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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Silent Storm 3 :)

    Dont you mean Silent Hunter 3? Either way, this looks very nice. I have SH2 and its a lot of fun. Enjoyed the view of many a transport taking the dive to Davy Jones locker, heading for the deep six. Arrrrrrrrrr....
  2. Enigma: Rising Tide

    A nuke ASROC and you wouldnt have to worry about all that plotting. There's a BIG margin for error built in there ya know... :D Actually, this game looks pretty good, though I get the impression its more of a naval BF1942 and not really a sim. Am I wrong here?
  3. Lomac Expansion Petition - Sign For More Lomac!

    I saw this thread in the Lomac forum. I agree with some of the peoples' comments that sales and money will be what motivate UbiSoft to make an addon for Lomac. However, letting Ubi know our desire for more of this excellent sim cant hurt. I'd love to see the F-14, F-18, Tornado, Mirage, and a US carrier, not to mention some more maps or area of Operations. I signed it.
  4. Plz Sing This Petition!!

    I saw this in another forum and signed it then. The Russians were my cold war adversaries but I always respected them. If this company would do this for the sake of advertising and dollars to them, how long before we see pictures of our own soldiers defaced in this way for money?
  5. I agree Cretin. One of the key reasons for having the F-14 was the long range anti-ship missiles the Soviets fielded loaded on Badgers, Bears, etc. The Tomcat, coupled with the E-2C and the Pheonix, had the speed and range to quickly engage these deadly adversaries before they could shoot. This 3 sided "system" gave the CV a capable front line defence. A couple of Kitchens in the side of a CV would have seriously affected its combat capability. Most of us have seen what a single lucky shot did to the Forrestal, now imagine a large missile like the kitchen. I find it incredable that people are so short-sighted as to think that with the fall of the Soviet Union, the missile threat is seriously diminished. The Persian Gulf is awash in these missiles as are a far more likely threat, the Chinese and North Koreans. Whether these missiles are launched from land or air, they have a long reach that can only be defendedagainst by a long range aircraft and missile system like the Pheonix. Using the Hornet/AMRAAM combo with mid-air refueling is at best a stopgap that endangers our sailors and airman. The Navy performed it missions in Vietnam better than anyone else because their aircrews, unlike the Air Force, were specialized. A fighter pilot did his thing, the ground attack community did theirs, and so on. A pilot that has to know two jobs will never be quite as skilled at both as two pilots each trained in their specialty. I fear this is a lesson our military will have to learn again the hard way... PS. After all that, let me say, I sure hope they add some aircraft to this sim. I would love to see both the Tomcat and Hornet, a US CV, a British Tornado, A French Mirage, and the Euro-Fighter EF2000.
  6. A Japanese Surrenders

    This is an excerpt from the book, "Guadalcanal" by Irving Werstien. I just finished reading it. It finished with these lines... "On Oct. 27th, 1947, a Japanese soldier dressed in a ragged uniform, his hair grown to his waist, emerged from a Guadalcanal cave. This strange creature entered a Solomon Island constabulary post and surrendered. He enquired about the war, for he did not know it was over. Then, in a voice cracked from disuse, he asked, "Where are the American Marines?" When told they had departed five years before, he sighed and said, "It was no disgrace to be beaten by such men." Semper Fidelis...
  7. A Very Humble Request

    Staffen, I got a feeling you already know the answers pal. Take it from an old fart whose been around...I think you'll do just fine.
  8. The Hi-tech Redneck Glossary

    My pal gave me this Christmas card, hehe... -reboot- What you do when yur done scritchin yer feets. -hardware-Nuts, bolts, nails, screws, etc. -server-Thet feller what doles out the bains. -spread sheet-One way of fertilizin' a field. -point and click-What happens when yur dang gun misfires. -cell phone-What you use to make your one call from jail. -3.5inch floppy-The droppin of a really small cow. -microchip-That same droppin after its been settin in the sun fer a spell. -hard drive-A truck with two flat tires, stripped gears, and a burnt out clutch. Hmmm, I wonder what else we can add, hehe... :D
  9. Riddle Me This

    Im 46 years old fellas. When I was 16, I used to walk out to the desert near where I lived in Tucson to shoot my wepons. I often walked back to the 7/11 with my .45 on my hip and my winchester over my sholder to get a soda and no one ever said anything including the cops. That was back in 1972-4 when guns werent such an issue. Now if I tried that here in Calif. I'd probably be arrested on the spot for some stupid trumped up malarky. Freedom aint what it used to be young people. Ive seen a LOT of change in 25 years. Speak up before you lose what you got left...
  10. Finally A New Monitor....

    All Im gonna say is...you guys all suck.... :( Maybe next year. HEY! It is next year!
  11. Saw this ARTICLE at The Wargamer today. The patch made be had HERE! Anyone who tries it, keep us posted on any problems you encounter. Thanks...
  12. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    Ya know, I always wondered what LMAO meant, and now I know...I...I...feel so...used... oh well, TTFN... :D
  13. Hey Sdrickson!

    Maybe you two guys are post menapausalhypoallergenicspacetimecontiuumtorsotwins... :D
  14. Is It Worth It?

    Dagger, I think this game is more like BF1942 and MOH, kind of a run and gun game. The games you mentioned are more tactical type "combat sims". I think it does have a bit more of a "tactical tone" to it so to speak than BF1942 and MOH, but that could be more a function of its atmosphere and cinematics getting you "in the game and psyched". I really enjoyed the demos but I wouldnt had bought it simply because I already have several run and guns, BF1942, and UT. A freind bought me the game for Christmas and I will say I have enjoyed the game a LOT. The single player campaigns are the best I have seen bar none. Its like me, pcpilot, alongside some old movie great starring in my own war film. The MP part is of the same high caliber as BF1942 with some nice different game types. But it doesnt do as much for me as the SP part of the game. Like I said, I wouldnt have bought it for more run and gun. Unlike BF1942, there isnt a quick battle generator, you have to play one of the missions unlocked from the campaign, read rerun here. There wasnt any mission editor released with it though I understand some SDK tools were released. Also, except for some apparently minor bugs, it has run flawlessly 98% of the time right out of the box unpatched. All in all, the game is excellent, is very engrossing, and a LOT of fun. And yet I still find myself debating the nessesity for another $50 run and gun. Im having a hard time understanding all the excitement, the game is hardly more than a slightly new twist on an old theme. Im an old money pincher. Lived thru a lot of lean times. I expect to get every pennys' worth when I buy something. If a prospective purchase doesnt quite meet all my criteria, I pass on it. My bottom line? As good as this game is, I still woulda passed on it. Dont mean to rain on anyones parade, just my honest opinion. If you dont have a run and gun, this is the first one I would recommend to you.
  15. Got A Problem...

    I have gotten to the train station at Red Square. When I run up the steps, the game stops and the following error message is displayed... "insufficient free disk space. please free at leats 5mb of freespace on game drive." I first got this error message after I had to redo my harddrive. I tried to save the "save" folder from the COD directory so I wouldnt have to redo the campaign I was on. Well, it didnt work. As soon as I tried to reload my campaign after I had redone the HDD, I'd get this message. I thought, ok, fine! Ill just start allover again. So I deleted the old folder and started a new campaign. It ran fine until now at the red square train station where I get the SAME error message. I still have 7 gig free on my "game drive". Whats this thing talking about? I tried to access the forums for COD but there was little to nothing that looked like my problem there. So thought I would fly my question here to see what happens.
  16. Got A Problem...

    Hmmm, well, I guess Ill wait for the patch then. I sure hate having to go thru the campaign a 4th time if I have to reinstall. <_< Speaking of campaign, I did what you did Fates and went to a harder setting this last time around, and MAN! its a bear! You even THINK about sticking your head around a corner and POW! right in the kisser, hehe. I agree Jeff. When you think about what these men went thru it can bring you to tears. I have the book Enemy at the Gates, the true story of Stalingrad, and words are inadequate to describe that battle. 2 million dead Russians, many killed by thier own commisars. An elite 250,000 man German army that marched into Stalingrad, only 90,000 survive to surrender. And only 5,000 come back home to thier Germany, the last, 10 years after the war was over. And that was only one battle in a horrifc all or nothing war...
  17. What'd Ya'll Get For X-mas?

    Call of Duty, a nice clay pigeon launcher and a box of clay targets, (gettin ready for turkey season), a gigabyte MoBo with all the bells and whistles, an AMD XP 2000+ cpu, and the PC-2700 RAM, a cpu fan that may require me to take a class in HVAC, and a power supply to make it all work. This setup will allow me to improve the system as I can afford it. Sure beats my old P3 1ghz... :D B) "It is nice to throw in a game and it just works with no tweaking"...for that reason alone I wont hassle ya MJ. I can relate... :(
  18. Well, for me personally, the game itself doesnt work. Its because I have a Radeon 8500 that doesnt fully support DX9, an operating system, win98, that doesnt work with the game, and a pentium3 1ghz, which isnt enough to run the game like it should be run. Funny thing is, the system requirements listed on the box indicated I fell well within all the requirements. And guess what? I cant take it back for a refund! I almost feel like Ive been taken. I hope wags comes thru, I kinda think he will... FB is still my favorite anyway. I love the old WW2 aircraft and the LACK of complexity. Kinda one reason why I still play SFP1. Love the era, and the aircraft. Hopefully by the end of Christmas break, Ill get my replacement disc back.
  19. Merry Christmas To All...

    The reason for the season... LUKE 2:4-14... And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Im a long way from perfect. My friends say Im a C.O.B., hehe. But Ive never been happier in my life. My prayers are with each and every one of you. May Gods peace reside in your hearts and in your homes. Merry Christmas my friends...
  20. Ive had a bit of trouble with the upload lately. I was able to upload 5 files with no apparent problem. But the last two have given me quite a bit of guff. Twice getting an error message after waiting for the file to finish the upload. The other times, 2 or 3, I had no idea if the file successfully uploaded, and after a week passes and the last file still not posted for download, I have to assume it wasnt successful. My suggestion is having a page come up with a note telling us the file upload was successful. Just a thought...
  21. Incentive Rides

    :D Not only birds can be dangerous, deer, salmon and turtles are hazardous too! http://www.safetycenter.navy.mil/media/app...ticles/0066.htm What a hoot! The turtle "dashing"?? LOL! PS. I had the pleasure as LSE on the DD-971, to get a ride in the SH-2 back in '84. We were in the Persian Gulf playing sitting duck for the Iranians. The helo naturally did a LOT of patroling. We had flight ops nearly continuasly. The flight was a blast.
  22. MJ, Could you PM me your email addy. The email function on the forum doesnt allow attachments.
  23. MJ, how do I size my pictures in a thread or post? Ive tried the HTML tags to no avail.
  24. Hi MJ, any findings yet?
  25. Desert Combat 0.6 Released

    This is the BEST mod I can recall for ANY game. Ive never seen one add so MUCH QUALITY stuff. It plays well, is darn fun single or multi-player, and can run on my old Pentium3 system without so much as a hiccup. Its funny cuase I never got into MOH, this comes along and its become one of my favorites...not sure why the difference.

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