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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Biohazcentral's Xp Tweaks Guide

    Very interesting. Im going to visit a freind and work on his comp which has XP on it. Im also upgrading to XP soon myself, sick and tired of WinME, so this guide ought to be helpful. Danke Comerade. :)
  2. Very cool. I understand this has the added features for the SAAB Draken I think it is Column5 is fixing to release. Whoa baby! Cant wait! :D
  3. The Fighting Steel addon campaign simulator Thunder at Sea has just been updated to version 1.4. This update installs over the original version 1.0 to bring it to 1.4. This, by the way, will likely be the last update to Thunder at Sea as it is now evolving into the new "Navies at War", more on that in another announcement. As soon as v1.4 readme is released, Ill get a listing of changes with the new version. The file can be had here for registered owners of TAS...http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/NWS-TAS/files/ Happy sailing!
  4. What Have You Done For A Living?

    Curious is all... Guess since I asked, Ill start. Ive worked as a student, busboy, dishwasher, telegram delivery, truck stop attendant, security guard, US Marine Engineer and equipment operator, US Navy Boatswainsmate, Calif. Natl Guard ammo handler and refueler, Arizona Copper miner, Rodeo cowboy and ranch hand, sold auto parts, truck driver for military and as independant hauling hay and grain mostly, drafter, land surveyor, Able-bodied seaman Unlimited, maintenanceman for horse facility, and presently employed by the local school district as a school custodian. None of them paid a lot but I generally was stress free and perfectly happy. :0)
  5. Well, Im Back From Washington

    The twitch in my eye after chaparoning 99 kids for 6 days isnt as bad as I thought it would be. We had a grand time. Stopped in Philly first and spent a day there looking at independance hall and the liberty Bell. Then spent a day at Gettysburg. Our guide reminded us that leadership was then, and still is, by example. And that after undergoing the horrors of war, all a soldier really wanted was to know it wasnt all in vain and to be remembered by those he served. His speech choked me up...hope the kids didnt notice. Then spent 4 days at our Nations' capital. It was a...well, "CAPITAL" place! sorry... Saw the Capital buildings, congress, etc. The Smithsonian, naturally headed straight to the Air and Space Museum. Saw all the memorials including the Iwo Jima and Vietnam memorials. Visited Arlington and watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknowns, laid a wreath at the civil war unknowns, paid my respects at kennedys grave and the memorial to the Challenger. Went on an all evening dinner cruise up the Potomac that played music WAY too loud, (my twitch was at its worst here...), and worried about kids falling in the river all evening. I left there feeling a little more pride in my country and impressed with our sense of history and spirit and destiny. Best trip Ive ever taken. There were guards everywhere here, including the guy mowing the lawn behind me to my left. Kids group shot at the Civil war unknowns tomb... P-80 Shooting Star at ASM, (we need one in SFP1)
  6. Welcome To The New Server

    Definately a MAJOR improvement. I hope like you mentioned elsewhere, it'll be less buggy. So far seems to be cool. Ill try uploading those screens again as a test, lol. :D
  7. Easter Sunday

    Happy Easter Nick and God Bless to everyone. Good day to reflect on all the good God has done for us.
  8. Graphics Help

    Good news, glad to hear it! I need to get me a nice card too, maybe this summer. ;)
  9. Vietnam Menorial Rubbings Anyone?

    Im going to Washington Thursday as part of a school trip. We will be away for 6 days. During this trip, I beleive Saturday, we will visit the Vietnam memorial. If anyone in the group would like a rubbing of a name, family member or otherwise, please email me at pcpilot@nethere.com with the name you want and the address I can send it to. I will do my utmost to get you the rubbing. Let me know no later than friday; I have my laptop and will check my email.
  10. F-14 And F-18 Losses

    Yeah, on the USS Independance back in'78, we lost 8 guys in our workup to, and eventual, deployment. 5 were pilots, the other 3 flight deck crewmen. Who ever said the cold war didnt cost...
  11. Graphics Help

    Zag, 1st, make sure nothing else is running in the background. Check this by hitting cntl, alt, del. The only things going should be Explorer and systray. If there is anything else going, close 'em out. 2nd, Your machine is a mid-range machine. I would suggest making sure all your in-game video and sound settings are mid-range also and not high. Let us know what happens then ok? Good luck... PS. I might also add that if these games ran well before you added the latest video drivers, you might try re-installing an older version that worked. New updated drivers dont always help with more than a few problems that not everyone has. PSS. If all this fails, take note of my sig and do as I do at that point...
  12. Html Help

    Can any tell me a way to add a download counter to my HTML website? Is there a java script or an HTML script perhaps? Thanks...
  13. I have been working on a ficticious campaign for awhile using the Balaton map, pitting the Soviets against the Germans using early war, (1940), aircraft. I am nearing completion of the release version of just over 20 missions, though I expect a few more missions to be added a little later on. It will feature among other things, movie .ntrks. I am posting on my personal website the first movie along with my first missions' recorded track as a preview for anyone interested. The movies can be found here...BALATON PREVIEW!They include an installation readme. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks all...
  14. I got a reply from Extreme_one concerning track editing on the Ubi forums. He gave me a link to a thread he started awhile back concerning editing here...http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...0533&m=76710959 Its very useful for all us wannabe movie producers. Using a few of his techniques, I made the attached track for my Balaton campaign. Follow the readme and tell me what you think. It isnt spectacular. The collossal block busters will come later. ;) pcpilottrack.zip
  15. Ok, decided to go ahead and post my preview video on my own website despite the limited space. I also made an announcement on the IL2 forums here, just copy and paste into your browser, the HTTP button isnt working right now...http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=400102&f=50910533&m=180101513 You also can get the video here...again, copy and paste...http://home.nethere.net/pcpilot/video/jbvid.zip Please let me know what you all think, thanks.
  16. P2 Ram Question...

    I recently came into a couple old P2 computers by compaq. They seem to have most everything in them but no RAM. What kind of RAM did they take? pc-133? I also noticed that Intel didnt bother to put the cpu speed anywhere on the cpu, or is it in code? I noticed some numbers on the side that look more like a stock number or something. Man, the one computer is the heaviest case Ive ever lifted, even with most stuff inside gone. Compaq have special delivery gorillas to carry this leviathin into the house?
  17. MJ, Another problem. My track file I uploaded keeps coming back to me "incomplete or damaged" when I do a test download. The file archive being uploaded is fine. But its missing a couple files in the archive after I download it. The track file I uploaded can be found here...http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=5006
  18. MJ, Another problem. My track file I uploaded keeps coming back to me "incomplete or damaged" when I do a test download. The file archive being uploaded is fine. But its missing a couple files in the archive after I download it.
  19. I have finally figured out how to add messages to tracks in my campaign. Even got the timing down. Thanks go to Extreme_one for his excellent British campaign. I looked in his folder to see how he had done it and it all suddenly made sense. But I have a question; How can I view my tracks WITH the messages without going thru my campaign? I might still want to edit them. I used the record viewer in-game but it doesnt show the messages. I tried adding the MSG files into the records folder and then do playback but that didnt seem to help, still no messages. Any suggestions? Thanks fellas...
  20. Got it answered on the IL2 Mission builder forum. Seems I can put the track and MSG file in the training folder, edit the all.ini file to include the track, viola! Now, if I can just get the tracks to play in color instead of BW in the campaign itself. My campaign has been renamed Balaton and now has 18 missions and 5 movies. The last mission I worked on tonight is an attempt at intercepting an enemy night time intruder; the classic "washing machine charlie" scenario. You should see the searchlites and flak; very cool. ;)
  21. These arent the new ships, at least to my knowledge. I havent come across them yet as I have been playing the original scenarios and not the new added on ones yet. But still thought you might like them. WHOA! How'd THAT get in here???!!?? GO NAVY! ;)
  22. Check out this thread at Ubi...Carrier take off & landing. I HAVE read other threads in the forum where Oleg specifically said that Carriers WERE possible with the game ENGINE. I tell ya, I'd LOVE to see CV's in IL2. This is gettin me all tingly again...
  23. What Car We Drive......

    Firehawk, that is one sweet car. Your cousin buys me one and ILL marry him. :D ...of course, I wont be sleeping with him though... :P :D ;)
  24. Got it! Can be seen here...IL2FB Forum

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