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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. ianh755, thanks, I got that part. Musta went over my spelling 10 times. Im not sure whether it has to be bmp or jpg either so I have both versions. SupGen, Which ini are you refering too? I assume the StrikeFighters2.ini. If so, I do not see a callout there for LoadingScreen. Lets see what happens when I make one. However, If squid didnt need one Im not sure I will.
  2. F7F-1 Tigercat SF-2 Update

    The person that voted one star why dont you post a comment and say why...
  3. SF2 WW2 F4U-1A Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF

    My favorite Corsair. Thank you for the work!
  4. F7F-1 Tigercat SF-2 Update

    Flies very nice and looks just plain cool...thank you!
  5. Very cool to watch the ai SBD dive bomb a ship and nail it. Very nice pack Kevin, well done!
  6. Im real glad to se those guys at 777 are moving up. They have done an outstanding job with Rise of Flight. Bet this next title will be awesome if they hold to past example. Im wondering if Oleg Maddox is out then...
  7. Just wondering if anyone else has read this book yet. Called Shattered Sword by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. My wife bought me a copy for my B-day on amazon. Simply one of the very best books you will ever read on the battle of Midway. It is done from a Japanese perspective and goes into detail on the Japanese psyche, the organization of their navy, the design of the ships, the planning of the battle, and even covers such hypotheticals as a Japanese landing on Midway. Mainly of course is a detailed picture of Japanese naval and air movements during the battle. And talks at length why Japan lost that battle. It is very well written, intelligent, the arguments strongly stated, and several historical misconceptions refuted. The added bonus of a large number of surviving Japanese first hand accounts make this absolutely compelling reading for the historian and amateur alike. Found here...http://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Sword-Untold-Battle-Midway/dp/1574889249/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1353470477&sr=8-1&keywords=shattered+sword
  8. Kevin, thank you very much for taking the time to complete these projects of Bpaos'. It is very nice to have improved models to use ingame.
  9. I noticed you had to really zoom in to see the HUD clearly. Mine is very difficult to read.
  10. Thinking about my Dad today

    May he rest in peace knowing he did his part for freedom. I was thinking, you could add a memorial for him here at Combatace or at find a grave if you were so inclined.
  11. Im not keen on the idea of girls in football, but she is AWESOME! I am dumbfounded. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/internet-sensation--nine-year-old-girl-shredding-defenses-to-the-tune-of-25-touchdowns.html Her speed is stunning, she can take a hit, and watch her DELIVER some hits. This kid is...is...hey, Im speechless!
  12. If you like football, you have GOT to see this!

    Honestly I never thought much about women playing the game. Always figured they didnt want to get clotheslined by refrigerator perry. But Hey! If they can hack it I say go for it! That 9 year old girl convinced me! She is GOOD! PS. Oh and Dave, I did! You shoulda heard my reaction. That was awesome. I aint had so much fun watching a video in awhile, lol.
  13. I'll ante up...just as soon as DCS world finishes updating...:)
  14. Let it be over with!

    Its ok kid...they scare me too...
  15. Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Final Patch Review

    Good review. I can see I wont be wasting money on this title. Too bad really. Thanks for the heads up. Too many outstanding sims to toy with one this mediocre.
  16. Bravery at it's finest!

    Courage and fortitude, all rolled into one. Wow! <S>
  17. 50 years ago this week

    Noooooooo! I want to see the whole movie now! Man that was cool. Sure a LOT of flak flyin up
  18. 29 Years ago today

  19. When you think life is too hard...

    ...think about this fellow and what he has endured. Think about his courage and perserverance. Think about the good he STILL does for those around him. Awesome, awesome story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gSiaq-F4aKY http://beyondtheflames.com/ A little inspiration never gets old. Jeff
  20. Welcome To My New Grandson

    Congratulations Charlie! Being a former BM2 Honors BM, I just piped him aboard...
  21. I decided to try yet again to make a PTO install. I guess I just love trying to fix bugs, lol. But this one has me stumped. I recently downloaded several of wrenchs' PTO aircraft packs; the Ki-41's, the F4F's, etc. Thought it would be nice to have the updated aircraft and maybe save some headaches. However, in just about every one of them, the skin does not show, only a black version of the old white texture when no skin was on the plane. Ive looked over the readme's, the ini's, etc. and can find nothing wrong. There was also a couple other issues like no cockpit, or cockpit angle wierd, or propeller shadows at certain angles on the solomons map. Any ideas? Using Win7 Home, AMD quad core cpu, Radeon 5760 w/ 1 GB DDR5 ram, 8gb 1600 RAM. Thank you for your time and any help.
  22. Dont forget the CV's usually had the hull number also painted on the forward flight deck.
  23. Very nice colmac...very nice! Wasnt it Talos it carried. If I recall, one of her class shot down a Mig over the red river delta at one point in 'nam.
  24. A nice Albany gun/missile cruiser would be very cool. And might I add a redone Spruance class DD would be outstanding.

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