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Everything posted by Piglet_7

  1. Very very nice can anyone tell me what does this mean ? [#108111] ERROR:(ADD-PERMCA01B) REASON CODE: User type is not permitted to add files. Guests please register an account to use this feature.
  2. Almost finished re-skining he FB-111A for SFP1 :D I can't upload a file... can anybody help ?
  3. FB 111A

  4. fixed Slats

    Slats now move with manually Flaps
  5. Dark Vark

    Enjoyed creating this skin :yes:
  6. WIP Switchblade skin

    she needed new paint detail
  7. Great detail any chance you can build an F-111 ?
  8. Sucessful test at the Range for the F-111K Merlin GR.3
  9. File Name: F-111K v2.1 File Submitter: LeL File Submitted: 21 May 2011 File Category: F-111 Aardvark This aircraft has updated skins, wing angles and pilots. (and some other little things you may enjoy) This is for the aircrews and groundcrews in the RAF that didn't get the F-111. thanks vark team for making this possible Click here to download this file
  10. Thnks for the feedback Here is an update for the wing positions // SwingWings --------------------------------------------------------- [swingWings] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1800 CDdc=0.0300 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=0.70 Setting[1].RetractValue=0.70 Setting[2].Angle=51.7 Setting[2].DeployValue=0.45 Setting[2].RetractValue=0.45 Setting[3].Angle=60.0 Setting[3].DeployValue=0.30 Setting[3].RetractValue=0.30 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 AnimationID=4 http://combatace.com/topic/33627-screenshot-thread/page__st__8080__gopid__501803
  11. Open up the F-111_DATA.ini and paste this in the section for the SwingWings // SwingWings --------------------------------------------------------- [swingWings] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1800 CDdc=0.0300 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=0.70 Setting[1].RetractValue=0.70 Setting[2].Angle=51.7 Setting[2].DeployValue=0.45 Setting[2].RetractValue=0.45 Setting[3].Angle=60.0 Setting[3].DeployValue=0.30 Setting[3].RetractValue=0.30 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 AnimationID=4
  12. hmmmm..... No feed back ?
  13. F-111K v2.1



    This aircraft has updated skins, wing angles and pilots. (and some other little things you may enjoy) This is for the aircrews and groundcrews in the RAF that didn't get the F-111. thanks vark team for making this possible
  14. F-111K update do you think she's ready for release?
  15. Adding detail to an Aardvark Thanks to the Vark team
  16. Realistic Operational swing wing positions
  17. RAAF F-111C is finished, I've been working on this since October 2010 and got up close to touch those Pigs at Amberley that made their last flight. and got to say good bye to my favorite jet in the world. darn double pic post..... grrrr
  18. I removed the Engine Nozzel Animation and now the afterbuners look more like an F-111

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