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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Very impressive, nice detail.
  2. I like that low level escape thru the canyon. Nice skin.
  3. Welcome to the forums Lucshep. You found the right guy to get you up to speed. Any problems just ask.
  4. Attention All CombatAce Personnel

    No trunk monkies, no enlistment!
  5. Just for fun, airpower demo

    Very cool video!
  6. ceremonial bloopers :))

    Loved the singing..."your beautiful, your beautiful!"
  7. Do you like Heights?

    Man, my butt puckered the whole time...NO THANKS!
  8. Lone Survivor

    Your kinda close; its sorta easy to make the wrong guess. That is actually a heckler and Koch HK93, the .223 caliber civilian version of the HK43. This is a FAL...
  9. When you go to the cinema...

    THAT was cool. The one geeky guy and his gal had the brass to sit down; NEVER judge a book by its cover. LOL, love it!
  10. I'll never forget the time I had a small rubber ball stuck on a pencil and covered in reflective dots. This was duct taped to an old red ballcap. I am having the time of my life playing IL2 with my first trackIR when I hear a knock at the door. I open the door to a very lovely woman looking for someone who was a few doors down the road. I remember her quizzical look at me, (which didn't register just yet), as she smiled big, seeming to suppress a laugh, and said thank you and walked away. Of course I didn't realize until I shut the door that I had that stupid looking hat on. I can only surmise what she must have thought. Im sure it wasn't anything like, "wow, I want to go out with him!" So yes Migbuster, on a certain level, I feel your pain.
  11. Lone Survivor

    Sounds like a great movie; looking forward to seeing it with a couple pals. I aint never seen the perfectly accurate "history" movie. I do enjoy watching them anyway without all the analizing over relatively minor details. This movie still tells an important story about 3 men who didn't make it home and one who did. Good enough. Guess Im a turd too; pro NRA, member Montana rifle and pistol association, and gun owning redneck. 1791 Dec. 23. (to Archibald Stuart) "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."[ Thomas Jefferson
  12. YO!

    Glad to hear everything has gone well. Now just take it easy and recover quickly. My last operation the Dr. left his watch in the incision. I can still hear it ticking. You should see my reaction when the alarm goes off every morning...
  13. Wow! That was just cool! Love those Migs.
  14. A compelling look at North Korea.

    This series of photos was actually surprising to me considering all the negative things we hear and see about and from North Korea. Especially considering how normally secretive that country is. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-human-side-to-north-korea-2013-3# For the other side of North Korea we are more used to, there is this article I read just before the article above. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/7-scary-things-could-happen-235038114.html Interesting to consider how China might react.
  15. WOW! Now that's a list! Downloading now. :)
  16. Bet that pilot was pasted to the headrest when they fired that spad off the cat. Heck, that spad never went faster! Woulda been funny if his wings sheared off and they shot a fuselage into the water...lol.
  17. Another update.

    So, is it USB? Sorry, had to be a wiseguy. Sounds like everything is moving along. Hang in there compadre.
  18. Update of my treatment

    Prayers for a quick recovery.
  19. This sure is negative publicity for both the 21 project and DCS whether the 21 is abandoned or not. The apparently incredible difficulty producing these hi-fidelity mods is just going to be a turn off for anyone else to jump in and produce a model. Throw in attitudes and internal arguments and this isn't good at all. Nobody wants the hassle.
  20. World of Tanks

    Yeah storm, Im sorry. My wife had me take her to the airport to pick up a friend and I forgot to log out. When I came back I sent a couple messages but you must've been busy. I'll keep looking for you when I log on and I added you as a friend.
  21. News of my test results.

    Stay strong and hold onto your faith. I would suggest you make darn sure that you eat healthy meals and try to do what exercise you can to rebuild your immune system after the radiation treatment. Above all stay positive. You are in my prayers. Difficulties like these are for nothing if we don't learn what they teach us about ourselves. "Noli timere"...do not be afraid.
  22. Did my scan...

    Hang in there falcon, we are praying for you brother.
  23. World of Tanks

    yes, I noticed the lag is pretty bad for some reason. Im getting ping checks of 49 but ingame its running 170. Outstanding game that last one IAP, whoa! You bet storm, just look for racketyjack. I tend to hold back and see where folks are going. I also tend to be more of a sniper. The medium tanks give me an advantage in speed and I use the terrain a LOT when I move. PS. Believe it or not my wife plays this too. She is crash1953. She is death in her tiger I and su-85, lol.
  24. World of Tanks

    Been having a LOT of fun with this game. Ive got 18 tanks so far, lol. My easy8 has a 100% crew with two perks and working on a third. Same for my dicker max, pershing, and M2 light tank. Kicked out some cash and bought several lower tier premium tanks. They help to keep my credits up. My favorite overall tiers is generally 5 and 6. Youll see me on in the evenings on the USA west server under the moniker Racketyjack. Maybe we should make a CombatAce clan?

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