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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Dangerous Waters Preview is up

    Good preview Beer. But I was wondering how long it took to play that scenario in real time. Also, does DW model diesal subs? It looked like MJ was in one; that correct?
  2. Ordered my copy thru EBGames online. Should get it Monday or Tueday. I tried compUSA and they said they wouldnt have it till Nov.9th. None of the EB stores in my area carried it either; they are usually the first. Can NOT wait till I get it. I wanna see if Im any better than Nesher at carrier landeings...
  3. Goin to the store today. I aint been this excited about a game in a long time...and at my age, thats a GOOD thing to still get excited...
  4. I logged into biohaz as usual. I go to the downloads page and noticed that while Im still logged in as pcpilot in the frame to the rightside of page, I am listed as a visitor on the downloads page. When I try to login as pcpilot, it tells me I have an "Invalid password". Then when I tried to download the files on the "Hangar screen/Menu" page, I got this error message... When I tried to download files from other directories, some would download and some wouldnt and I would get same error message as above. I also noticed on SFP1 F-4 skins page that one screenshot of skin was WAY large and didnt allow a view of the download button. That was here...F-4C 57thFIS Black Knights.
  5. download problem

    Thanks Mj, appreciate it. PM sent...
  6. The wife...

    Nick, if you and your wife have found a middle ground, HANG ON TO HER! I can honestly say the hardest thing Ive ever done is find someone I am simpatico with. Even as easy-going as I am too, can you beleive it???!!!???
  7. download problem

    MJ, have you seen this? Can someone who does the website work reply so I can take down these pics; they use a lot of my webspace.
  8. Your prayers are needed

    Whoa man, that IS sad. My prayers are going up even now, espesially for the surviving members. My sincersets condolences...
  9. MJ, we need our own Top 25

    Secret weapons of the Luftwaffe, Aces high by Hitech Creations, Aces of the Pacific, Aces over Europe, F-22 Lightning 3, Red Baron, Strike Fighters, IL2FB to add a few more names of very good Fluight sims/games. Be interesting to see what else they come up with...
  10. Too much time with Photoshop...

    What a TRIP! The artist DOES have some serious talent and imagination, lol.
  11. Old TV Shows

    Ditto Dag...did you know the first season for Star Trek recently came out on DVD? WOOHOO!!! Ive also bought the first season of Gilligans' Island, the first two seasons of threes company, AND the first season of...drum roll please...Jonny Quest!!! Life is berrry berry goot to me...
  12. Which file extension are you?

    Does this mean Im a liar AND an idiot???
  13. new title due in 2005!

    Yes they do. Im curious though about the gameplay and what style its going to be. Id love to see something along the lines of Fighting Steel meets Carriers at War.
  14. You know guys, I think Im looking forward to the hunt the most. I was an old tincan sailor and huntin subs seems like the natural thing to do. So you will probably be running my seahawk and frigate gauntlet dag, hehe. Of course, if my lookouts or sonar reports a fish in the water and I know that I didnt fire it... I would like to see an addon sometime that adds the Spruance class. Wasnt a better skimmer sub hunter out there...anywhere.
  15. Another Cancer Battle Lost....

    Chaingun, My sincerest condolences and prayers go up for you and your family.
  16. Silent Hunter III delayed to 2005

    Yeah, I missed this too. Didnt see it posted on the front page of Subsim were you'd think a MAJOR peice of news like this would be posted. I mean, they posted ALL the GOOD stuff... Guess I need to check the forums more.
  17. Wasnt there a stick modeled after the F-16 controls that cost a small fortune but was built to last? Suggestions needed, thanks.
  18. Take a look at these babies. But before you do I recommend you not lean over your keyboard or at least cover it with a towel... I recommend right click and "save as"... PF5...13megs Seafire...24megs If this dont get you excited about PF, then you have a serious problem... :P are you carrier qualed? ;)
  19. The best comeback, ever!

    Weasel, I remember when programs like the scouts were looked upon as a means of training marksmanship for later military service. It was considered a "Strategic Resource" to be used in defence of our country in times of need. Our enemies during war always noticed that Americans were shooters. The story Chief gave may be fictitious, but I think it pretty well sums up the attitude of the media and liberals in general towards the ownership and use of guns by law abiding citizens. Power corrupts and I honestly believe the second amendment gaurentees the other 26 and the constitution. The second ammendment states..."A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Americans knew what a tyranical goverment could do. They didnt like standing armies; read your history. They depended on citizens well armed for defence. What was a militia when this amendment was made in 1789? It was the citizen armed with his rifle. There was no National Guard other than groups of citizen minutemen who were formed into companies and hastily trained to faced the British. The amendment doesnt say the right of the national guard shall not be infringed. It says the right of the PEOPLE shall NOT be infringed. End of story! The day they try to take away my guns is the day this country has lost its true freedom. It'll be the day thinking men everywhere best consider what they are going to do. Because once your guns are gone my friends, your other freedoms, whats left of them as they are now, wont be far behind. I love this country with all my heart, but I wont quietly stand by and watch the freedoms I grew up with eroded for my children by a bunch of self seeking power hungry individuals. We all want a better life for our kids. Well folks, there's more to life then more toys... By the way, the Constitution and Bill of Rights can be found here...National Archives. I remember a line from a movie called The untouchables when Sean Connery asked Elliot Ness,"What are you prepared to do?" Be watchful people and dont be afraid to speak up. Our forefathers put EVERYTHING on the line for their freedom. You may be required to do the same someday. NOTE: If you would like to read a moving account of what the Revolutionary War was really all about; what our fathers faced and their trials and their courage, then please read Winter Soldiers by Robert Ketchum. It can be found HERE! Its not just about Trenton and Princeton as the title implies. Its about the Revolutionary Wars beginings and how it was oh so narrowly won. Consider what risks they took for your freedom...
  20. Naw, I dont check the WW2 fighters forum, lol. Oh well, any good news is worth telling about twice... ;)
  21. Subsim SH3 Preview

    This is actually been out since Aug23rd, my apologies. Seems that Subsim made a visit to the German Game Convention this August and...well, I'll let you read it. Its a great preview and article. A LOT of the things mentioned make me think that SH3 is going to be an outstanding game. Looks like the devs have been listening to what people want in a game and they are delivering. Im espesially fond of mission building and a good view system. If a game is 3D it shouldnt be limited in its ability to allow you to see whats going on. If you like realism and want your view limited then cool, set the options that way. But if your like me and like to watch the torps hit or miss, or the waves wash over the boat as it pounds thru a storm or dives, then by george, ya oughts to be able to do just that in a 3D game. Well swabs, its looking good... :D Head on over to SUBSIM and click on the "First Hand Inspection" link.
  22. Sad News for the B-52 RC

    I agree Fates, bad flight planning. they made a turn with the wind that gave them a very strong tailwind. Then it appeared they tried a hard turn back into the wind. The real early model B52 had a problem with high angle turns like that, I wonder if it didnt translate into the model as well. That was my first thought. I think the AA fire picture is the owners idea of laughing off his loss. Sure would bum my poor backside to lose all that time and money. Personally, I woulda made room for a passenger, namely me. Of course the crash woulda been a bit rugged...
  23. new underware line

    Nesh, I would suggest that the next time you come across one of these idiots, since they wanna be martyrs so bad, walk him out into a field and let him touch off the explosive. If he dont, fire a round into the crotch area...that oughta do the trick. Hang in there Israel. I hope America demonstrates as much fortitude as you all in this war.
  24. A moment to reflect...

    Well, I finally reached that forum-based nirvana! Just wanted to do something special to mark my 1000th post with the Biohaz forum. Thats right boys...1000 witty, insightful, profound, intelligent, soulful, wry, thoughtful, idealistic, hyperbolic, amusing, annoying, astute, assinine, vivaciuos, wierd, wonderful, cute, daffy, intense, significant, warm, stimulating, poignant, matchless, mainstream, manly posts from the goodlooking grounded guy with machissmo. Just to start your day out right and keep the conversation on an appropriately intelligent level (right where I like it), I thought you all might like these little tidbits... -Monkey Love or Come on! You want it and you know it! The Human Target! You have GOT to see this! Redneck surfing... Come on! Even us rednecks aint this stupid. This was a CITY boy! Enjoy compadres! :D

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