as i am still in the learning process myself and any help would be greatly appreciated , thanks .

  3. I did get it in game a while back , made the working surface cuts and temp undercarriage but have been busy with a few other things aswell . Sure i'll be back looking at it again as it looks very good in game . I sent you a pm Gerald14 regarding me attempting to have a go with it a while back , let me see if i can find a screenie for ya :smile:

  4. Hehe cheers for the pic Wrench , although both are small only 1 is fury :lol: the DS mod looking very cool can't wait for that 1 . Someone has been in touch and now has the Chipmunk to see if they can sort out the Fm , Hopefuly i will be able to post it soon .

    HrntFixr , yup i'm the person . Still working on it and bit by bit i'm getting there although i have been working on a few differnt things , i promised myself to spend some time next week on the Bone :smile:

  5. Hi all , The DeHaviland Chipmunk that i have been working on is as finished as i can make it . The model is fine but the flight model is not 100 percent , in the air it fly's fine but it seems to take to the air a little too quick . Capun had a look and i also have been checking this out for a while but as yet no joy , if i set the engine power to correct levels it will take off fine but when in the air it has very little power and drops out of the sky lol . For now i have upped the engine specs so it fly's ok but as i said it just gets airbone a little too quick , i can upload it as is or if someone is willing to check it out i can wait and see if this problem can be fixed , cheers .


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