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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Not sure if I can, like you, Im not to familiar with some boards' setups. But Ill give it a whirl and let you know. If not, then Ill post the link to this thread here I guess.
  2. You mean THIS P-38? I would really dig some Hellcats and Corsairs. Imagine going after some in-coming Vals... :)
  3. Ahhhahaha That's Good Stuff...

    Man, I couldnt stop laughing, thats just too cool. My two favorites...IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? I don't know which is better, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm never going to have sex with my wife. I don't want to be all grossed out. -- Theodore, age 8 It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. -- Anita, age 9 HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? -- Kelvin, age 8 :D :D :D
  4. LOL, You know, those are some cool screens snapple. Is it just me or are the gun flashes getting better? It seemed like all they were before was just a puff of smoke. I always wanted to see a BIG ball of flame, kinda like a 30mm on an IL2... ;) . You should post these on the IL2 forum at Ubi. Maybe even in Oleg's Ready Room to show him the bug. Now Im gonna hafta include the Tirpitz in my next campaign. Im also gonna have these two go at it in the editor. I wanna see this battle first hand... :D
  5. It was reported to me at SimHQ by someone trying to download my two latest hangar screens. They would click the link to download and be taken to some "Parent Directory". I tested it myself and found it to be as he said. I also tested one of the older files and it worked fine. Seems to only be the two new ones for some reason. And judging from the count of downloads of those files, this only recently started. I might also add as an aside, those two hangar screen packs had preview images uploaded also for previewing before downloading and they arent available for viewing.
  6. Did you get them MJ? I uploaded them when I got home from work.
  7. What Car We Drive......

    I live 45 miles NNE of San Diego in a little town called Ramona, though it is growing like everything else in SoCal. This picture was taken in the Anza-Borrego Desert about 50 miles east of, and over the mountains from, Ramona. I was checking out where the Pacific crest trail crossed the hiway in its dip into the desert from the mountains. My dream car? Hmmm, Im pretty happy with all I got to be honest. But if I were to indulge, Maybe a early '60's 'vette. Of course to me, a ww2 half track would be cool too, hehe. All OD green, polished to a fine sheen, armor-all rubber tread booties(road wheels), and an all chrome .50 cal mounted on a titanium, embossed gun ring. Wear my scarf and WW2 aviator goggles and helmet, have the windshield down and the canvas top off and imagine the babes' looks when they see you clank by in that baby! :D
  8. What Car We Drive......

    Im presently driving a Black 2000 Ford F-150 V6 4.2L short bed with a rebel flag on the windshield, a 30.30 behind the seat, white letter'd radials on chrome wheels, and a dog in back. Can we say YEEHAAAAAWWWW!!! :D
  9. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    Hey, I got one Bud light left; Ill hoist it tonite to ya snap. Happy B-day Reb... :D ;)
  10. Locked?

    Hey! Wait a minute! Im BOTH!!! Im so confused... :D
  11. Way cool! Got it and installing it now. :)
  12. Lmao...

    LOL..."FOX ONE!"
  13. Bombs In Spain

    Theres a LOT of evil out there in this world. The sorry part is, those that do these things often claim to be doing Gods' work. Jesus said you would "know them by their fruits". This is a pretty sorry "fruit" I'd say. And it certainly ISNT Gods' work. They've made clear their character to me... My heart and my prayers go out to the victims and thier families of this crime against humanity, whoever the criminals who did it. And rest assured, they will pay for this, sooner or later.
  14. NWP 17.0 goes a LONG ways making things a LOT simpler. You still should start with a fresh install of FC, then upgrade it to version 1.2 as per the install readme found in the files section of the Yahoo Groups forum. Do a test run of the game at this point. Start a scenario and once its run for a couple minutes, quit out of the game. You then unzip the 1.34 patch into the FC folder allowing it to overwrite the original files. You then still need to empty the Doctrines, Database, and Scenario folders. You then apply the NWP 17.0. Then add the latest scenario packs found on the forum. You DONT need the the 16.8 graphics or the NWP Addon 7.0; they are going away. NWP17.0 has it all. Lastly, as per the install readme, you'll need to follow its directions concerning the FleetCommand.ini file located in the FC folder. It took me two minutes to do this. Thats it pretty much! There is also a WinXP patch available but I dont know anything about it yet. I still use WinME. Ill post a few screenies soon of some of the new warships.
  15. A True Story....

    You can say THAT again chief. I will say I kinda liked bein on the bridge as BMOW when underway though. The nites at sea were usually beautiful. Loved watchin the phospherescent wake and the stars. It was also kinda fun to walk back and check the after lookout and pop him on the back of the head if I caught him dozing, hehe. Did it more than once... ;)
  16. Thanks MJ, Ill upload them tonight when I get home.
  17. Fred Reed's Latest Column. A Good One!

    Chief, I love it! These reasons this man spoke of are a BIG part of why I wave and wear a confederate flag. Its funny, but many in our generation remember what it was like to be truely free, to be able to make your own choices and decisions without some official somewhere saying no. You cant pick your nose in the privacy of your own home without someone whining its bad for the kids or whatever. I hate to say it, but this kind of goverment intrusion is why our founding dathers in the revolutionary period went to war. Its why the south took up arms. Sadly, our people have become so used to others thinking for them and so used to whining and complaining over piddly crap, they will likely never have the backbone to stand up for their freedom again. Freedom isnt just about voting people. Freedom is the thinking man's perogative and responsibility. Its freedom of choice and expression. If you dont like what someones saying, then dont listen or by God, get up on a soapbox and say why theyre wrong. But dont EVER tell them they cant say it, THATS un-American! Instead of having another 1000 laws go into effect every damn year in California, how about enfocing those already on the books? How about employing the golden rule and some common sense? I aint so worried about those al-queda idiots, Im far more worried about the malaise in this country. We are fixing to shoot ourselves in the foot by relying so much on goverment and not thinking for ourselves; and that with all the gun laws in effect... Sorry, but Ive been thinking long and hard on this. Its something thats bothered me for a LONG time. I worry the next generations wont know the freedoms Ive known, then given time, freedom will disapeer. God help us. Ill get off my soap box now...
  18. Now the files have disappeared altogether! They have been gone now over 2 weeks. Ive PM'd Fates but no reply and no fix. HELP!
  19. This notice was recieved from Sonalyst and posted by the NWP team on their forum... "Jane's Fleet Command - Installer and Game Update (Windows XP) We have updated Fleet Command to address some "sound stability issues" that caused the game to crash when running under Windows XP. In addition,the Fleet Command install patch will soon be updated. The patches will be available for download in the near future..."
  20. Fellas, Life Is Good Ya Know...

    ...ya gotta look at the good things. Was driving to church today, enjoying the scenary. Been green after all the rains lately and the sun was out, not a cloud in a cobalt blue sky. Had to chuckle when a thought occured to me... On the exercise front, been eating half what I normally do and biking, hiking, lifting wieghts 6 days a week, (not all at once), an hour a day. Lost 45 pounds since last May. Have to start buyin new pants, my old ones keep fallin down and embarrassing me. Why an attractive woman at work even said I was "lookin' goood." B) Me old confidence has been starting to reassert itself, so finally screwed up enough courage to asked this drop dead gorgeous woman at church, in my own screwed up stumbling dorky, (yet lovable and endearing), way if she would like to have coffee with me this afternoon and she said yes... had a great hour chatting with her. Gonna go for a hike in the hills soon and maybe a movie. Can you beleive that??!!?? Me with a living doll. Dangme Im JAZZED! (So the moral to this story is, dont spend ALL day in front of the computer, eat yur veggies, exercise, and quit pickin yur nose and you too might be asking a babe out someday. :D ) Then I took an IQ test a little while back that in a big surprise to me, said I wasnt a complete idiot. Took another that confirmed it. Matter of fact, I was downright pleased. So this morning while driving, the thought came to me and made me laugh...Jeff, you aint as fat, dumb, and ugly as you thought you were... ...life is good boys. :)
  21. All you FC'rs have waited a long time for this one. Its in an auto-installer which will make things a whole easier. This was posted on the Naval Warfare Project forums... "NWP v17 is now available for download. Go here.. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NWS-NWP/links Thanks NWS Team Director" While your there, you need to take a look at the new ship models in the Photos section. They are very nice!
  22. Also MJ, I noticed there was a readme concerning installing FC in WinXP. It can be done, lol. Sorry for no link but its in the NWP forum listed above in the "Files" section. I have to get my butt back to work now... :D
  23. Fellas, Life Is Good Ya Know...

    Wise advice to be sure. That little voice inside your heart, that annoying little voice that seems to always be saying dont do that...doesnt hurt to listen once in awhile...and funny thing is, my life is still fun. ;)
  24. WHOA! Thats cool Gramps, Im impressed! Nice skin...the plane, not you... :D Cool story too. :)
  25. Fellas, Life Is Good Ya Know...

    Life's too short to be unhappy. You can find good in even the toughest times, you just got to learn to LOOK for it. You know one thing thats pretty neat, it doesnt matter how old you are. If you start exercising, your body has an amazing recuperative ability. God really knew what he was doing. It applies to other things as well. Being an old cowboy, I used to chew Copenhagen all the time, a can a day for 22 years. I started having bad problems with my gums and teeth. I was told I had pre-cancer even. Well once I quit, (I got real good at quitting, I did it a LOT), and given some time and care, about 3 years, I went back to the dentist for a routine cleaning and cancer screening. She told me I had the gums of a teenager! Now occasionally, I have a non tobbacco mint chew or herbal chew just to enjoy. I quit drinking hard, though still occasionally enjoy a beer or a shot. All my back and knee problems havent went away but they have SERIOUSLY moderated. I had a heart arythmia that has almost disappeared. Ive even learned to quit worrying like I used to about things. I had worked myself into panic attacks from all the stress about 10 years ago. They are GONE! Have been for about 5 years now. I just trust the Lord and grin and laugh a whole lot more, mostly at myself, (God knows I got plenty to laugh at there... ) Ya dont hafta kill yourself exercising. I started out a 30 minute walk a day 5 days a week. I'd walk a mile and a half, seems far but it isnt. I got to really enjoying it. It was a good time to think without interuption, to get some sun and fresh air. I actually looked forward to it. I often had good memories come to mind while walking. One of them was about my bike I had as a kid. So Then I decided I wanted to start bicycling again. So I bought a mountain bike and would ride it every other day a couple miles. Then I started lifting wieghts again a couple days a week. Now my exercise has evolved to where its 6 days a week an hour a day, biking every day, lifting wieghts 3 days a week, and walking or mountin hiking on Sunday. I'll often drive to the country and take a hike thru the hills with my dog and occasionally a freind. I still eat the foods I always ate, just not so much. I keep tabs on my wieght with a good digital scale, I count calories, even if only in my mind as the day progresses. I dont kill myself if I eat too much one day like if I go to a party at a freinds'; tommorrow is another day. Ive come to enjoy getting out and exercising. Im glad I can do it. God has really blessed my efforts. :) Whats intersting is how my workouts have evolved. As I came up with a better way of doing things, or if I got bored or just needed a break, or if say, my shoulder started getting sore, Id modify the workout. I dont do the same thing day after day because it would get boring and too much like a routine. I keep it interesting. And one day a week, I rest so I dont exhaust myself. Nearly did that once or twice. One time I worked out for 2 months without a day off, almost passed out at work from exhaustion. So I keep the Sabbath and rest, simple as that! Also, having back problems, I had to be careful with my back, so a lot of my lifting is from a bench lying flat. I do a lot of leg-lifts and bench presses, with pullups and pushups thrown in. Ive seen how it doesnt matter if you are disabled in some way. You can still do SOMETHING. Unless you are a complete paraplegic, you can still do arm exercises, or even do like the wheelchair guys who race. Ask them what they do to stay fit. They are a great example of perserverance. Some of those guys are AWESOME! If I got into a fight with one of those guys, I'd hate to get close enough for him to grab ahold of me... You have to be patient. I did this over time. Ive been exercising since last May, but the chewing and drinking Ive finally been free of the last 7 years. Its all in the attitude. Dont look at it like work or like something youve GOT to do. Look at it likes its something you WANT to do, something you enjoy. Theres nothing like taking a walk in a park or the hills out of town. Ive often found myself smiling and thanking God... FORTITUDE: The COURAGE to PERSIST, the STRENGTH to ENDURE. This is what our grandparents had. Its what made this country great. Its an AMERICAN VALUE. Its something I am building...

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