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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Never mind, I found it in the menu .cat file. Thanks anyway...
  2. All I have right now is the original main screen running in the game. I want to change it or make a all together new one. But where can I find the original? Where do I put the one I make when its done?
  3. Found this short ARTICLE over at the Wargamer. Take a look at the screens for the P-80, very nice. Im really looking forward to this one.
  4. Ive been curious about the B-17 too but havent heard anything. If I do, Ill post it. The trick to the P-51 is only use a half tank of gas. The center tank, behind the seat, throws the center of gravity off. Also, it isnt really a dogfighter. The Jap planes and the FW will cream you if you try to dogfight. Havent tried it against any soviet planes but I'd expect the LA and Migs to out turn the P-51.
  5. Any Word Of A Patch?

    Being a 56K'r, Im bandwidth challenged and their website is all flash and takes forever to load. Spend 10 minutes waiting for the main page to open, only to have to go thru more pages that are flash. Worst website Ive ever seen for accessability. Was hoping to find their forums. Can someone give me a link to them? Appreciate it... Any word of an upcoming patch? I still have some minor glitches on occasion.
  6. Favorite Sayings

    LOL! Im afraid to ask, hehe. How about, "Easier than a broke, ugly whore."
  7. Please Spare A Thought...

    Her, you, your family are all in my prayers Tell your little girl we are all praying for her and to get well soon so she can send us all some cookies. :D God bless Firehawk...
  8. Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone has an adapter for my Compaq Presario 1277 that I can plug into my pickups cig lighter or power point? I'd like to take it with me on a few planned trips. Ive checked the Compaq website and they dont have them (!). However, I have seen them before so I know their out there. Be willing to pay any reasinable price. Thanks in advance.
  9. Capt. Kangaroo...i'll Miss Him!!

    The creator of this urban legend lie in no way diminishes the great service these two men did for their country and its children...the service of peace. Even more important than war. PS. Dont worry Gator, Ive been duped before too online.
  10. Capt. Kangaroo...i'll Miss Him!!

    Makes me feel a little older to hear this. Loved CK and MR as a kid. To learn they both were decorated combat veterans is a surprise. To see how they turned the war away from themselves and go on to care about others is an inspiration. May they both Rest In Peace till the trumpet sound...they've earned it. Semper Fi...
  11. Favorite Movie Gunfights?

    When you said gunfight, I thought you were talkin westerns. Go see "Open Range". Nice to see Hollywood can still put out a real good western. The movie was outstanding and the gunfight at the end was downright inspirational, lol. When Costner fans his shooter and mows 'em down, I actually let out a YEEHAW! Scared the KRAP! outta the couple in front of me, hehe. Just cant help being a redneck I suppose. ;)
  12. Redneck "not So Fast And Furious" Car

    Being a southern redneck, I want you to know I seriously RESEMBLE that remark! :D Was too funny...actually gave me an idea. Ive got lumber, just need bailing wire, lol.
  13. Its wierd, Ive not seen much thats suitable on the net yet. Im gonna check the Radio Shack here in town, then maybe drive down to Frys payday and see what they say. (I live in the Boonies...well, sort of...we have cows...) Thanks for the Ideas Dagger.
  14. Het Chaingun, Thanks for the news. I didnt know about it till I read your post, thanks. Good sim, eh? ;)
  15. When this comes out, I think Ill reinstall the game and all the aircraft and add a few terrains that I like. This ought to be REALLY cool. A big improvement for SFP1.
  16. When you get a few moments, please visit the link provided to my website and its "TAS AAR" page. Its actually been up for awhile but I didnt post it, as a writer for a gaming website said he wanted to use it in his monthly article. Well, he didnt so I feel ok with putting it out myself. I wish I could have gotten a few more screens of the action. I couldnt beleive all the shell splashes when I first ran into the Brits. My big goof was making the choice to try a run past the Faroes. My victory was saving my butt alive and nailing a Brit ship in the process. Thunder at Sea is an addon released by Naval Warfare Simulations for the game Fighting Steel. They sell FS for $10 and TAS for $24 at their store. I have really gotten back into this game now. A lot of fun. My AAR can be found HERE! Then just click the TAS AAR link on the left. Let me know what you think.
  17. Gotta agree with Vegas, thanks for the time Ghostdog, and you too MJ. Best sim site on the web. (Betcha didnt think it'd be this much work, eh MJ? :D )
  18. Aao 2.0a Review/article

    This is an excellent infantry combat sim. I dont think a computer game has come as close as this to what we hope for in a simulation. With the latest patch(?), 2.0.0a, I guess you call it, any bugs I had disapeered. I love the sandstorm map. I havent had a chance to play with my gaming group, MGG, yet, but they are getting heavily into this one. As soon as the links for the reviews are fixed, Ill read your review Fates. Thanks for taking the time to do them.
  19. Santa Smilies

    Amen brother, feel the same way...
  20. The Wreckage Of Senator Clinton's Aircraft

    Cretin, almost any funny comment can be linked to something serious. Chief was just tryin to pass on a joke is all. He wasnt trying to be disrespectful to ACTUAL accident victims. I would have never made any connection to actual wrecks and deaths if you hadnt said something. I took his joke for what it was. Not tryin to flame ya pal, just my observation. Actually Dagger, I recognize that broom...MY ex-wife was flyin on it when she left me. I gave her a "boost" out the door, hehe.
  21. Santa Smilies

    Like the sig cretin, warms the heart... Im talkin about the bottom one... God I love this country. :)
  22. Ive played a LOT of IL2. got the hang of landing down pretty well. But I didnt study as carefully as I should have in this game when I got it. My first flight and first pass, dont know squat about an ILS system, come in too fast even for a jet, decide at last second to go around, raise flaps and hit the burner. This time I come in, not as fast though still too much, but using airbrake and full flaps. I touch down waaaaay too far down the strip, still coulda made it but didnt deploy chute and forgot where wheelbrake toggle was, lol. Wound up in the cow pasture at end of runway front wheel half buried. Decided to open canopy for fresh air to let bad smell in pants disipate. Next time I read the manual and have keycard handy, lol. Of course, any landing you can walk away from...
  23. Santa Smilies

    No rest for the wicked... *Snaps whip over jeffs' head as drummer beats out slow tatoo while sweaty, half naked men row...* :D
  24. Electric Shock

    VSD, I got a similar effect when I took off in the A10. I retracted gear and flaps, trying to stay low as a strela launcher was nearby. Before I cleared the runway, I looked to the left watching for missiles. Well, that was enough time for me to slightly dip, and sure enough, I wound up scraping and sparking down the remainder of the runway till I finally came to a stop. pretty cool effect I agree.
  25. Enigma: Rising Tide

    Fates, Im on 56K so I havent tried the demo, thats a big file. Thanks for the link though, I added it to my favorites. But that's why I was asking opinions. I did hear somewhere in a review in the past, that the reviewer thought the game wasnt really a sim. However, to hear AK's response, it might be afterall. Even if it is arcadish, it still might be fun. Anything Naval I like and am interested in. I would love to try the demo, I suppose I could just leave it on all night. I wonder how long it would take?

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