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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. WOW! What a great throw!

    Great video and analysis. When I played outfield back in 8th grade, did the same thing; flubbed a catch but turned it into a good throw. The coach gave me my first high praise, then said don't miss a catch again, lol. I loved this kids reaction too, kinda subdued but he knows he did it. Outstanding catch to by the way; the catcher stayed focused. http://www.businessinsider.com/yoenis-cespedes-throw-2014-6
  2. Henry is sorely missed.

    This good man landed 70 years ago today on a beach in France. Before that, he had fought back and forth across Africa, and Sicily. After the war, he served in Palestine trying to keep from being killed by Arab and Israeli insurgents. He epitomized courage, quiet fortitude, and was a consummate English gentleman. His family will always miss him terribly. I was deeply honored when this man, my father in law, called me his friend. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=100063805 Tip a pint in his honor tonight wont you?
  3. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/93-year-old-wwii-vet-to-parachute-into-normandy-again/ Absolutely outstanding story.
  4. DCS F-86

    I cant imagine why anyone would have a problem flying a F-86 in DCS. I actually consider it pretty cool. Besides, along with the P-51, you have two period aircraft that might encourage the devs to make some period ground objects too. Oh and maybe a Mig...
  5. Very good news my friends

    Absolutely freaking AWESOME!
  6. Oh wait... Danggit! Did it again...you said PLANES!!! Hey! It has a plane in it...somewhere...
  7. Free Battlefield 3

    I guess for BF3 Id give origin a try.
  8. The article... http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/power-players-abc-news/mixed-emotions-adrenaline-and-fear-at-a-remote-outpost-in-afghanistan-112907125.html The movie's website... http://korengalthemovie.com/ WOW!
  9. ILA 2014

    Always cool to see airshow pics... :)
  10. Baseball...love the game!

    I gotta say it. Love the spring and the start of the season. I always knew it was spring at the school I worked at in San Diego when I heard the bats crackin with the girls softball tryouts. My thoughts would inevitably turn to the game...remembering playing in school myself, and later as an adult with the softball city leagues. Walking thru the turnstiles, ticket in hand, team ballcap on. Love watching a game with a friend or the wife, the crack of the bat, a ball slapping into a glove, the corny organ music. Eatin' a dog and drinkin' a beer. Sending a few choice comments to the opposing pitcher, yelling in a homer, waiting out a drizzle with a coke and some peanuts. Love listening to the crowd, watching the diehard fans, and just being in a home field bunch who love their team, even when they stink. Even though Im not in San Diego anymore, I will always be a padres fan and miss watching the padres and cubs at Jack Murphy. But the good thing about Missoula is they have the Ospreys, a Diamondback farm team. The roster changes every year, but man its great to spend an afternoon watching a game at their modern little park called Ogren field. Just bought a 10 pack of tickets, got seats for the opener behind home plate. Ill also see the 4th of July fireworks, and the season closer. http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com/index.jsp?c_id=sd http://www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t518 Love this freakin game. PS. Yes, I know the season started back in March, but here in Montana, its just getting started.
  11. Baseball...love the game!

    Thanks Dave. Saaaaay, Detroits' looking pretty good in Central! Best average in baseball right now. Hey Todd, you ever watch Major League? Love that movie. One of my favorite parts is the 3 Indians fans in their getups, still trying to raise a whoop even though their team just plain sucked, lol. I see the Royals are about where the Padres are. http://espn.go.com/mlb/standings
  12. Star Wars IV in 60 seconds

    What a hoot...lol.
  13. Very cool. Your right, it appears to be in excellent condition. Is it silver?
  14. Al Bundys' best insults.

    I was never a huge Married with Children fan. But I couldn't help but laugh at Al's "comments". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgDtgyzVZYk "Just like the elevator, these shoes have a two ton limit!"
  15. Loved one of the comments with the video..."Either that cat is heroic, or selfish and doesn't like to share its toys..." Lol.
  16. Days with Polish Army

    Yes, really nice photos. I didn't realize the Poles had SH-2 seasprites. All very cool.
  17. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    I loathe and despise Nazis. I find them to be the worst of humankind. However, I don't see a problem with portrayals of Nazis in reenactments. Its a good way for kids, and adults, to learn and remember who they were. It might even be worthwhile to mention that during the re-enactment. Hiding the bad parts of history for the sake of a vocal minority increases the risk of it re-occurring. It also increases the risk that the vocal minority will become the new Nazis.
  18. Have you seen this yet?

  19. That cat should be a Marine; he saw an opportunity, improvised, adapted, and overcame. Hooorah.
  20. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Been reading a lot of interesting articles lately on the escalating Ukraine situation. Here's more on Putins' motivations... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/putin-eyes-ukrainian-arms-prize-002642798.html Here's another on the increase of Russian recon flights and the cold war cat and mouse tactics both sides still employ. Like I said, "institutionalized memory". Ahhhh, the memories... http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/23/world/europe/russian-bombers-intercepted/index.html http://news.yahoo.com/u-russian-planes-flew-near-california-guam-upped-020022310.html;_ylt=A0SO8zQ8LWpTgx0AinNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODd0NzlnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM0Nl8x
  21. Panzer rollen in Afrika vor!

    Great AAR. I'll have to look into SF. What are your system specs anyway? I have Win7 64 bit on a AMD quad core with a new radeon R7. This is an older game so maybe issues?
  22. Airship Dragoon

    This is a new indie title by a company called Yorkshirerifles.com . Here is a AAR by the dev. http://www.garagegames.com/community/blogs/view/22653 Its on sale till tomorrow, Monday, for $5. Tried the demo so bought the full game. I've lost 3 battles so far so that should give you a clue to how tactical I am. But honestly, Im enjoying it. Nothing fancy, but not too bad either. There is even a terrain realism mod being worked on.
  23. Jug to the bench

    You earned it Im sure Jug. Well done and enjoy retirement!

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