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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Anyone been able to get Kreelins or the check6 mission editor to work with SF2?

    Happy New Year from Montana (mountain time).
  3. We have needed this ship for a long time...well done. One little problem though...I setup a mission attacking it. When I somehow survive the barrage of missiles to get off a bomb that actually hits it, it doesnt sink. It stops firing missiles and guns but doesnt sink! Whats happening? Besides the obvious...lol.
  4. Iron Man 2 Trailer

    I just gotts say...THAT...LOOKS...COOL!!! Loved the first IronMan.
  5. New warning label on US aircraft carriers

    LOL...yeah, add power so you wont feel anything when you hit...
  6. Erwin, VERY cool. I love the mud movers and its nice to see more Chinese equipment. Well Done!
  7. In hospital at the mo

    MMMmmmmmmmm...hospital food...and sponge baths with a big nurse nicknamed "Momma". Oh, and lets not forget the constant hum of the colostomy bag pump IN the old timer next to you... Sorry...just trying to help... Get well soon Allen...
  8. WOW! Nice skin Frontmann. A big improvement; thanks.
  9. Well, there goes another $20...lol. Looking forward to flying that F-16.
  10. That was actually cool! Never heard of area 88 before. Yup, seemed to have all the planes, lol. Liked the song by Cheap Trick too.
  11. Random Pic Time

    Sorry, couldnt help myself... modern clothes design? Im not sure this really is a design... Imagine the look on his face...
  12. Random Pic Time

    Always wante3d to do this... Flyin hi I'll bet... Sure wouldnt want to wake up to THAT! This'll leave a mark...
  13. Well, Im finally at the academy...

    Last Sunday, the 13th, I reported to the Montana Law Enforcement Academy to begin 4 weeks of Correctional Officer training. Had to work as one for a year with county before I could finally go, lol. Finished the first week, so far, so good. Really great staff and teachers, very professional. Even had the state asst. Attorney General give us a 4 hour class on correctional law. Got missing the wife so had to drive home for the weekend, lol. Well, wish me luck...
  14. Well, Im finally at the academy...

    Allright, dont mean to scare you all but here goes... lol.
  15. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    Ive come to find a lot of peace in my relationship with God over the years. I truely love him. The simple things in life have become even more of a pleasure. When things take a turn for the difficult or the confusion and noise of this insane world we've built becomes too much, I have a refuge. He gave me my life back and blessed it with a good job, a good home, and a lovely wife whom I adore. I dont have much but I am content and glad for what I have. I follow Solomons advice to give everything its time and place so I dont worry or fret. And Paul the apostle's advice was good too... "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." After that, I love the sea. Ive was born a seaman and always will be. Riding my cruiser with my wife on the back down a winding road thru the mountains or plains of Montana, a sunset after a long, hot day, sitting with my wife in bead watching a movie eating popcorn, watching her tend her garden or walking past me on some errand, listening to her voice on the phone when Im away, feeling her warmth on a cold winter night as she lies next to me. Fishing with a good friend, having a beer and watching a football game and yelling when the Chargers finally do something right. Hiking in the back country with my dog...living life...
  16. Grandsons first deer

    Congratulations to your grandson. Now comes the real work of cleaning, etc. lol. Dont do like I did and make a rookie mistake and poke thru the bladder while gutting. Had a garden hose nearby fortunately. Well done little guy... PS. Oh, and Shaolin, people aint going out to get killed by an animal so its common sense to hunt from ambush or just using stealth. (Thats the same way a lot of animals hunt by the way.) Theyre going out to put food on the table. Even the trophy hunters donate their meat to charities so it doesnt get wasted. Often with an animals hieghtened senses, its hard to get close enough for a shot anyway, so they do get their chances. I dont know how many deer I have alerted to my presece scratching myself or burping up coffee in a stand...lol.
  17. Well done neverenough. We needed this plane in the SF2 hangar so to speak. Thanks for the work.
  18. Loaded for bear...

    From the album pc's pics

    That trailor is stuffed!
  19. Gettin to know the place...

    From the album pc's pics

    May 2009 Montana spin
  20. 11 Sept 01

  21. File Name: Lavochkin LA-15 Fantail for SF2 File Submitter: pcpilot File Submitted: 25 August 2009 File Category: Other *** LA15 for Strike Fighters 2 *** This is Pasko and Column5's Lavochkin LA-15 model. It has been updated to SF2 file structure based completely on their work. I have also added two LA-15 skins I made for this plane, added a different loading screen while keeping the original if you prefer, and have removed the shadow file and its callout since they are no longer needed, shadows showup just fine without the files! The plane has very basic avionics with no radar but a ranging gunsight. A userlist.ini have also been included. All the Ini's have been updated also to KillerBee's file setup including changing them all to Unicode for smoother gameplay. I have also added the Kor-vpa pilot from X-rays' Excellent World Pilots pack. The original WW2 soviet pilot is included if you wish. Xrays' readme for his pilot is included. And finally, the droptank for this bird is included and working! Any errors in all this is un-intentional. Please let me know of any problems or needed corrections. Keep in mind this is freeware made by your community for your use. You use it at your own risk. It is un-supported by TK and Thirdwire productions and is released under the CombatAce freeware licensing agreement. Do not use in any kind of payware without express permission from the owners of these files, namely Pasko, Column5, and X-Ray. Issues: None known at this time. Contributers: 3D Model By Pasko FM by Column5 Pilot by X-Ray SF2 updates pcpilot To install, Just simply open the zip file and copy paste into your SF2 mods folder. It flies well in-game but is not a turn and burn fighter; the F-86 can outturn it. It bleeds speed quickly in a turn. Its acceleration is very similar to the F-86 also...slow. God bless, pcpilot Click here to download this file
  22. Lavochkin LA-15 Fantail for SF2



    *** LA15 for Strike Fighters 2 *** This is Pasko and Column5's Lavochkin LA-15 model. It has been updated to SF2 file structure based completely on their work. I have also added two LA-15 skins I made for this plane, added a different loading screen while keeping the original if you prefer, and have removed the shadow file and its callout since they are no longer needed, shadows showup just fine without the files! The plane has very basic avionics with no radar but a ranging gunsight. A userlist.ini have also been included. All the Ini's have been updated also to KillerBee's file setup including changing them all to Unicode for smoother gameplay. I have also added the Kor-vpa pilot from X-rays' Excellent World Pilots pack. The original WW2 soviet pilot is included if you wish. Xrays' readme for his pilot is included. And finally, the droptank for this bird is included and working! Any errors in all this is un-intentional. Please let me know of any problems or needed corrections. Keep in mind this is freeware made by your community for your use. You use it at your own risk. It is un-supported by TK and Thirdwire productions and is released under the CombatAce freeware licensing agreement. Do not use in any kind of payware without express permission from the owners of these files, namely Pasko, Column5, and X-Ray. Issues: None known at this time. Contributers: 3D Model By Pasko FM by Column5 Pilot by X-Ray SF2 updates pcpilot To install, Just simply open the zip file and copy paste into your SF2 mods folder. It flies well in-game but is not a turn and burn fighter; the F-86 can outturn it. It bleeds speed quickly in a turn. Its acceleration is very similar to the F-86 also...slow. God bless, pcpilot
  23. LA-15 by Pasko and C5 is done and will be up-loaded soon.

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