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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Got a new job today...

    Thanks for the kind replies fellas. Second day on the job, hauled a 20 year old kid into court for his second hearing on aledgedly murduring his Dad with a shotgun blast to the head. Then spent another 4 hours in court watching a female prisoner be sentenced to state prison for 15 years for incest among other things. Learned booking in prisoners with 5 new additions and learned transfers with another kid going to the state pen. Set down after 6 hours non-stop to grab a bite and got the county sheriff suddenly in my face asking who the h*** I was...this jobs' gonna be interestin'...
  2. More.....

    Quote from the article..."Police are processing the condom for fingerprint and DNA evidence." Things that make ya go...
  3. Sept 11th 2001

  4. The whistles go WHOO!

    Yeah, the female, I think it was, looked like she/it had been smokin the gooooood stuff...for quite some time. Just what the world needs; thoughtless pinheads making more noise...
  5. What are you doing Labor Day weekend?

    The wife and I are going to the local county fair, dish up some of their great BBQ and have a brew, and maybe I can talk her into another go 'round on the zipper...thats a midway ride you pervs, lol...
  6. Thank you Signum, sounds good pal...

    Cool story. Thank you to Mr. Swartz for sure... <S>
  8. Blue Nose SE5

    Can I see your illustration? Im not the best skinner but wouldnt mind a new project... Edit...spoke too soon. I have to find or make a decent template. The thirdwire template isnt very good in that it doesnt have a lot of layers. Im not a real skilled skinner so need all the help I can get...lol.
  9. Some info about this sound pack would be helpful. For instance, what sounds does it replace? Are the sounds Hi-fidelity/HD? It would save downloading time and add conveniance to know, before folks take their time to download, what we are downloading. Just a suggestion...
  10. Very kewl... hmmmm....how do I say that in German...
  11. Congratulations are in Order

    Well done Jimmy. Good luck in the coming years.
  12. Happy Birthday Tailspin

    Happy Birthday... hehehe...

    Hu-RAH! <S>
  14. Looks good man. Where'd you get the bears?
  15. Very nice skin wrench. Thanks for all the detail work you do like with the ini and skin packs, etc. Agree, we could sure use a good japanese pit. Was flying a bomber last night with the hurri pit...just isnt the same...
  16. On the lighter side, I present...

    Got this video from an old Navy buddy of mine. Found it on youtube and couldnt go to work without first sharing it with you all...watch the womans' face...*snerk*
  17. Here's a recon mission Im making for the Korean map using the LA-15 against F-86's. Im sitting on the runway fixing to takeoff and get the mission complete spiel from redcrown. How do I get the mission complete when I overfly the enemy airbase instead of while Im waiting to take off? // ### Mission created with editor "Le Missionneur" version "". ### [MissionHeader] AircraftType=La-15 Fantail MissionMap=Korea MissionType=RECON StartTime=10:30:00 StartDate=5/15/1952 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=2 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=2 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1234 AdjustStartPosition=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=FALSE [Weather] WeatherType=RANDOM WeatherAlt=700 WeatherThickness= HasHighLayer= HighLayerAlt= FogAmount= ContrailAlt=12000 StartWindSpeed=5 StartWindDirection=45 WindGustingAmount=15 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=La-15 Fantail Name=Tiger Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=SovietFighter Heading= Position=222000.015625,467000.031250,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=2 Speed=0. Nation=NKorea Texture=Soviet Green StartTime=0 MissionType=RECON TargetArea=Kimpo AB (USAF) ObjectiveID=1 Loadout=AirToAir StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=100 PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 Waypoint[01].Position=222000.015625,467000.031250,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=66.8 Waypoint[01].Size=50.0 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=217057.291667,464322.916667,500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=55.55555725 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=DEPARTURE Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=211718.750000,454427.083333,750.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=69.44445038 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=273046.875000,368880.208333,1500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=69.44445038 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=273046.875000,379817.708333,1500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=69.44445038 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[05].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[06].Position=272916.666667,385937.500000,1500.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=69.44445038 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=243750.000000,466927.083333,750.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=55.55555725 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=229687.500000,470442.708333,250.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=41.66666794 Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=222000.000000,467000.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=120 Waypoint[09].Size=500 Waypoint[09].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=222000.000000,467000.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=100 Waypoint[10].Size=500 Waypoint[10].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[11].Position=222000.000000,467000.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[11].Speed=60 Waypoint[11].Size=500 Waypoint[11].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[11].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=F-86F Name=Cowboy Alignment=FRIENDLY FormationType=USFighter Heading= Position=273000.000000,380000.031250,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=2 Speed=0. Nation=ROK Texture=USAFSilver2 StartTime=480 MissionType=CAP ObjectiveID=1 Loadout=AirToAirLongRange StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=50 PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 Waypoint[01].Position=273000.000000,380000.031250,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=66.8 Waypoint[01].Size=50.0 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=272931.156250,382523.156250,500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=55.55555725 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=DEPARTURE Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=272931.156250,391493.062500,700.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=267578.125000,403710.937500,1500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[04].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[05].Position=257016.781250,403139.500000,1500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=251880.812500,395399.312500,1500.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=69.44445038 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=264829.281250,374493.687500,500.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=55.55555725 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=269458.968750,373770.250000,500.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=55.55557632 Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=273002.089968,375609.574045,250.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=41.66668701 Waypoint[09].Size=500. Waypoint[09].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=273000.000000,380000.031250,0.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=0. Waypoint[10].Size=500. Waypoint[10].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE
  18. Thanks for looking at the mission. I had assigned the runway at the Kimpo airfield as the recc target. This was one of the possible targets that came up in the mission editor and was what I wanted. So why its saying mission complete is beyond me. As for the ObjectiveID, I might try your suggestion but I noticed that my flight in the editor HAD to be called "Enemy" and not friendly, otherwise, my mission started at Kimpo! I think this designation also has something to do with the ObjectiveID being #1. I'll check...thanks again.
  19. A Long Time For Justice

    So sad...thank God it wasnt one of your children...
  20. Found this rather moving video and thought you would like it. Nothing more comforting to a former jarhead and squid than to see aircover overhead when times were tense... ASB USAF Promo link Uno Ab Alto
  21. For all you USAF airdale types out there...

    Lol...I've been "volunteered" many a time during my nearly 14 years of service...Funny thing was, I volunteered once at the recruiters and the Marines and Navy took that as cart blanche to volunteer me anytime they needed too...lol.
  22. Obama, McCain and Hillary

    pppffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt!!! Dang man! There went my coffee...and my MONITOR!!! AAAAAAA!!!!
  23. For all you USAF airdale types out there...

    LOL... excuse me, but you've just been volonteered son...
  24. Carrier Fire

    Carriers are tougher than you think. Damage control is a main mantra with the US Navy. You train, train, then train some more. It aint all ice cream and air conditioning. Many carriers have suffered catastrophic damage and still were able to either launch/recover aircraft or at least get home. It only takes a few minutes to have every watertight door closed and the survivablity of the ship just went up incredibly. Thats just last ditch defence for when the outer rings of defence have been peirced. You have the escort ships and subs, the carriers' own defensive weapons, the airwing and its combat air patrol, etc. Sinking or even seriously damaging a CV would not be an easy operation and it would likely cost whoever attempted it.

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