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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. I thought I would post again because I had to change some file names around and it changed things in my file area with my ISP. Here are the final Screens. They have been uploaded to Biohaz. As soon as MJ looks at them, they'll probably be posted, so keep an eye on the files area. F-15C, which hasnt changed... A-7B, part of the 2 screen hangar pack... A-7B again...
  2. Wow! Your team doesnt dally about does it? Lookin forward to this wep pack, its got the nuke! Thanks for all the effort guys. This will also make the A-4E easier to install, I wont have to fool around with the wep editor. Two cool things to download tonight when I get home. B)
  3. If anyone likes it, Ill post it to the Biohaz files area with Jeffs' permission as another "screen pack".
  4. Was foolin with it this morning and all of a sudden the light came on and somebody was home! I figured out how to do the translucent background on a photo. Here's a quickie look, still want to add some lettering and insignia, similar to whats on the other A-7B screen, though maybe not so big. Some of you guys might wonder why the big deal, but chief and I were on the same ship, USS Independance CV-62, that carried one of the same squadrons, VA-15 Valions. Though not quite at the same time. I think we missed each other by a couple, 3 years. He happened to have this nice shot of a Valions plane and I wanted to do a main screen for him, though unfortunately my software isnt as good as I thought, its an old version. So I hope he likes the hangar screens instead. P.S. Actually, Im trying to make up for all those times me and my boatswainmate buddies snuck up to the airdale berthing and slapped some pink bellies on his compadres... ;)
  5. Anyone Have A Military Font?

    You know, like the stencils we all used in the military, with the gaps in the lettering. For use in Windows? Is there such a thing? I'd like it for some artwork.
  6. Hey! All You Tree Hugging Grunts!

    You got a link Dagger, I couldnt seem to find it. Thanks...
  7. Need Input In Naval Forum

    Yeah, I got this site listed in my favorites. gonna keep an eye on its progress. Thanks dagger...
  8. Thanks Gramps, glad you liked it. Ill definately start lookin for those fotos. ;) I also discovered my ancient copy of PSP ver.4.2 doesnt do layers. So unfortunately Chief, I cant do the Valions main screen. At least I havent been able to figure it out yet. My apologies. I hope an VA-15 hangar screen will help salve the broken promise... Im also trying some things with the foto you sent. the problem is the background is too light so the hangar screen lettering doesnt show up. Im hoping my version of PSP will do the translucent square like some screens have. I just havent figured out yet if it does. Im going to posts these two screens within the next day or two. Its late now and my puppies are barkin'.
  9. Anyone Have A Military Font?

    Fates, you just kept me from completely going ballistic. I got some links to free font sites that I checked out and man, with all the ads popping up and the lousy, unituitive site layouts, I was about to give up when I decided to see if anyone here had answered. Mucho thank you compadre! :)
  10. Got This From Subsim...never Argue With A Woman

    I'da loved to seen the Game Wardens' face, lol. :D
  11. Hi Capun, Not just yet. I have to finish a main screen I promised Chief. But I am planning some MiG screens for the -19 and -21's.
  12. 1.) How do I view my medals I win ingame...my ego needs a boost... 2.) Is there a way to stop the centering flop in my Sidewinder wingman FF? I got the ingame settings both set to zero or none and still I have a hard time moving the joystick smoothly out of center, espesially in pitch. The F-15 is espesially hard.
  13. It looks really good Dagger. An improvement over the stock skies for shure. I like that storm effect too, very nice. Im curious, can you fly thru that overcast to the deck? SFP! doesnt really models clouds like say, IL2 does, does it? Obviously not yet, but is it capable?
  14. A Small Prayer Request......

    Your in my prayers Falcon, God Bless.
  15. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    ROFLOL! :D :D :D I guess ya got me there, potatoes dont breed... :D
  16. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!! Now their on more than just the Quizno ads! Thier starting to propagate!!! WHERE"S THAT BLASTED SHOTGUN??!!??
  17. Im lagging here so bear with me... Thunder at Sea campaign simulator for Fighting Steel has been updated to version 1.3. This occured 3 or 4 weeks ago, sorry. The update includes technical improvements and enhancements. Also out now is the free scenario editor for TAS, and a Guadalcanal campaign. Also, the Fighting Steel Project will soon be updated to version 9.5, (curently at 9.21). This was posted by Christopher Dean... "The Fighting Steel Project is about to receive one of the most advanced updates to date with the upcoming v9.5. I wont spoil the surprise but so far the results are nothing short of awesome! Not only are some of the combat mechanics yet further enhanced but also some new graphical features that take FSP to a new level of fun and realism!" Fighting Steel Project webpage
  18. A Joke Just For You Chief

    Hope that Admiral had a sense of humor... ;)
  19. Well, it seems to work. I flew a couple of your missions and watched the sam launch multiple times. It also blew me up multiple times. :D My missions used to be easy before you and your blasted missiles came along capun... :P :D Actually, well done. Youve added a new dimension to the game. Its even more fun and challenging now. BZ!
  20. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    PSS. I hope you know Im teasing. I would expect an appropriate reply, (or hand gesture), along the same vein. I might also add that I supported the "Old Airdale Freedom From Blackshoe Jokes Association", the OAFFBJA. I was good for what, a whole month? Then I fell off the wagon because I couldnt stand the strain anymore... :D
  21. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    Firehawkordy, You goofy airdale, youve sniffed too much glue while breathing napalm in enclosed hangar spaces! Those aint Rats, those are hairy, freaked out POTATOES dad-blastit! :P :D PS. I had to endure that commercial again last nite, lol. Wheres my shotgun??
  22. When Marines Have No Supervision

    LOL, I wonder how long before the brass spotted that one? Good camo, lol.
  23. Wanna See A Very Lucky Hunter?

    The link for this video was posted on my gamer group forum by a member. If you dont like hunting or guns or find it disturbing to watch an animal die, dont watch it. Im personally not a trophy hunter as it is all to often wasteful, but do hunt on occasion for the food and cape. The video demonstrates a few things like, if you are a hunter, be sure of your shot, one shot, one kill. It also demonstrates the danger of a wounded animal. Lion Hunt
  24. Happy B-day Dutchy

    Awww, comeon Zag! I was gonna say all that... :P God Bless and Happy Birthday Dutchy, hope ya had a good one. :)

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