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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Very nice. Im not sure but the level of detail may even include some bird droppings on that tin roof!
  2. YAY! That'll be a nice piece of history for future generations.
  3. Cool Ghost Recon Alpha movie

    A lot of you guys probably have seen this but its new to me. Pretty darn cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-wAzlqzXH0
  4. Cool Ghost Recon Alpha movie

    THAT makes sense Storm...lol.
  5. Cool Ghost Recon Alpha movie

    Yeah, the dope that put that 49 minute movie on actually put the 24 minute one on twice! Loved the comments on that one. One question I had though, would our SF use P-90's and G-36's?

    Geeze, 'bout peed myself. REALLY???
  7. A major scientific advance ?

    I want a tie fighter.
  8. My New Lithograph

  9. Never Again!

    If I may also humbly add something... I am reading a book right now about European history. It goes back before the time of Christ. I am also familiar with the Hebrew Bible. I find it interesting how even back that far there were many countries that had a "issue" in one form or another with the Jews. Biblically speaking, most people back then knew of the Diaspora where the Jews were driven from their land by God for their sins. It was a terrible time for the Jews to lose their home. However, I might point out that the old testament implies it was part of Gods plan to also spread the knowledge of God throughout the earth as many Godly people still remained among the Jews. Daniel among the Babylonians for instance who turned Nebuchadnezzer to God. Much, I believe, was simple racism; hatred for someone with very different values, ethics, belief system, etc. Some people would have looked down on them for that. Immigration was also no easier for native peoples back then than it is now. The Jews were immigrants spreading all over Europe and beyond which could be frightening to people who know nothing of them. Many Jews were also drawn to business and banking, so wealth would be an issue for those less fortunate among the native peoples. As for the Nazis, they fanned the flames of hatred against the Jews, and any other form of "racial impurity", to help them in their rise to power; this in a country that up till then had been fairly tolerant of the Jews. Many Jews had fought in the German army in WW1. Many Jews were scientist, doctors, technicians, musicians, small businessmen, etc. and contributed greatly to German society, and indeed every society they became a part of. Its scary easy to use the most base issues to motivate people to hate. I am sure there is more involved, but these are some of the reasons. I have a set of books on WW2 by Time-Life. One book deals exclusively with the rise of the Nazis. I encourage everyone to find a history of them and read it. Everything you ever feared about a government was given place by them. It will be one of the most frightening things you will ever read. And as Snailman pointed out, read something about Stalin.
  10. Never Again!

    "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth." Job 19:25 NIV Then evil will end. I so look forward to that day. It is our hope.
  11. Man! This cracked me up. https://www.yahoo.com/travel/confessions-of-a-fed-up-flight-attendant-attack-of-the-83629894522.html One guys comment... “I figured something was wrong," he said, "when I woke up with my underwear in my hand.” Hey we've all been there haven't we? Im pretty sure it happened to me once or twice in Subic Bay...
  12. I'm curious as to how many CA'ers are anywhere close. Missoula, Mt. here. If you are ever in the neighborhood PM me and we'll have a beer.
  13. Portugals new drone

    My thought exactly Heck, lol.
  14. Cool Ghost Recon Alpha movie

    You know, I don't know. I have looked for the rest of it and haven't found it yet.
  15. Update of me and my treatments

    Thanks for keeping us posted. Glad to hear your getting through it all. Godspeed my friend.
  16. Welcome Home Viggen

    Welcome home Viggen. Always good to get back eh?
  17. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Forget the first part of my comments about Russian propaganda and my experiances in the Navy. I was pointing out a little history of the area and what I think may be their motivations. Im saying its a dangerous situation the Russians have created. Putin has started this for whatever reason and I dont think we have a lot we can do about it unfortunately. I think he thinks he can get away with it. Whats so hard to understand?
  18. Wow Russ! That's Purdy man. I always liked the Hawk.
  19. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Wow! I can honestly say that sounds Russian allright. Sounds like the same tripe they've been serving since at least 1917. Kinda like something you'd hear in WW2 or Korea, or Vietnam. We would get a nice dose every once in awhile during the cold war overseas. Seriously though, the thought of them overflying one of our ships does not bother me at all. If we are going to exercise our right of free passage in the Black Sea which they consider their water, we can expect it. Im sure the officers and men on board the DDG were briefed this would likely happen. And to be honest, I think they are going to have ringside seats to history. Actually, if I may wax nostalgic, I only recall one instance of a Russian flying directly over my ship. They usually flew alongside and out a ways, like a mile or two. Yes, I saw this more than a few times in 3 deployments on two ships. On this particular occasion, we (DD-971) had been following the Novorossiysk for about a month from Socotra all the way to almost Vladivostok, (we broke off finally near sakalin). Our helo would occasionally fly over their flight deck to say hi in our usual friendly annoying American way. The funny part was when one day the helo decided to hover in front of their bridge. They fired a flare right at him. That afternoon as I recall, Two Yak-38s flew over us, wheeled, then flew darn near right between our masts. Actually not a bad piece of flying. They then went back to their ship and landed. Guess they had to make a statement. No big deal, all part of the game. Doesn't matter if this is what was done 20 or 30 years ago. Its institutionalized memory. I can pretty much guarantee we would still do it to them. As for Russia buggering Ukraine, anyone really surprised? Ukraine, Georgia, Turkmenistan, the Baltic states, etc., etc. were all a part of the Soviet Union at one time. They had been incorporated partly as a Russian version of manifest destiny and partly as a buffer against further western and Turkish aggression. They had fought two wars with Germany, both terrible and costly. Prior to that an invasion by France. Not to mention a number of smaller off again, on again wars with the Turks/Ottomans, Austrians, French, the Balkan states, etc. Looking at it from their standpoint right or wrong, land means time in an invasion. Then there is also the usual suspects in global politics like economy. Think of all the industry and resources Russia gave up when those countries finally gained their freedom in 1990. So honestly, Im not surprised Russia would try to "re-integrate" Ukraine, or Georgia, etc. Im sure Putin has plenty of pressure from his nationalistic parties as well as his own inclinations. Do I agree with it or think its right? Don't even go there. People in Georgia and Ukraine should be able to decide for themselves their political future without fear of Russian intervention. What do I think we should do right now? That's a tough one. If Nato grows some balls and actually sends some ground units into Ukraine, they better be serious. You don't make a move like that half cocked. Honestly, the US military is bone tired after 14 years of war and endless rotations. Morale surprisingly still seems to be pretty good but I can imagine the groans if the next deployment is to Poland or Ukraine. You can only ask so much of a way too small military that has already been used and abused way too long for little gain no matter how professional. I think the other countries of Nato would need to bare a much greater burden in this, at least right off the bat. I don't see that happening in any meaningful way. Ukraine isn't a part of Nato and you can bet the ministers of Nato will be quick to point that out. No Nato treaty, no assistance given. And if we don't make a stand? Putin is the wild card isn't he? He's also not an idiot. You don't last this long in Russian politics and not have a few cards to play and the brains to play 'em. He has a LOT of nationalistic pressure to re-capture past Russian glory. He also has the upper hand in military sitting on Ukraines' border right now. Im sure those are Russian soldiers acting as agitators with the Russian speakers in the Ukrainian cities. Since when did Ukraine allow firearms to civilians? Some may have come from captured armories, but I figure most came from Russia. This is a game he feels he can win, or at least, get away with. He would have never started it in the first place if he didn't. The next few days and weeks should be very interesting.
  20. Knew this would happen.............

    I can honestly say that is the first time in 57 years Ive seen a woman getting into a cockpit in a skirt...lol.
  21. Then there is this idiot.....

    That 16 year old kid was not some ninja. He caught a lot of un-prepared people that have no clue to situational readiness and no idea about how to defend themselves, that's all. School is probably the perfect place for such conditions. I think these days, any moron can rack up a huge body count with any weapon; gun, knife, whatever, when people aren't paying attention. The links above demonstrate that. And that's exactly why I will carry my piece.
  22. Shooting Skeet

    My 870 12 gauge is what I use at the local range.
  23. Lewis Black Says it Best

    Man, ya just gotta agree.
  24. Happy Birthday Wrench

    Happy birthday kevin. Didn't realize you and I are the same age. However, you DID beat me out by a few days...:P

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