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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Keep on the lookout

    Yes, reminds me of an old movie. Shouldn't he be waving his hat and yelling yeeehaaaaaw! ?
  2. CombatACE New Theme Music

    Eric, keep looking for the theme music buddy... By the way, good article about ad blockers. Last thing I'd want is to screw CombatAce in any way.
  3. PC down.

    There's a lot I don't know. Not sure why it is freezing up on bootup; likely some key file is missing. You may have even picked up a virus. But I'll suggest this...on the initial BIOS bootup when it checks your computer, you should hear a single beep. If so, the hardware is functioning. Which would seem to indicate you have a software/OS issue. I would then suggest a safemode bootup. While in the BIOS startup routine, after you hear the beep, press and hold F8. You should then be given the option to start in safemode. This loads Windows with minimum drivers, etc. Once computer has finished booting, then I suggest running checkdisk to ensure your harddrive is serviceable. If so, then try running system restore to restore windows to a previous version as you may have picked up a virus. You can also run your viruscanner in safemode. If the computer wont boot into safemode at all, then you've gone into a new realm. If your checkdisk in XP fixed errors, I'd wonder how you got those errors to begin with. It could be the harddrive has indeed gone bad, or a virus has had its way with you. I would try a complete re-format then. If it can be re-formatted, then it was probably a virus that got you. If nothing else, with the harddrive in the winXP computer, you can at least save any files you may want to keep and either do a complete format and re-install or if it is the harddrive malfunctioning, get a new harddrive. Good luck. This is one of those frustrating times for a computer owner. There is also this that might help... http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/repair-recovery-help#repair-recovery-help=windows-7
  4. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Please keep us posted Mac. Dying to hear how your doing. By the way, Ive been to Rota where my liberty boat almost ended up on the rocks at the mouth of the harbor. We also saw Palma De Malorca and I remember the Plaza Gomila. And Ive had the pleasure of visiting Malaga. Of course this was 1979 and I was on a Med cruise so don't remember as much as I used to. But Spain was sure a sweet place. The Spanish Navy was very professional and seemed to really like us. Not that Im trying to get you into the Navy or anything...lol.
  5. Bet most would jump at this

    LOL! Still laughing... Dang, cant stop laughing... Tha was great. I got a couple friends I would LOVE to do that to.
  6. Its Time......

    The Bolts are back baby! Ok, maybe IN the back...we'll see.
  7. DDG-1000 Zumwalt class destroyer

    WOW! I think this is the first time Ive seen this ship in a sim/game. Most impressive.
  8. I want one of these!

    Whatever plane that is has a heck of a roll rate. But it does look like fun! Sorry, on closer examination it appears to be a modern jet, maybe F-16 or -15 perhaps. I was thinking Me-109 or something of that period.
  9. Guy was one heck of a fighter. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/tommy-morrison-former-heavyweight-champion-dies-44-161542068--box.html
  10. Japan's unconditional surrender 9-2-45

    The more I study the history of this conflict, the more awed I am of those who fought it.
  11. Lucks holding out for this guy

    ROFLOL! Yup! Aint that the truth, lol!
  12. Lucks holding out for this guy

    THAT was close! Made my cheeks pucker! If that initial flow of dirt hadn't shoved him over, he'd be stuck to that boulder.
  13. Yes its stupid cat video time

    "cat" apult came from the ancient times when men would load them in their war machines and hurl them across ramparts to cause anxiety among their foes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUXjWRuEr8Y
  14. Yes its stupid cat video time

  15. War Thunder Heroes Trailer

    Interesting...verrrrrrrry interesting. Could it be wargaming.net has some serious competition?
  16. Hannah Montana 2013.............

    That pictre gives me the willies...geeeeeze what a sleeze. Typical Hollywood if you ask me.
  17. A wild Mi-17 appears

    Nice photos, thanks Dysko.
  18. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    I only got one thing to say to this scumbag... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoJdb1TLLJQ
  19. Ahead warp factor 2, Mr. Sulu

    This conversation has nothing to do with adult diapers...:P
  20. Just one word.... enjoy

    OUTSTANDING! That was sooooo cool! They actually had the footage of his crash! WOW!
  21. Deception and Trickery

    Loved it when I was in the Navy. My ship was participating in ops with a sub opfor. At night, we turned on all our lights, strung extra strings of lights along the deck, and increased radio traffic, ran on one screw, etc. the object was to make the sub thing he had spotted a small cruise ship, (we were 550 feet long). It was good to know we never had a firing solution against us; our "dirty tricks" department was up to the task. ;) Cool story Migbuster.
  22. Not at all sure this is possible. Might want to fly it past TK on his forums. I doubt you can do this; see above.
  23. Nah, its a worldwide epidemic.
  24. 35 years in prison and wants to be a woman!

    All he has to do is look between his legs and see what he is. Then just act like it. Oh well, whatever...another confused kid.
  25. We NEED You!

    I would suggest putting this on the front page of the website, perhaps in recent news. Let everybody know possible.

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