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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    Yeah, they did a great job...good ole Navy. They earned their expeditionary medals...
  2. One down and a tough one next.

    At this point in the playoffs, I personally think Chargers beating Indianapolis would be a real wrench as no one really expects it despite chargers beating Indy once already this season. Just a thought...
  3. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    Quote from the article..."Ali Hosseini said that similar incidents had occurred in the past between Iranian and American ships, and the issues were resolved as soon as the ships recognized each otherIRNA reported." We steamed at wartime steaming with full lookouts, not to mention radar, etc. The iranians were ID'd very quickly. And if they dont know their ship silhouettes and cant tell what that large ship bearing down on them is from more than 200 yards away, they need to get out of the water or we'll gladly help them out of the water. IRNA reports all lies, LIES I tell you!
  4. San Diego pulls out the win!

    Im jazzed! San Diego Chargers came from behind and a very poor showing in the first quarter to win the AFC wildcard game with Tennessee 17-6. It looked early on like the Titans had San Diego bottled up in the running game. The only meaningful yardage in the first half came from passing and there wasnt much of that. But the Chargers showed they had heart, hung in there and pulled out a VERY satisfying win! Some of the second half plays were just plain outstanding. Tomlinson even got his feet under him and pulled out a TD with a video replay jump over the dogpile that was stopped in midair, then managed while still standing in the pile of bodies to extend the ball over the goal, lol. Goodbye Tennessee, hello Indianapolis! WOOHOO!
  5. San Diego pulls out the win!

    Agreed, San Diego cant afford only playing well one half in a game against Indianapolis; they'll clean SD's clock. Indianapolis is an outstanding team again this year. However, in a home game this year at SD, the chargers did win against them. Soooo, it should be a real nailbiter...in other words, a good game. :yes:
  6. Ah, You noticed the AI's 10G turns in SF too...I love the "circle jerks" I get into with the ai; not much challenge there. Even when I yoyo hi or lo, they still manage to stay just ahead of me. I agree the Russian planes in IL2 are more balanced with the last patch, but a Yak9 and LA7 are still probably the best prop fighters in the sim.
  7. Are you ready for digital TV?

    The old analog signal is being phased out permanantly Feb 2009. You need a converter box to recieve over the air signals. The goverment is giving out $40 coupons to defray the cost of the approx. $50-$70 boxes. More info here...Feds share coupons to help TV transition Pitfalls on the Road to Digital TV http://www.dtv.gov/ Also, dont be confused about being able to recieve a digital signal and think you have HD capability; two different things. Some comments on the goverment website... -Compare DTV picture quality. DTV comes in several levels of picture quality. The most common are: High Definition Television (HDTV), Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV) and Standard Definition Television (SDTV). HDTV is DTV at its finest. With HDTV, you can enjoy a true home theater experience. EDTV is a step up from basic television. SDTV is the basic display. -Make sure you have all the DTV equipment you need. DTV equipment can be purchased as an integrated set or as separate components. “Integrated” digital televisions have built-in tuners and a monitor to display the programming. If you buy a DTV monitor (without an integrated tuner), you will need a stand-alone tuner, cable set-top box, or satellite set-top box to watch DTV. -HDTV is not the same as DTV. HDTV requires special equipment, so make sure to ask about HDTV-capable equipment and talk to your cable or satellite provider to verify you have the proper set-top box to view HDTV. Say goodbye to the rabbitears...man Im feelin old...
  8. some interesting vids

    Cool website Buff, never heard of this one before. Just added it to my favorites, thanks.
  9. Are you ready for digital TV?

    Duuuude! Man, I forgot all about the tinfoil! Yup, that and coat hangers for cryin out loud, LOL! I think in Albuqurque, we got all 13 channels and some UHF which I dont recall ever watching unless it had a cartoon. Ok, heres a story for you...I remember us watching Star Trek when it first came out on a black and white. There was the Ed Sullivan show, Sunday afternoon science fiction theater with all the best 50's B sci-fi, sesame street when it first came out for my little sister, and of course Johnny Quest and the bugs bunny-roadrunner hour for us big kids. We were happy little campers until that fateful Sunday afternoon when my dad takes us all over to one of his friends from work home. There, in all its technological wonder was a genuine High Fidelity color TV! We had heard of such things but never thought much of it until that day. For the first time ever, we saw Star Trek in all its colorful glory. I think I recall Spock actually bled green in one episode, lol. When we got home, our trusty old black and white just didnt seem to cut it anymore; we had been seduced by technology for the first of many more times to come. Two weeks later, Dad rolled in a hifi set just like his friends'! Saturday mornings took on a whole different flavor as we rolled out the hide-a-bed in the front room to eat our breakfast on as we watched cartoons. Evenings, we were allowed to watch Batman after supper before we had to tackle the dishes. Never forget Robin in his green tights...what a goober...just wasnt natural. And then of course Gilligans Island...Ginger and Maryann in all their colorful finery, on a desert island! Never did figure how they packed it all in a suitcase for a 3 hour trip. Aaaaah, the good ole days...
  10. hanriot hd.1

    Downloaded all 3 versions. Thanks for the work; a really nice model as usual Emil and gang. Seems to work well without the expansion.
  11. The Loss of a Veteran

  12. Happy new year.

    From the great northwest, Happy New Year everyone; prayers for your peace and provision, God bless. 7 hours and 8 minutes to go...
  13. The shock collar dweeb...

    Hi all, its been a long time since I started a new thread so thought I would do so again with a laugh. Maybe you guys have seen this particular video before but I find after watching it 20+ times its still hilarious. I love this guys' reactions and listen to the people in the background... The shock collar dweeb
  14. On a Good Note.....

    Cute kids Dave, quite the family youve grown! Ive got a fealing your a good dad. Parenthood is something I missed out on. After working at a school district for 10 years not sure that was such a bad thing though, lol.
  15. How could I forget?

    Happy Chanukah to all our Hebrew friends...
  16. Col Jefferson DeBlanc, USMCR (ret) MOH

    Yep, DeBlanc was a very special individual. Grew up reading about his adventures at Guadalcanal. The classic Marine and a mans' man...<S>
  17. I loved that Navy drill team...man, made me want to go dredge up my old Garand...lol. I got a question for you old salts...Anyone remember the Naval Training Center San Diego's drill team called the "Cracked Rifles"? I was a recruit member of that team in 1977 and would love to find any info about them I can. Maybe I should start another thread...dont wanna hijack this one.
  18. I remember back in 2002 seeing Strike Fighters Project 1 on the shelf at some store and bought it. I got to thinking as I was driving home what the "project one" in the title might mean. Nice to see how far the game has come over these last few years. Looks like I'll be ponying up the dough for another iteration...
  19. hanriot hd.1

    Looking forward to this plane Emil. I really like the work you do. :moil:
  20. My new hobby is getting pricey

    That wouldnt help Mannie, then he'd have to invest in oil drip pans and 30 wieght oil by the case... Keep after it tank. It actually can be quite fun and therapuetic working on an old bike. The old Honda 360s were easy to work on for the most part too. Ive known several friends with them back in the bad old days. Ive been thinking off and on about an old Harley basket case if I can find one one of these days.
  21. Man! This is wierd...My wife and I came home last night to find both hers and mine computers off. Normally we leave them on. They are on a LAN connected to a DSL modem behind a hardware firewall and the MS firewall. I try to start my wifes' computer and when it gets to the windows welcome screen, it reboots. It continues to do this cycle of rebooting until I tire of watching it and turn it off. I try to boot it up in safe mode and get error messages and a message asking if I want to repair a damaged .sys file I think it was. I try this option placing my copy of XP in the DVD tray. But all the comp wants to do is boot to XP setup. Ok fine I figure, lets try a re-install and see if that works. Half the attempts it goes thru all the startup crap and when its ready to run windows it comes up with another error message. The other times it just freezes. Ok, so maybe the harddrive is bad. I place another drive in the comp and get the same problems as with the first drive. Both drives I have tried ti reinstall XP and one of them I tried to reformat to no avail. My own personal computer I started up last night seemingly just fine. I even took my wifes hard drive out of her comp, placed it in mine and backup/burned her important files to a DVD. Sometime during the latter part of this process, the computer shut off. I removed the dvd to find it had burned the files to disk which was good provided some virus isnt on the dvd now along with the other files. I try to reboot my computer and it wont even come on! The power actually flickers for a second when I unplug the power and plug it back in, then push the start button. But then it goes out hard. Im not even able to boot my comp! I was thinking maybe a power supply failure but havent changed it out to see yet, maybe later tonight. Hope the mobo hasnt been fried in some manner. I find it hard to beleive that both computers would suffer seeming hardware failurs at the same time. I thought maybe a power surge but both comps are on their own UPS with surge protection. The other devices on the UPS's still seem to work fine like the DSL modem and the network router, the monitors, printer, and phone. Is it possible for viruses to actually cause hardware damage? Ive only heard of such things as destroying or changinf files on a drive. Could a mobo or cpu be damaged by a virus? Any ideas on what may be going on here? Im going to the McAfee website and see what I can learn. Thanks for any insight fellas...
  22. I was thinking the other day...yeah, yeah, I know, dont do it a lot...but I was thinking it would be nice to be able to fly more civilian planes in SF, perhaps even in a civilian enviorment. I was thinking most of the map and terrains we have now would do just fine. War's dont go on forever you know. Maybe some guru might show us how to remove most military bases and static military equipment to revert to more of a "normal" feel. Maybe convert existing bases to civilian style airports. These terrains could then be installed in thier own install of SF. What Im wondering about also is what could we do to enhance a more civilian "atmosphere" like background ground control or tower radio sounds. Add some air traffic. Then which existing aircraft might we convert to a civilian mod? Some aircraft like O-1 or L-19 would probably just need a new civilian paint job is all. The OV-10 Bronco could be painted like Ca. fire fighters. Didnt someone do some civilian airliners a while back? Maybe a B-52 cockpit would make them flyable. Maybe a 3D modder could even do a twin engine cessna or 737! I doubt we could quite get to MS flight sim capability and immersion but it might be fun for an occasional flight around the nieghborhood without getting whacked by a passing MiG... Just a thought Ive been mulling over and decided to toss out into the arena and see what transpires...
  23. HELP! Major computer problems...

    Hi Eric, thats essentially what I did. My comps are set to attempt boot first checking the floppy, then the cdrom, then the HDD. I put the XP disc in the cdrom and tried to boot to this disc. It wanted to install XP. On attempting the install, it came back with several error messages or wouldnt complete the setup routine for the install. It was the same for both HDDs on both comps. Since the one comp wouldnt even come on anymore, I took its HDD and tried to make it boot in the working comp. It behaved the same as the first HDD with same or similar error messages and freezeups. If during bootup, it tries to do the install routine, there is likely something like malware on the HDD? The thing is, the computer wouldnt even finish the SETUP routine for the install of XP. It never made it to the actual XP install program before something would go wrong. Whats a bot? Could malware cause hardware to malfunction? Could malware mess with the rom on a HDD for instance? PS. I found out what a bot is. Sure hope that wasnt it. Still dont know for sure if malware can cause actual damage to haedware or just to data. Its wierd you know, the wifes' computer HDD seems infected from its behavior. But my comp still hasnt even turned on which seems more like a hardware malfunction! Ive built and worked on computers over 10 years and Ive NEVER seen anything this dramactic! wierd...
  24. Hi guys, been gone for the last 24 hours so wasnt able to reply. Get home last night and both mine and the wifes' computers are off which is wierd. Try to reboot hers and it just keeps booting all the way to the windows welcome screen, then starts to reboot again...over and over...wierd. Figure she's got a virus as other things have been going on lately. So decide to try to save some of her data. In the process, my computer shuts off in mid-operation! And it wont boot up! At all! Like the power supply is frtitzed! Anywho, we are both using the laptop right now until I can sort this mess out. Dont worry about hijacking the thread, this is the kind of brainstroming this thread was all about. Matter of fact, Im working on a civvie skin right now for a plane. Next up will be a racing skin! Be interesting to see what else you guys come up with. I also like Nicolas Bells reminder about the 20's and 30's aircraft. Ive already did a 20's and 30's install awhile back. There are some planes in it but it could sure use some more. Also, remember this time frame was HUUUGE for air racing, remember Jimmy Doolittle...
  25. Congrats Sidd...25 is a good time in life, dont waste it. Just thinkin' of when I was 25...

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