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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. BUFF Goes Down...Silent Post

    Oh man...always hate this. God be with them.
  2. Hmmmm, knife control now?

    Its interesting to see the depth of feeling in this thread. Its nice to know that there are folks who take exception to all the regulation...everywhere. The nice thing about a thread like this is it gives people a chance to vent a little. But I think we also need to make ourselves heard at a higher level. Here in Montana, there are some darn good politicians who dont have a problem listening and still understand they are in office to serve, not rule. I think I'll write some letters. Yup, its only one voice, but by God, it'll be heard. And you folks like NFG and you other young people, you'll probably think your swimming upstream with all the popular feeling for more goverment oversight. But things will never change if you dont say something will it? My generation forgot their ideals and sold out for hedonistic lifestyles and BMWs. Wealth can corrupt. Dont let it happen to you...be responsible as a citizen, but also think free. "V" for Vendeta...never heard of it so looked it up. This thread isnt about violent revolution and no one said anything about it so why bring up something like that? That just risks the thread degenerating. Though against a totalitarian goverment like in the comic book reminds me of the American revolution. To me this thread is about being tired of being ruled. Remember, we're Americans? Im old enough to remember when Americans could make up their own minds for the most part. But times have changed and not always for the better. The constant justification of the goverments' existance seems to be to make more rules. Some goober hurts himself doing something stupid and someone cries out for another law. Heck, lets not even go into a disussion of all the litigation that goes on for one frivolous or whiny reason or another. I remember when I worked at a mall and we had this British couple walking down the promanade taking photos of store fronts. I was told to ask them to stop. When I did, the gentleman said, "Hey, I thought this was the land of liberty!" I told him, "Well, its used to be. Now its the land of liability..." He said, "Point well taken", and left. So, are we sheep that need tending? Or are we free men?
  3. Happy Birthday To....

    Happy Bday 'lead...
  4. It's a World wAAR!

    Wow! Impressive report. Ive always kinda kept one eye on this game. So I find your AAR interesting. Dont stop now...
  5. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    Didnt say there werent other freedom hating scumbags; always plenty of 'em it seems. But to me, the taliban rank right up at the top... Interestingly enough, even Obama stated today that Afghanistan is one war we must win. Wonder how deeply commited he'd really be?
  6. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    Bullseye Ruggbutt... I cant think of any one group in the world right now more despotic than the taliban and their little rodent buddies al-queda. Kick ass Marines!
  7. One for our Sailors...

    Rest in Peace sailor...
  8. Astronomy...

    LOL! Being a former Boatswainmate 2c I know this is so true...on both points... "I don't think that Science and Religion are mutually exclusive." Couldnt agree more... :yes:
  9. Happy b-day America :)

    Our celebrations here in the Northwest are gettin geared up! Should be a fine day tommorrow for celebrating 232 years of freedom.
  10. Astronomy...

    I remember when that or a similar pic came out that the hubble had shot. Wasnt it around the late '90's? The Hubble was giving the astronomers problems. But they got it fixed and turned the scope out towards deep space. Turned out to be one of science' greatest investments. They estimated at the time that the universe was now over 200 billion GALAXIES!!! Vastly greater than what they originally had thought. Each galaxy with on average 200 billion stars! Now of course, the estimated number of galaxies has went up even more, lol. Its mind boggling to think of it all. To me, that was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. It reminds me of an infinite creator whose love comes out thru his hands. "The stars are like old friends to me..." NFG, I know exactly how you feel. You almost feel like you could reach up and touch them. I think their beauty and the peace they impart touches us to the core.
  11. Astronomy...

    Ive always been fascinated by the nightsky. You cant help but see Gods' hand in the heavens. The more Ive learned over the years, the more interesting its become. Im not terribly literate in the field, being more a poor amateur. But I enjoy looking at the messier objects and a few of the more well known constellations. Ive been eye-balling a Celestron C6-SGT 6" Schmidt-Cassegrain. The first time I looked thru a freinds' 11inch dobsonian at Jupiter and watched 3 of its moons cross its face, I was hooked.
  12. Just got this in my email...

    DOG FOR SALE ! Even if you don't currently own a dog, you'll appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog… Dog For Sale Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood for him to eat. Most of them knew him as 'Holy s**t!!! P.S. Cute girl...BIIIIIIG dog...
  13. Demotivational Posters

    That tombstone piledriver better not EVEN be real...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Geez...I aint even gonna be able to sleep tonight, thats just wrong....
  14. Action Figures!

    Know what ya mean...parts of mine are scattered across the monitor...
  15. Well, I went and did it...

    Its a brand new 2007 Yamaha/Star Stratoliner. 1900cc's of blacktop-toasting goodness. The wife and I want to travel but with gas skyhigh and only likely to continue, we thought a bike might be fun. (Its my 4th bike.) The ultimate goal here is to tour the US one summer soon. Had a chance to buy a really sweet Harley but it just wasnt as comfortable and the engine was setup for performance and among other things ran stright pipes. Speed didnt scare me but Im already deaf, didnt want to lose whats left of my hearing... Had it one week and already put nearly 600 miles on it. The weather has been nice but unfortunately, the wife is away with her family. Cant wait till she comes back.
  16. Action Figures!

  17. Well, I went and did it...

    Ramble on...I like that. Might be a good name for my scoot... Actually Rambler, I think Dave has a bike or two. There are a few others too surely... Oh Jedi, I did look at an A-4K but it didnt have enough chrome... :dirol:
  18. Well, I went and did it...

    I only bought one bike...maybe your refering to the two animated bikes...
  19. This Is Gross.....

    This is getting to be an old story...some idiot cook or waiter is offended so spits in the cake or whatever. One clown peed in a beer at a bar and gave it to a customer he was having a problem with. This crap has to stop. These little morons with no social skills dont understand the customer, ass he might be, has a right to proper food. Its not their place to do anything if a customer is a problem; its the managers' responsibility. I hope the goober gets some time too and the word gets out...growup!
  20. updates about myself

    Hiya Nesher. Hope ya get connected again soon.
  21. Hey guys

    Congratulations on your marriage zag. Stay safe in Iraq.
  22. They're REAL!

    Im not gonna say anything...just watch...
  23. They're REAL!

    Rolling On the Floor Laughing My A** Off...ROTFLMAO!
  24. Happy Birthday............

    God bless CA and have a good B-day compadre...I'd love to see your candle effects ingame...
  25. What does the game costs?

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