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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. DUUUUUDES!!!! Found this bit of news at the Wargamer.com... Now all I gotta do is find it somewhere around here! WOOHOO!!! BOOYAA BABY!!!
  2. Silent Hunter 3 Goes Gold

    Man, I cant wait for this one. Been lookin forward to this sim for a long time. I hope we can get some MP going among the Biohaz bunch eh?
  3. Hope its not another arcade thing. I'll keep an eye on it too. Thanks Argon.
  4. Version


    This is the Hangar Screen pack for the B-66B Destroyer. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen, a jpg preview image, a bitmap loadout image, and a readme. Version 1.1
  5. Version


    This is the Hangar Screen pack for the A-7B CorsairII. It includes two 1024X768 bitmap hangar screens, a jpg preview image, a bitmap loadout image, and a readme. Version 1.1
  6. Version


    This is the Hangar Screen pack for the o-1E Birddog. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen, a jpg preview image, a bitmap loadout image, and a readme. Version 1.1
  7. Version


    This is the Hangar Screen pack for the MiG-15bis. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen, a jpg preview image, a bitmap loadout image, and a readme. Version 1.1
  8. Version


    This is the Hangar Screen pack for the B-57B Canberra. It includes a 1024X768 bitmap hangar screen, a jpg preview image, a bitmap loadout image, and a readme. Version 1.1
  9. You can get it here...www.pacific-fighters.com. The readme goes something like this here... README Pacific Fighters v.3.03 (3.03m) Warning The current version 3.03 (3.03m) is not compatible with the previous versions of the game when playing via network. Both the server and client must have appropriate versions of the game in order to connect. For your convenience we’ve introduced different version numbers for the stand-alone installation and the joint FB+AEP+PF install. 3.03 – for stand alone PF 3.03m – for FB+AEP+PF And of course, the versions 3.03 and 3.03m are not compatible with each other playing via network. Notes on the Patch Installation This 3.03 patch may be installed over the previous 3.0 stand alone version. The 3.03m patch version can only be installed over the merged PF 3.0 install (FB+AEP+PF). This 3.03 patch maybe installed as well over 3.01(3.01m) or 3.02b(3,02bm) with corresponding installation versions. To install the patch, run 1) Stand alone PF: PF_patch303.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. 2) Merget install FB+AEP+PF: PF_patch303m.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. Notice: The new method tested in 3.01 and 3.02 need more work for protection of possible online cheaters. So currently we release such exe file only for dedicated server. Notice: the main purpose of this patch The version 3.03 makes compatible online all the language versions that are released or coming soon in several countries. Main modifications and fixes 3D models 1. More inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however still several cockpit changes with some levers and indicators will be available only in the add-on with new planes later). 2. Corrected many minor glitches. FM and aircraft performance 1. Additional minor individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made (Dive speed F4F for example). 2. Reworked physics model of automatic multi-stage supercharger (most visible result - on FW-190A/F, P-51s and some others). Other improvements: 1. Multiplay: Corrected on client side the ships damaged. Corrected respawn method for more than one carrier on the dogfight map at once for one army. 2. Improved visibility of some ships, vehicles and columns. 3. Additional fixes for dynamic campaign. 4. Corrected external fuel tanks on Spitfire IX and Spitfire VIII 5. Corrected rocket loadout for Seafire 6. Corrected bomb racks for Spitfire IX 7. Corrected several non-destructable ground vehicles 8. Corrected compass of P-38s New objects: 1. Static smokes 2. Static fires 3. Static airfield electric lights Suggestions and Bug Repots Please send all suggestions and bug reports regarding Pacific Fighters to PF@1c.ru Please send all bug reports relating Dynamic campaign (DGen and NGen) separately to dgen@rogers.com README Pacific Fighters v.3.02b (3.02bm) Main modifications and fixes Damage model Corrected P-40 engine damage model 3D models More inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however several cockpit changes with some levers will be available only in the next add-on due to big size). FM and aircraft performance 1. Additional individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made for the P-39s, P400, F4U, F6F and some other planes. Other improvements: 9. Multiplay: Corrected on client side the ships damaged (will be other with add-on). 10. Parafrag bombs explosion changed to an instantaneous fuze. 11. Improved visibility of many ships. 12. Made new optimization for the speech loading. 13. Changed visibility of the planes and objects on the ground. Notice about item 2: Unfortunately we did it wrong due to wrong initial info. It’s why we changed it now when we got the right info. Due to this change the tracks which display these bombs my playback incorrect. README Pacific Fighters v.3.01 (3.01m) Main modifications and fixes Damage model 1. Ships have improved damage model for small unprotected gun mounts. Now when they receive enough damage they can be “shot off”. NOTE: this will not affect the ships that were built for the original IL-2 which are still available in the merged install. Only the later ships (cruisers and battleships) that shipped with FB, AEP and of course all PF ships will be affected. 2. B-17E and B-17F damage textures are fine-tuned. 3. The left wing damage model are corrected on the P-63C. 4. Visuals for wing and engine damage model are corrected on the A-20G. 5. Additional thorough testing was performed on damage model physics for most planes. In some cases additional changes were made to the damage modeling. 3D models 1. All currently reported inaccuracies in cockpit gauges are corrected (however several cockpit changes with some levers will be available only in the next add-on due to big size). 2. Pressure gauges are added to the F6F. 3. Graphical inaccuracies in arrestor hooks are corrected on some planes. 4. Additional aesthetical changes which don’t affect gameplay are made to some cockpits. FM and aircraft performance 1. Additional individual tuning of flight models and aircraft performance were made for the F4F, F4U, F6F, Ki-43, Ki-61, A6M, Spitfire, Seafire, SBD and other planes. Note: Spitfire and Seafire engine overheat model was finetuned as much as possible within the constraints of the current global engine model. 2. Engine cylinder compression and prop pitch modeling was extensively redone, which now results in the planes losing airspeed faster as engine RPM decreases. AI 1. Many users requested additional control over the ship flak guns. We’ve added a new ROF(rate of fire) function to the FMB. This function controls the time it takes the ship to reload the weapons. Acceptable values range between 0.5 and 100, where 0.5 - half the historical time (i.e. ships fire twice as fast) 1 – historical reload time 5 – recommended value for lower-end machines. 100 – the absolute slowest reload value possible. You will see virtually no flak with this setting. Note: this function is a compromise between historical accuracy and the requests of many users who have lower end machines but want to participate in large-scale battles with many well armed ships. Increasing the pauses between salvos will lower the ship flak’s calculations during the game and thus introduce increased frame rates. 2. Japanese planes now use also the V formation 3. When the AI plane’s aircraft carrier is sunk, it will look for a nearby friendly carrier. In case none are found, the aircraft will attempt to locate a nearby friendly airfield; barring that they will ditch in the water or a nearby island. Other improvements: 14. Improved water explosion effects. 15. B-25J bomb sight units are changed from metric to imperial. 16. Added fire extinguishers to A-20G and B-25J. 17. Fixed co-op track playback bug. 18. Fixed 3D A6M2 folding wing bug. 19. Fixed rare cases of aircraft raising gear while parked on carriers. 20. Added several stationary planes. 21. Several void.bmps added to several planes. 22. Corrected names and ammo loads for Ki-61s. 23. Removed fire extinguishers from P-38. 24. Corrected take-offs from damaged aircraft carriers. 25. Extensively reworked sinking behavior of ditched planes. 26. Added the ability to use time-delayed bombs against ships. 27. Corrected service dates and designations for some planes 28. Corrected the bug that occasionally appeared in co-op games when using the No User Loadout option of FMB. 29. Added new skins for B-24, B5N, F4F-4, FM2 and J2M (Thanks Dani Santos) Dynamic Campaign fixes and improvements 1. Wrong objects in final missions in case of autonomous install 2. Wrong airfield in New Guinea 3. Crashes in mountains in New Guinea. 4. Crash in second Midway mission when using Hard campaign difficulty 5. Collisions of Rufe at Iwo when using High Air Intensity 6. Wrong objects on some maps. 7. Guadalcanal NGen campaign did not work when selecting Hellcats as bombers. 8. Occasional start on water when moving to Iwo map 9. Text corrections 10. All ships now fire in DGen and NGen, but their rate of fire is lower. By default in these campaigns it is 5 times lower, but it can be modified. To change ship rate of fire in DGen campaigns, add a line to conf.ini SlowFire=n.n, where n.n = 0.5 to 100.0 To change ship rate of fire in NGen campaigns, add a line to corresponding camapign file, look as an example at /NGen/CampaignCoralSea.dat It starts with lines: [$select] SlowFire:5.1 All ships in this online campaign will have their fire rate 5.1 times slower than original. 10. Iwo, Chichi, Okinawa, Wake operations added to USMC career 11. New Guinea aded to USAAF career. 12. Midway removed as USAAF operation. 13. Some plane choices are changed. 14. P-38 can be used in Japan 1945 operation 15. Marianas operation added to USN and IJN 16. CampaignLength parameter does not affect Pacific maps anymore (otherwise it could lead to very short campaigns) 17. British markings on B-29 in USAAF Japan campaign - fixed. 18. Kates dropping torpedoes to ground in Pearl Harbor - fixed 19. In order to allow planes with arrestor hook to fly from ground bases, it is possible now to use classes file associated with your career. For instance, this is a file from IJN fighter career classesIN1.dat A6M5A Palau BASE A6M5B Palau BASE A6M5C Palau BASE A6M5A Iwo BASE A6M5B Iwo BASE A6M5C Iwo BASE A6M5A Okinawa BASE A6M5B Okinawa BASE A6M5C Okinawa BASE Syntax: Plane_code Operation_code BASE (or CARRIER) This file allows A6M5A and A6M5B which are carrier based planes by default to fly from airfields at Palau, Iwo and Okinawa. Graphic engine changes 1. Improved icon visibility for ground objects and planes. 2. Improved water effects such as explosions and wakes. 3. Improved water rendering: a. Decreased tiling with Water = 0 b. Removed noise dots and squares in sun glint for all modes c. Improved waves and whitecaps with Water=3. 4. Improved multiple visual effects. 5. Removed black dots that sometimes appeared around clouds 6. Improved caching for faster rendering in the Perfect mode Recommended drivers As of this moment, the latest recommended WHQL drivers are ATI cards: Catalyst 4.11 http://www.ati.com/home/online/CatalystCCCdriver.html NVidia cards: http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_66.93 Additional Notes 1. Missions, tracks and other file names do not allow period, commas and special symbols such as umlauts. 2. When creating squad files for network play, please use these standard country codes to assign your squad to a specific army: de - Germany fi - Finland fr - France gb - RAF hu - Hungary it - Italy ja - IJA in - IJN nn - None pl - Poland ro - Romania sk - Slovakia ru - USSR us - USAAF un - USN um - USMC ra - RAAF rz - RNZAF rn - RN du - NL Creating FMB missions with ships. If you wish to create missions with ships performing evasive maneuvers simulated with waypoints, please use the following guidelines: 1. Do not make sharp turns in the waypoints, especially for the carriers with the planes on the deck. This is especially important if these planes must land or take-off during these waypoints. 2. If you wish to make turning waypoints for other ships, then see the item above and please make as many waypoints as necessary to create smooth enough turns. 3. You can currently use this unsupported feature, which may be removed in the future. - set the group of planes on the carrier by the rules described in readme v.3.0. - set for this group of planes with only one (take off only!) waipoint, fuel=0, No weapon, Radio Silence. This way you will have static aircraft permanently sitting on the aircraft deck. Seems to work fine for me and I think includes the Brewster. I also read another PF forum thread from Oleg that mentioned the 3.04 patch with aircraft may be a few weeks yet. That tidbit can be had here...PF Forum thread.
  10. I miss my DSL.

    Hiya Chief, Glad to hear all is well for you pal and your out in the country. Had cable for a while and loved it but it was a bit pricey for me. Went back to dialup which sucked after living the good life. One note however; if you can get V92 dialup, its far better than the older protocols. Finally the phone comapny was able to get dsl to my area. It took them 2 years but they finally made it. So now Im back to high speed, though not as fast as cable. Who knows how long you may have to wait for dsl availability. Skater is right, your best bet and hope may be cable. If the main line is anywhere near you, the cable company will usually run a feeder line to you at a minimal cost. Good luck pal.
  11. Ejection audio

    Yup, very compelling stuff. Glad to read he made it ok. Talk about adventure...talk about stained pants...
  12. U.S. Marine Corp

    The nice thing about being in both branches of the sea service was you got to laugh at everyone's comments, hehehe.
  13. U.S. Marine Corp

    I might add that the Marines have always been an all volunteer force; you dont join unless you WANT to. Ive served both as a Marine and in the Navy and I like to refer to my military time as time in the "Sea Service", That way I cover both easily, both being part of the same military department as Birddog mentioned. Master and Commander refers to the British navy FYI, but Birddog is correct; it is a very accurate portrayal of the traditional role of the Marine as sea-going infantry. They would help defend the ship, mainly from the "tops" as marksmen, and form the "shock" corps in any boarding or landing parties. Marines are still based on major combatants like Carriers. They were also onboard Battleships and Cruisers until a short while ago. Last cruiser I beleive was the 6th fleet flagship in the Med back in 1979.
  14. It just hit me

    The one sad thing Ive learned as I have gotten older about livin it seems is the dyin part. What makes it worse is when its someone you appreciate. My prayers go up for his family and friends along with sincerest condolences.
  15. nov 11th

    Yeah Firehawk, I never got thanked or thought much about it till 9/11. Now folks come out of the woodwork at my job to say thanks. Ya know, it kinda makes me feel like I did at least one thing right in my screwed-up life...I really do appreciate it... :yes:
  16. Buddy's gone...

    My aussie shepard mix Buddy whom had been my friend for over 7 years, I had to have put to sleep. He had somehow poisoned himself a week ago. I didnt realize how serious it was till, I think, too late. There wasnt much even the doctors could do, his kidneys and liver were badly damaged. He quit eating and his lungs were badly congested. My sweatheart of a girlfriend did all she could to help also, but there wasnt anymore we could do; he was suffeering and only saw a prolonged death ahead of him. I stayed with him while they injected him with an overdose of sleeping medicine, looking him in his eyes, telling him I loved him. He slipped away so fast I didnt even realize it had happened at first. I brought him home and laid him to rest next to the nectering tree my mom started. Many's the trail my dog and I walked. Many a mile thru sand, sun, wind, rain, bugs; everyone one of them made richer by that good animal and his gentle, loyal company. He always forgave my temper, never doubted me, always came when I called, and was only fully happy at my side. How do you reprise a friend like that? All the days of my life I will never look at a trail again without thinking of Buddy, my friend. God, how I shall miss him... "...there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
  17. Arafat is Dead

    The only good terrorist is a dead one. Seems the only folks that thought highly of him besides his own clan was the media...why doesnt that surprise me?
  18. Fates, just wanted to say well done on the calenders. Yes, I use them. This month is the DW Akula cruising just below the surface...verrrrry cool! Kinda gives me the willies to wonder how many times those suckers were watchin us pass by when I was on ship... Since its a naval calender, figured to post in the naval forum, hehe.
  19. Very interesting article in the Surface Warfare magazine online about an upcoming design for surface ship torpedo defence; thought you all might like to look at it. Can be found HERE! Wonder how effective something like this would be in the real world?
  20. Man PG, sounds like you do the same thing I do. I battle aces a LOT in quick battles and love it. Ill do one on one and sometimes setup 16 vs 16. My big challenge right now is fighting against an ace I-185 while Im in an LA-7. I can outspeed and outclimb him, but he can turn inside me. What a hoot. The ai has shot me down so far at a 3 to 1 ratio, lol. Here's a couple quick battle for you... 1st one; set it up you in 16 P-38's, any version, against 8 ME-110's and 8 ME-109Z's. I call it my twin engine fight. 2nd one: set up you in 16 I-153's against P-11's or Italion G-50's or Gladiators or any combo thereof. Its my bi-wing shootout. Do it at low altitude. IL2FB is a blast! I got another day or so and Ill get PF; cant wait. Got a campaign to build, hehe.
  21. Im surprised the format for screens has been changed; I wonder why? I prefer bmp myself as they are more accurate for detail and easy to work with in the image editing prog I have. As for your problem Fates, Ive never seen dots like that in a screen before. Are you still having the problem? Perhaps a reinstall of the game maybe? You could perhaps try an older cat version just to see what happens. It could be the drivers you know. I would most dfinately let Radeon know about this. It might be something they can fix in a new patch/cat.
  22. Wanna chuckle?

    Found some pics you might enjoy... Now this has gotta hurt....EEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Where's the 11oclock news camera when you need it? This boy needs HELP! This horse's butt had a close encounter... Speaking of butts...wait'll this lad wakes up...wait'll his brother shows his pic at school... And my personal favorite, touch and goes I'd love to do with some of the kids at school where I work...
  23. Afghani TV...

  24. Flight Sim Heaven...

    Mine should get here monday or tuesday. Cant... wait...much longer... Listening to you guys only make it worse for me...lol.
  25. DW gets a publisher!!!

    Agreed, Battlefront is topnotch. I think they and Sonalysts will have a good business relationship. Nice to see Battlefront branch out into other areas like Naval sims.

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