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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. I was thinking in terms kinda like Zur...this might breath some new life into the game, add to its functionality down the line, (think improvements in Navaids and Ground control), and since for many of us this is a hobby, it would give us more to do. The terrains right now certainly are not perfect for a civilian sim, they are something we'd have to work on. We might be able to peice together a passable tempory civilian mod pretty quick but to make it really cool would take time, and therein lies a new challenge for us. Like Zur said, maybe an Austrailia or Grand Canyon would be cool. Then perhaps, imagine a scenario or even campaign were the civilian world is suddonly enveloped in a war... F-15s suddenly deployed to the Pheonix sunport to repel an invasion from Mexico...ok, just an idea but run with it fellas. Gosh, cant stop adding a little excitement and danger, lol. I'd love to use the mission editor to add a civilian liner or lite cessna traffic on a time scheduled entrance just to make it a little more challenging. I wonder if the present in-flight commands we give wingmen and squadrons couldnt be modified to allow for ground control; maybe TK would be willing to do something like that. Maybe he would help with the Navaids too. Imagine a San Diego/Oceanside terrain with Marine aircraft from Pendleton and Navy aircraft from North Island and off-shore carriers, civilian liners from Lindburgh field, and lite aircraft from Montgomery field, oh, and a TV news chopper flying over the local freeways...shouldnt be too boring...
  2. LOL, Im still not sure its really "thinking" Im doing here but...yeah, I thought itd be a different twist to this sim. I remembered something...didnt someone do a C-47/DC-3 awhile back? Maybe Capun? The PT-17 has been a blast flying around since FE came out with its better prop FM. Ive also enjoyed the L-19. (yeah, wierd, I know...) Check out the http://www.fargoairmuseum.org/historic-aircraft.html and their civilian painted birds. PS. Alllllright Sag....where ya been hidin the 'liner dude...???
  3. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    Whoa! IM a former Marine AND Navy guy...and it said Marine...this is mystic dude...
  4. Soon....

    Lookin good Laton! This oughta be fun.
  5. Roll Call

    switch on!
  6. I gotta say that was too funny...Ive used a bit too much gas lighting brush piles here too but never quite THAT much...lol.
  7. Any Cyclist out there?

    Back in '95 I walked into the local bike shop and told the dealer I was looking for a reasonably priced bike made in America that could handle my fat butt jumping it off curbs and the like. He walked over to a Specialized, hiked the seat up and said, "try 'er out". Its been happiness ever since...except when I went ass over handlebars in the driveway trying to ride down a line of railroad ties...or when I did the same thing going down a flight of stairs that were too steep. My wife thinks Im a bit daft. But nothing I like more than biking down a quiet trail in the desert or even alongside the road around town. Ive actually had a gal pull over and tell me I had great legs one time...THAT made my day! :yes: Still got my bike and yes, I still ride it when I can.
  8. Funny vid

    Glad I didnt have a mouthful of tea when I saw this...
  9. I was thinking about upgrading my comp. I wanted to get a mobo that would run socket 939 athlon 64 X2 and PCIe video. So I found what I want. Now I was wondering if anyone can offer some insight into a decent video card for it under a $100. I was looking at the EVGA GeForce 7300 GT w/ 512MB DDR2. How does this card stack up against, say, a Radeon X1600 Pro? Is there a such thing as a video card comparison website?
  10. Funniest film scene ever

    Sice we are on older movies...anyone remember Caveman with Ringo Starr..."Lana...zug zug..." or how about History of the World Part1. I loved the French Revolution part...
  11. Video card comparison question

    Thanks guys for the replies. That site you linked Fates was just what I was hoping was out there. I think Im settleing on a XFX 7600 GT with 256MB. It blows away a Radeon X1600 which somewhat surprised me. The XFX card seems like a good compromise at $130.
  12. Funniest film scene ever

    Yur right of course...You know, I always get those two mixed up...
  13. Funniest film scene ever

    Young Frankenstien was always a favorite. I loved the scene with the blind Jack Lemmon who pours hot soup in Franks' lap then lights Franks' thumb instead of his cigar... And of course Terry Garr..."What Knockers!" "Oh Zank yu Doctor..." or..."How about der roll in der hay?" To which my only answer could possibly have been...well...you know...
  14. A good day fishing...

    From the album pc's pics

    I caught Pike AND a sunburn...what a great day...
  15. "Most haunted"spoofed

  16. Happy Birthday too

    Happy B-Day Ghost!
  17. Landing Lights

    I gotta tell ya...I loved the descriptions given for the nose wipe and toilet landing lights...what a hoot!
  18. right up the road,what a mess,murder on campus

    Im with you Dave. My Lord...Prayers out for the families of the slain. What evil we have seen....
  19. Well done guys, you did it again. Another nice addon!
  20. NEWS: PCPilot hits the big 5-OH

    MJ! Howyadoinman! I havent heard from you in a while. Kinda figured Washington had fallen off the earth. A PM is on the way...
  21. Favorite Kites....

    Ive got to agree with Lloyd, I like the DH2. Its a lot of fun and a challenge against better German birds, espesially with the limited ammo it carries. Its a trick to reload while your trying to keep an opponent in your sights... The model itself is very well done and it was the first model with that kewl rotary sound. Other faves? Probably the SE5 is an all time from way back as a kid. And ya gotta love the Bristol M1C. German birds? The shuckert and D8 are very cool.
  22. Welcome to the Legacy forum

    So tell me about this game. I havent heard of this one. Is there a demo anywhere? Maybe someone could post a few screenshots.
  23. Arcade games

    Gee, you guys reminded me of when I was in the Navy. We had Galaga and Pacman in the crew lounge. The money put in them went into the crew recreation fund. I guess I paid for a LOT of parties... My faverite game was probably TRON, loved the light cycles and the MCP. That one was at the Armed Services YMCA in downtown San Diego. We're talkin very late 70's, early 80's here.
  24. NEWS: PCPilot hits the big 5-OH

    LOL! Thanks guys, I can honestly say you all made my day. Im sorry I didnt see this a little sooner but the wife and I are getting ready for a move, packing and all. Speaking of my wife, the little sweetie made me a cake to go with a special dinner for my birthday. Then she gave two great books; one a pictoral history of the civil war with something like 4000 pics! The other, a book on English and commonwealth pilot wings called "Eagles Recalled". I mainly just collect U.S. WW2 memorbilia but the history is still fascinating, espesially as her dad was a soldier in the British army during the war and Ive always appreciated our good allies anyway. But the funniest part of my birthday was the card she gave me...starts out with a beautiful picture of a sunrise and a bird in shadow in the distance coming towards you..."Oh look! Here comes the blue bird of happiness to tell you how good you look on your 50th birthday!" You open it and inside is a picture of a dorky duck thats just landed in front of you and the words..."Oh wait, my mistake...its the duck of denial..." PS. It is conforting to say the least to know Im not the only geezer around these boards... now...where did I put that sliderule? Maybe it was near the wireless...cant seem to remember...

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