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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Im one of the "different" sort who like playing the Red side in a battle or campaign. The original Red Wings was cool. Thanks for the addon for the Parani forces...very nice, no problems so far.
  2. Gotta say that is a sweet looking model. Here's my voice for release Marcello...;0)
  3. Patriot Guard Riders...

    If youv got a few minutes, check these guys out. It will warm your heart. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS I think I'll look into this group here in Montana. I know they've done a few funerals and rides in Ronan this last summer.
  4. Patriot Guard Riders...

    The PGR website is found here...http://patriotguard.org/ Yeah this is great. They dont spout politics or act violent or anything stupid...just stand for the vets and their families. Im looking into it too.
  5. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    Yup, just dont drink anymore other than the rare beer or shot, best way to avoid overhangs. Back in the day it was tequila/mescal, mojo, and uzo...famous for wicked hangovers. Enough of those finally convinced me to not go there... A good louis lamour remedy that really works is to avoid the stupid young person habit of guzzling and as you drink moderately, eat something, espesially bread. This seems to help absorb the alcohol and you maintain a nice buzz without the stumbling, falling down, nausea greased floorslide feeling. As the Greeks say, "Everything in moderation."
  6. I hate to admit it...

    Ive been here from nearly the very begining and the search function has always been porked. I realized it when once I tried typing in different aircraft and it came back with almost the same results each time...17 pages worth or so it seemed, lol. Now I pretty much such do the long search the hard way when I want something.
  7. Anysoldier.com

    Was wondering how I could offer a little support to our troops and came across this website...WWW.ANYSOLDIER.COM. Looks good. Gonna start working on some letters and a box today. Maybe send a few newspapers along too. Check out the video called Tango Mike about midway down the page. Maybe we can put something together thru CA. Maybe a monthly donation each or something. Just a thought. I dont know if we already have something like this going or mot. If so, pardon my ignorance.
  8. Worst Modeling Experience

    I was spending a winter working for the highway dept plowing snow. I hadnt built a model in years and decided it might be fun in my off hours. So I bought this big, beautiful model of the Coast Guard training ship Eagle. It was 90% done, hull, decks, rigging, requiring only the addition of the sails. I went to work and came home 8 hours later to find my cat had turn it into one giant plastic hairball. Cat needed a new home the next day...
  9. Lookie what I got !

    Yep, she's got a voice like an angel and cute to boot.
  10. Comfort Foods

    Never heard of comfort food till I got married. My wife enjoys various things all the time, mostly built around eggs. Me personally? Gimme a half gallon of vanilla or a buttery bowl of popcorn with parmesan...lol.
  11. Achmed.......

    You know, thats the best idea I've heard since this election began. Beats the daylites outta McCain or ole whatshisname...Love Walters' take on terrorists and peanut is just plain a hoot.
  12. Miramar Airshow

    geeze...you guys are making me homesick... :cray: Yeah, I watched parts of that game while at work, bummer. Used to live at the begining of Linda Vista just below USD.
  13. More sad news

    www.starduststudios.com/Don_Blakeslee.htm www.fourthfightergroup.com/resource/blakeslee.html www.acepilots.com/usaaf_blakeslee.html
  14. Time For......

    Dave, Just curious...that looks as delicious as all get out. But I dont eat pork myself. How would this method of yours on the coals work with beef? Probably about the same eh? Those coals are all to one side and the meat is on the other? Probably dumb question but I dont know much at all about BBQ. Always wanted to learn more though. The wife and I bought a small smoker for the back porch that we grill links, burgers, and some small steaks on. Wouldnt mind expanding my meat horizons...
  15. Happy new year!

    Happy New Year and Shalom Aleichem...
  16. More sad news

    A man's man and one tough, squared away flyer...RIP...<S>
  17. Economy sized rat

    I am SO glad I didnt have a slurp of coffee in my mouth...of course I had to show it to my wife. You can imagine the reaction... :lmaosmiley:
  18. Paul Newman Dead

    "I'm not mellower, I'm not less angry, I'm not less self-critical, I'm not less tenacious. Maybe the best part is that your liver can't handle those beers at noon anymore," he said. Two of my favorite flicks, Cool Hand Luke and The Sting.
  19. money and timing

    What I said earlier not-withstanding, read this article this morning on the AP wire...Multiple quick fixes tried for US financial crisis . Geeze...
  20. money and timing

    Theres so much about investing I dont know...but so far to my knowledge the wife and I's accounts have still posted gains, albiet very meager. Our money is simply tied up in credit union savings accounts, a few IRAs and money markets, and Id like to get a few simple bonds going. It is distrssing sometimes to see such significant variations in the percentages. Chances tend to be very good I believe however for further growth as the economy stabilizes. Whats been happening this last year in the economy that I can see isnt really very unusual. The early 90's are a good example. I also have the advantage of living in a single story home so the window ledges dont trouble me too much...except for the roses below them...that would hurt...
  21. I was just going thru my usual morning visits to my favorite gaming websites and this question occured to me... Which sites are tops in visits by you for your latest gaming info, downloads, interesting community, and professionalism...(links included) 1.) For flight simming none other than good ole Combatace. 2.) Land warfare and strategy gaming, the Wargamer. 3.) Naval sims and games, Subsim.com Honorable mention would also include: Battlefront.com as Im a Combat Mission fan and Armaholic.com for my Armed Assault addon fix.
  22. Question...What are your top 3 gaming websites?

    Thanks for keeping things on topic C5. One other sites that gets a fair amount of my attention and has a pretty good forum too, not to mention a LOT of good games is Matrix Games. The old Talonsoft games now packaged as the John Tiller campaign series is an old favorite as is Gary Grigsby's World at War. Matter of fact, the campaign series just got a another HUUUGE update. :yes:
  23. It'll buff right out

    Couldnt beleive the guy was going that fast down such a narrow street lined with other folks cars. What a goober. How much ya wanna bet he didnt learn a thing?
  24. Happy Birthday Misty Fac

    Happy Birthday man...
  25. Got a new job today...

    Been a bit busy lately so havnt posted much. But now some news I thought I share with you all. The wife and I have been struggling a bit since moving north these last few years. Well, hopefully the tide is turning. Things have been falling in place so I'm sure I see the Good Lords' hand in this. Today I was hired by the county to be a detention officer at the county jail. Not full time yet as I have to be trained and go to the POST acadamy for a few weeks once its known how I'll do. But, God willing, full time will hopefully come soon. We sure need it. Keep us in your prayers folks...

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