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Everything posted by RoteBaron

  1. Hello... I Have a question about First-Eagles!! I want to change the stock background into a good looking Background. The Stock Backgound is very bad, if its raining or very bad weather it lokks like windows 2000 with a 64 MB Graphic Card... ; ) I see by many Addons Pictures That the Background ot the Game it look`s like fantastic!!! And i want to change the Stock Background, if theres enybody here who can help me to change the Background??? Thanks : )
  2. changing STOCK Background

    Ok... also an Skin... I unterstand, also by the Albatros DV ifs the propeller trottle is low... The second background, with the Colorfull clouds, thos is a mod for an another game...?? i see in the download tab the phantom an jet... Works these 2 Addons in First-Eagles without errors or so on.. Thanks for your competion
  3. thats right...!!! It´s a very good looking as before. And it works very good.<br>I have seen 1 graphic-error, but it is a tower in a city.. But it is a very good Addon for First-Eagles.
  4. Changing Decals?

    Hello guy`s. I want to change the Decals of the airplanes. I there enybody who can help me?? I want to change a special stock decals to a special JASTA. Or change all the stock Decal! I make it early, but it don`t works.. One 1 have a other decal or i have the same decal as previous. Thanks ahead to your help. ... the RedBaron...
  5. changing STOCK Background

    Thank you so much!! That is that what i search and meen!! On your picture i see a new propeller on your airplane. I don`t find a propeller mod. It`s possible to poste the downloadlink??

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