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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. BF109 Skins.rar

  2. STG3

  3. CVN_Carrier.rar

  4. It aint fancy as it's my first one. Already thinking of a number of improvements for number two. Sorry for the rather boring dialog.
  5. Happy to announce our new game

    I thought I saw a map in the movie. Perhaps like Atlantic Fleet, you have to guard convoys and keep sealanes open.Therefore, you deploy your fleet. Maritime search capabilities should be greatly enhanced I would think. I'd love a modern version of Fleet Command. The Spruance tincans ride again! EDIT: I got to reading steam. It is initially simply sub missions. They hope to add later, or the community mod, usable surface ships.
  6. Happy to announce our new game

    Oh MAN that looks cool. I'm all about the 80's, lol. I'll vote greenlight as soon as I'm done here.
  7. Online vender issues

    I have ran into an avionics dealer that just astounds me. I paid upfront and then he sent me an unfinished product. I explained the problems with it, sent pictures, and rightfully, he said he would send me a new one. 3 months passed before I finally demanded a refund. Then he starts to get nasty, even calling me a liar, I think because he claims nothing was wrong with the unit. That was august 18th and still no refund. The BBB hasn't been able to get a response from him and he actually threatened to sue me if I didnt take down the complaint, which I wont. I wont go into further detail but let me just point out a few things you should look for in an online dealer. 1st, Do they allow reviews on their website. His does but there isn't a single review, positive or negative. I wrote a negative review on his website and it was never posted. The one flight simulation website I saw with a negative review took it down the other day, I believe I know why. He has a number of youtube videos and not one has a negative review. I posted a negative comment about the item I bought and he took it down with in minutes of posting it and then texted threats of a lawsuit. There was also another BBB complaint where the guy came back later with an addendum and sounded like he essentially kissed this venders butt saying he has 100% positive reviews (!), I suspect I know why also. So look for those reviews. An honest dealer will take negative reviews as a means to improve his service and doesn't have anything to hide. 2. Are they accredited by the BBB. If not, look elsewhere, I don't care how much you want his product. The BBB cant force a business to pay you. But accredidation is a powerful selling tool. It means this business is willing to work with you to get any issues resolved. 3. Do they accept paypal or sell on Amazon. If not, pass on them. Paypal and Amazon at least offer arbitratrion in disputes with dealers. 4. Does your bank offer fraud protection from a vender that fails to deliver? Most banks will cover ID theft. But do they cover venders? And if you are threatened with a suit by an online dealer, know a few things. First, they usually have to sue you in your own state and most wont. Its like you probably wont go to his state to sue him. Second, if you do post a negative review of a vender, make sure it is nothing but the truth. Thruth in a libel or defamantion lawsuit is usually an absolute defence; your butt is covered. Thirdly, ALWAYS keep your receipts, emails, and texts with a vender until you KNOW everything is fine. Ive got all my rcpts., emails, etc. and actually hope this so-called vender will sue. In the meantime, its been 6 weeks since he promised a refund and nothing yet. I have those texts too. I know I haven't posted in awhile. But I have always considered CA to be my online home. I don't want my pals to be taken in and felt compelled to warn you about these issues we face online.
  8. Online vender issues

    Just so you know, you also have recourse with the Consumer protection agency from your state, the vender's state, and the feds. This is something to do before you sue or if you cant sue. While some agencies are unable to do more than take a complaint and record the issue you have with a vender, other agencies often work with law enforcement if they find something fishy with the vender. Also, most lawyers will give you a free initial consultation over the phone. This has helped me to clear up some questions I had. If your town has a law school, they mat also have a law library that is a good reference. You can also ask questions of the justice court clerk. They wont give you legal advice but will help you with procedural questions.
  9. Sad news for me.

    I mention you in my prayers everyday raven. Hold fast your faith and Christ will always be with you. He can do some pretty amazing things too my friend. Again, hold fast!
  10. http://www.navalaction.com/#ageofsail Naval Action on Youtube... http://www.youtube.com/user/Navalaction Game intro on the forums... http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11-game-introduction/ Check out Dastreuxs' thread on the wargamer... http://wargamer.com/forums/posts.asp?t=589114 Darn impressive!
  11. 777 currently does not work on RoF

    Hate to see work on it end too but this one has been out there a long time. The devs stuck with it far longer than most do and have been very supportive. The new titles may actually turn out to be the new Il246 eh?
  12. Yep, picked it up today as soon as I saw it on the killerfish website. Working my way thru the training scenarios now. Been at it several hours....ass sore...need to pee...must eat fooooood... definitely a cool game.
  13. Yeah... you must be right. I didn't sleep well last night and my visions been a bit blurry...
  14. And what appears to be a flying saucer at 1:13 and 2:42 ??!!??
  15. Atlantic Fleet Ported to PC...

    Gotta say Im looking forward to this one. Havent been this excited about a naval game since Fleet Command and Fighting Steel.
  16. Atlantic Fleet Ported to PC...

    So its not out yet is it.
  17. No complaints?

    Ive noticed Im having a problem pasting into messages here at CA. I wanted to paste a link to a youtube vid yesterday and today a link to a news story and couldnt do it. Im using windows 10 beta and MS edge so that could be the real problem but not sure. MMMmmmMMMmmm....dinner...
  18. I bought FSX on steam when they had a $5 sale awhile back. Been really getting into it and all the lessons. Wasn't long before I soloed, hehe. Decided to try out Prepar3d so picked it up back in Sept. They they come out with version 3 so got a refund on 2.5 and got 3. Since that time, I really got enamered of Orbx terrains and REX. So picked up REX texture direct with soft clouds. Then got 3 different regions from orbx. Loved 'em! Missoula actually started to LOOK like Missoula. December rolls along and Carenado had a sale so picked up The V tail Beech for $8 (!) when its normally $30. Then Orbx had a sale so picked up Global, Vector, and central Rockies region for a third off. Then A2A actually had a sale, the first Ive seen since getting into FSX, and I picked up the Cessna 172 trainer! Everything works in both FSX and Prepar3d. Then the wife, bless her heart, gets me the Saitek Cessna yoke and throttle combo! With my CH rudder pedals, I'm in business! Love the A2A Cessna trainer. Now I'm learning the avionics. Did my first ILS landings the other day and took a trip from Missoula to West Yellowstone following the VORs. I even managed to recover from what I think was a flat spin in the Cessna when I set the auto pilot to climb too fast and we stalled. Thought I was gonna crash for sure but got the auto pilot turned off, pushed the nose down and recovered. I tell ya, to fly has always been a dream. I think this is as close as I'll ever get, but its sure a blast. Was actually thinking about taking ground school if nothing else just to learn more. To get a license now a days is around $10,000 and we cant spare that. But maybe I could at least learn something more about it all. Tell, me...a lot of people seem to use FSX and Prepar3d as trainers and simulators. Is the flight models and physics really that good? Seem pretty good to me but hey, like I said, I'm not a pilot. Was even considering building a sim pit. Both Saitek and VRinsight seem to have some really nice panels, etc. A bit pricey in the long run but I think Ive found my new hobby!
  19. Yep, my wife, bless her little pee pickin heart bought me a Saitek Cessna yoke and throttle for Christmas this year! That's what helped to get me all fired up to go the next step and start thinking about some kind of pit setup. And your right, the yoke would work pretty good with the P-38, I hadn't thought of that. The lightning is one of my favorite WW2 aircraft. Here's a youtube video of what I was thinking I'd like to get. The only problem is its around $2500 so if I do, it'll be a piece at a time.
  20. Sorry I didnt get back sooner, didn't have much free time last night. What kind of home cockpit or setup do you fellas have? I know some on CA are pretty elaborate. I have always loved flying the military sims and I have my trusty CH combatstick. But if I build a pit, I think it will be patterned after the cessna and general aviation. I have actually flown in a Cessna a couple times, once with my stepdad a million years ago. Ive also flown in the CH-47 and SH-2, as well as various airliners over the years. I once crossed the Atlantic in a constellation flying out of Rota to Philly.

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