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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Mp Plane Files

    Yes, please post the links to your planes, say the F-18, F-14, F-16, F15, A-7, etc. Id love to get some good screenies of a Biohaz formation!b B) ;)
  2. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    Im downloading the ts2_client_rc2_2032.exe from www.teamspeak.org. This the right one? Im asking because there was all kinds of hits on my search for teamspeak. I wanna make sure I got the right version, etc. I also downloaded FSHostSpy1.1, correct? If all goes well, Ill be showing you all in full blown 3D color, how NOT to land an aircraft saturday evening... I suggest you locate my aircraft in the virtual skies and give it a W-I-D-E berth... PS. I would suggest adding the links for these two utilities to the Links sticky so we dont have to look too far, espesially thru a lot of other threads. :ph34r: ;)
  3. Nascar

    I like Nascar 2003...does that count? ;) *stands up, brushes off grass, clears throat, and starts to beat chest* Im bad to the bone behind the wheel ingame. Havent been beat since I first fired it up. Matter of fact, most people just go ahead and quit the race when they see pcpilot logging on... (MAN! Its gettin deep 'round my 'puter...) How about Nascar 2003 on the Biohaz server one of these days if anyone is interested and has the GUTS! :P
  4. Just curious, with all these military aircraft, has MS gotten the message and added a way to bomb and shoot? Would love to dogfight in this sim, then land for a beer at San Diego... :D Also, which addon is it that adds carriers? I DO want to try my hand at deck landings.
  5. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    Cool! Im in. That would be 6pm PST. Do we use any voice chat software? I use Roger Wilco. Does FS9 have a voice chat capability?
  6. For You Jarheads

    "My names GunnerySgt. Hiway and Im here to tell you that life as youve known it has come to an end! At 0:600 tommorrow morning, your ass is mine!" I liked the Sgt Major too..."Hey Crotch rot! You gonna slurp my lifers' juice outta my own cup?" Hiway," Yeah, guess I shoulda got shots first." Hopefully Jarhead will be as...colorful... :D ;) a HOO...and a RAH!
  7. Dutch Liberation Day

    I have a book put out by Time-Life about the resistance in WW2 and the Dutch are VERY prominately discussed. They were the first to start active resistance upon the invasion by Germany. At first, the resistance was small, little things like citizens deliberately directing Germans to train stations or other destinations miles out of their way., or busdrivers would pass stops where germans wanted off. Citizens in Amsterdam left cafes when Germans entered or refused to patronize shops that said German spoken here. One daring Dutchman paraded thru the streets of Amsterdam naked to protest german clothes rationing, hehe. One Dutchman was so enraged when his national flag was taken down from in front of his restaraunt and replaced by the swastika, that he removed the entire flagpole, German flag and all! The Germans setup a new flagpole, whereupon the innkeeper setup his flagpole again, this time with an enormous new national flag on it. Then he triumphantly told the German sentry, "Now you can guard this one too!" Thousands of Allied troops and airmen were saved by the Dutch underground, returned to England, and went back again to fight the Germans. 1000's further Jews owed their lifes to the Dutch underground. The Dutch underground paved the way for the allied return in 1944 with numerous attacks against the Germans, spying, and intelligence. I think Ill drink a toast tonite to the Dutch, our allies, and their liberation day... ;)
  8. Check it out here...Naval Combat Information Center.
  9. When I was a young sprout in the Navy, I loved latching onto a magazine the officers always seemed to have called "Proceedings" put out every month by the Naval Institute. It still provides EXCELLENT insight and research material for naval matters, technology, tactics, geopolitics as relating to the maritime service, etc. While perusing thier website at www.usni.org, I came across this outstanding article in the June issue of their Naval History magazine about the Gallant Destroyers of D-Day. I knew the destroyers came in close to provide point blank fire against the Germans, and very likely turned the tide on Omaha beach. But to read the story and discover some of the other trials they faced is stirring. There is also a small companion article about the Normandy Graveyard you should find interesting. I remember seeing a special on TV about this awhile back. It really brought history to life. I personally beleive that is an important thing for us to do, to put ourselves into the past, to attempt to understand it and how it truely must have been and been like for those who lived it...if we are ever to learn from it and prevent repeating it...
  10. Saw the "100 years of Flight" sim at Frys for $40 instead of $54, PLUS a $20 mail in rebate, so got after it. Loaded it up on the "puter last nite, did a quick flight in a cessna from San Diego's Linburgh field after uploading the real weather which is sunny as usual so not much of a challenge there, hehe. Gotta say its pretty nice though the flight models seem to feel just like they did back in CFS1, could be wrong but first impression. Scenary was definately improved and LOVED the ATC. The added features like the history of different aircraft and the flight school seem to be pretty cool too though havent had chance to delve into them a lot yet. Just read history about the Piper cub and took first flight lesson in a cessna. Only problem I noticed was slow loading of textures when I first panned view around. After first time didnt notice it again. All in all, first impression...COOOOOOL! :0) So is there any patches? ("PATCHES??!!?? WE dont need no stinking PATCHES!") What are some cool AC downloads? Chief, where'd ya get yur A-7? Thanks guys... ;) PS. Oh, is anyone flying on the Biohaz server? Is it still up?
  11. Welcome Pcpilot To The Biohaz Staff

    I cant help but think of the movie, "The Jerk" and Steve Martin gets his name in the phonebook..."THIS IS THE KIND OF SPONTANEOUS PUBLICITY THAT MAKES PEOPLE!" *jumps around yelling WOOHOO!* "IM SOMEBODY NOW! IM SOMEBODY NOW!" :D :D Thanks guys, hope I can contribute something meaningful to this excellent website and great buncha simmers. ;)
  12. Collings Foundation B-24 And B-17

    These two great old warbirds were on their way to El Cajons' Gillespie Field for its annual "Wings over Gillespie" airshow when they made a short two day stop in my hometown of Ramona, a few miles from Gillespie. I didnt have the $400 nessesary to go for a ride, but did take the walkthru on the B-24. Got beaucoup pics of the inside and will post some of them once they are finished by the developers. The cockpit was cordoned off but asked the pilot who was outside if he minded if I took some cockpit shots, he said no problem. While there getting some great shots, noticed the bombadiers station forward and below from me. Decided if I was in for a dime, might as well be in for a dollar, soooo, found the crawlway, snuck thru and into the station, and got some very nice shots of the Norden Bombsite and surrounding station. On my leaving the station, as I turned around to crawl back out, noticed the pilot outside with an eyebrow raised looking at me...grinned and blew him a kiss, hehe... ;) Didnt tour the inside of the B-17 as it was late arriving and I had to go to work...shoulda called in sick...cough...cough. But I did get a LOT of outside shots shortly after it arrived. All was very cool, loved seeing these old warbirds. The Collings Foundation has done an outstanding job keeping these birds in flyable condition. Check out their website when ya get a chance and look at all the birds they have, including an A-36 Apache (!) and an F-4 Phantom!
  13. Allright, I Got It!

    Thanks Firehawk Ill check it out. Im game PG, post here and see if we cant all get together, say next weekend sometime, someone hosting if Biohaz server still ooc. might be cool all of us flyin in a different bird. Maybe I can find my stepdad's gyro-copter, hehe. Or even better, a F4U corsair... B)
  14. Got An Odd Problem With Winme

    First, AGREED! WinME annoys me a little more everytime some stupid problem like this occurs. Its history as soon as I can afford the change. Second, dont have a firewall or adblocker going. Even my virus scanner usually isnt on perusing sites like this. Thought maybe it might be my security settings in WinME, or even IE, so I set them to low and still have the problem... Excuse me whilst I smash my head on my keyboard...again... <_<
  15. Allright, I Got It!

    DUUUUH! Ok, found the downloads sticky thread...
  16. Pacific Fighters

    Ditto here, wouldnt miss this for nothin'. Did ya notice the CARRIERS?
  17. Cod Question About Mp

    Anyone? Im at a loss here. Doesnt say anything about direct IP connection in the manual.
  18. Welcome To The Dangerous Waters Forum

    Another offering from Sonalysts. These guys are good and as I understand it, most of them are former nautical types, so they should know which end of the ship is pointy. ;)
  19. Welcome To The Silent Hunter Iii Forum

    Thanks MJ! This ought to be a cool sim, looking forward to it. I dont meant to brag but Im known as "Commander silent death" in my old SH2 circle, which includes mostly...well...me. Dont forget to visit their website and take a look at the first released video and screens, they are VERY impressive. The explosion effects are incredible.
  20. In-game Question

    Sarge, Ive not heard of that problem with the game. Almost sounds like some sort of bug. I would suggest posting on the Naval Warfare Project Forum. Those guys are pretty quick to get back to you on any problems. I would also make double sure that the sensors are on for the Awacs or E-3, just right click on the platform and go to "Sensors". But you probably knew that... :)
  21. First Trailer Is Out

    LOL! Dag, you know, I do that all the time, hehe. You dont know how many times Ive run out of the house, get all the way to the truck, reach in my pocket for my keys and...realize that not only are they NOT in my pocket, but still sitting on the chestofdrawers... Im gonna guess and say he was probably gonna post about the SH3 trailer. It's very cool. If the game looks like that, then we are in for a treat. Check out the website link he posted in the other thread on the new SH3 website. Ill let Dag post the actual link for the movie assuming that was what he wanted to do, hehe. :D
  22. See U Guys In 6 Months

    You and yur bros are in my prayers. Take care, watch your six, and God bless... ;)
  23. Im always getting into turn fights with MiGs and its a wonder I dont get shot down more. Im usually doing hi or lo yo-yo's so manage to keep myself mostly out of their firing envelope. But I was surprised last nite when flying the F-16, after engaging some Yak-28's, to have them keep up with me in a turn. Matter of fact, we wound up doing a multi-lap circle jerk...me trying everything I could think of, yo-yo's, slow speed, fast, flaps, going into a verticle turn, and still that commie kept out of my gunsite for the most part, maybe only a fleeting pass or two. Is this bloody accurate??!!?? Being a twin engines in a nacelle, high wing loadong aircraft, maybe at slow speeds, but almost certainly not at higher speeds. The Falcon should have made scrap out of him. What say ye lads?
  24. Republic Duo

    Love the F-84, remember this plane as a kid in Tucson. Youd see them fly over occasionally, probably doing some training at Davis-Monthan AFB. I also made Revell models of it. The plane just LOOKED cool and business-like. Pretty amusing story about Yiannis, he sounds like just about any red blooded pilot, lol. Always looking for adventure, and if you cant find it in the air, look for it on the ground, lol. :D I guess Im gonna hafta break down and get FS2004. One of our elders at church is a WW2 pilot who flew the Stimson and he LOVES the sim. I know me though, Ill be so busy trying to figure out how to communicate with the tower, Ill probably crash into it...
  25. Rereading the "Features" above, I would guess the campaign and Quick Mission modes would be single player correct? (EDIT: This is correct, they ARE single-player.) Watched their "little" movie. The ship models and water look pretty nice. Looking forward to seeing a few more movies espesially showing the interface at work being used. I also checked out the interview with COMBATSIM.COM. I'd forgotten about this. It answers a lot of questions. They even said they are striving for a 2nd quarter release, COOL! :) Hey Dagger, thanks for posting this, Im getting excited about this sim, ought to be something really nice. :)

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