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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Here's a Winner

    As usual, blaming everyone and everything else for ones failures.
  2. This has to be seen too!

    That is NOT what Id want to see when I pressed the trigger, lol. I about busted a gut when everyone took off running...lol.
  3. Did anyone see this?

    You got that right pal...or anywhere else for that matter when the chips are down. Ive never doubted English bravery. On the same note, my wifes' father fought from Normandy all the way to Kiel, Germany during WW2 and was wounded 3 times. And youd never guess it to look at that slight, soft-spoken gentleman.
  4. Welcome to the forum Frenchkiss. And dont worry, your english isnt any worst than what some of us Americans verbalize... As to your problem, I have no idea. Ive noticed that sometimes in missions Ive maed with my mission editor, I dont have waypoints visible until I land. Then if I try to take off again, they are suddenly there. Just another of those "quaint" little bugs that make this sim so "lite"... Maybe one of the other modders might have a solution or you can try posting on the Thirdwire forums. Let us know what you discover and again, welcome.
  5. Nieuport 11

    I didnt realize an N11 was in production; VERY cool. Im looking forward to yet another cool plane; thanks Monty!
  6. Nieuport 17

    Glad to hear everythings progressing. Like MrCraig, Im looking forward to this baby too.
  7. Broke my heart and touched it at the same time... http://www.worldpressphoto.com
  8. Looking For a Good Game Suggestion

    My wife and I have been having a blast playing Unreal Tournament 2004 together. Capture the Flag is a real challenge. The visuals are most cool and the AI actually seems to have a brain. Call of Duty 2 is excellent. The Armed Assualt demo seems to work just fine for me. Im still playing Fleet Command and Homeworld 2. Any one of the three Combat Missions are also excellent.
  9. Some shots from the USS Midway

    Thanks for the pics firehawk. Ya made me start missing San Diego again... :cray: My wife and I visited the Midway just before we left. Listened to one of the tour guides telling about when he was on her at the close of Vietnam all the refugees crammed aboard, some coming in choppers grossly overloaded. Stories like that really brought the old boat to life again. Makes me miss the Indy and being in the Navy and being 25 again, and no arthritis, and still had hair, and...and...ok, Ill stop...
  10. Nieuport 24

    This is a VERY nice model Emil and Tex. Been flying it for two days now. I agree the speed seems a bit high. But otherwise, seems close to what Id expect from a WW1 bi-plane. Emil, looking forward to the textures? Id like to try to skin this one.
  11. Nieuport 17

    We are all, I am sure, looking forward to this plane Monty; keep after it pal! :):):)
  12. Any word...

    ...on a US release date? After noticing I needed openAL with the demo install, the demos' been playing great. My wife is even almost getting into it. I loved OFP and making missions. Hope this is as cool...
  13. OUT FREAKIN STANDIN Emil!!! Ive looked forward to this bird since ya first started talkin about it. Now if you'll excuse me, Ive got some albatroses to whack! :patsak: :fans:
  14. where is the **** demo!

    :threaten: :stink: love these little emoticons...
  15. Contest #3 Winners

    Allright! Congrats winners! Nice toys...
  16. Any word...

    What kinda bugs you heard about?
  17. Firecage, no need to pull skins or leave, we modders get this crap every now and then. Most of these nasty emails are probably from people who dont have a clue. If youve credited the maker of the plane and/or template youve used if not your own, then youve done all you need to do. As for the people mailing these nastygrams, if you have an issue, try a mature approach; try TALKING to the person first. If that dont work, who gave you the authority to be the forum/skin/mod police? Write to the owner of the plane/mod/etc. and let them know you may have found someone ill-using their project. Its then up to them to do something about it. Bottom line, if your feeling the need to bash someone, maybe you need to lighten up...
  18. Nieuport 28

    Yes, Emil, please do! :)
  19. I was looking to do another skin and cant find any decent RAF WW1 camo patterns or templates. Can anyone help a poor blighter with a link?
  20. U.S.S. Perch Found!

    Here's the link...USS Perch found. Check out the pic in the story of the name plate. The survivor of the Perch they interviewed said only 5 of the crew remain. They all wound up POWs with 6 dying in Japanese prison camps.
  21. I've never seen this before...

    I find it difficult to beleive they actually were able to get airborne again even at full military power; That plane was waaaaay too slow to take off again. As to cables being a hazard, back in 79 in the Med some sailors were killed including an XO on a tender in Naples which was Med moored when it moved during sea and anchor detail and snapped a spring-lay mooring line. Lines and ropes are dangerous on ships. Thanks for all the pics, it brought back memories of the Independance for me. Was a BM from 77-79 on her. Sure hard to get used to women being in the navy though...
  22. a great tribute video

    VERY moving... Semper fi
  23. GWX...the latest SH3 mod

    This has been out since 12 December...I didnt KNOW THAT!!! Heres the link for the modders forum at Subsim...Grey Wolves Expansion. As soon as I done downloading Americas Army Special Forces 2.5GB Monstrosity, Im gonna do this...
  24. How to repaint aicraft?

    Titi, I would suggest taking the time to study the tutorials located at www.simmerspaintshop.com. There are some great tuts on photoshop and skinning and its free to register as a member.
  25. Happy Birthday To

    Happy birthday old timer...

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