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Everything posted by phoenix1001

  1. Just bought this and it's fantastic, but, for me, super jittery, full of slowness and micro-stutters. Have already tried many many many things and read many posts suggesting things, but, I notice that most of the micro-stuttering is synchronous with audio messages, of which there are many in this title compared to in WOFF (no radios...), and in WOFF I don't have any stutters. So I was wondering if anyone knew a way to switch off the audio messages and chatter (leaving just the text) - I mean a way to stop those audio resources being used/stop the things being generated (as opposed to just turning down the volume)? I couldn't see an option for this. Many thanks.
  2. Novice question

    Yes, I'd read it and followed the instructions, but thought I could see no results in game and so was wondering if I'd misunderstood something. It's sorted now though.
  3. Novice question

    Sorry, but can someone clarify for me where I install the JSGME MODS folder in the install please? I tried to install Panama Red's SI mod by putting the MODS folder in the main WOFF directory, but that didn't seem to lead to the mods being activated (once I'd activated one in JSGME). Thanks.
  4. Thanks! It could be that, yes, but I've tested minimum settings etc and it's not. Besides, the mouse panning is extremely smooth at 12x speed! Odd, eh? But anyway, I can live with it. Great game. Superb dogfights with really surprising AI. Thanks.
  5. Novice question

    Ok. Thanks! Very helpful.
  6. Did this problem go away for anyone? I've only just bought the game, I'm on patch 1.37 and the hat panning is super smooth and beautiful (but I cannot fly using a joy stick hat to look) whereas the mouse panning is super jerky and awful, like I might have a fit if I used it. It's definitely not a graphics settings issue as everything else (including panning with the joystick hat) is super smooth on highest settings) . I have 32GB of Ram and 11GB of card memory, plus a relatively decent system, everything working off SSDs. Was this query taken up in any other threads anywhere? Any progress? Sorry to raise it again.

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