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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Ive been waitin for this boat and its finally come in! :D Very nice work AD, love that pit. Cant wait...
  2. New Sim..

    WHOA! Did you see that screen of the FFG? Man! The detail! I'm...I'm gettin' whoozy... Interesting, an actual individual ship sim. Reminds me of Destroyer Command, except present day. This could be interesting. I could finally have my own combat information center and NO ONE to tell not to touch any buttons with yellow stripes... I'd love to go sub hunting in my old ship, the David R. Ray DD-971. :ph34r:
  3. Dear Jesus, We pray for your presence and comfort with this man Wally, as he mourns the loss of his wife. Let him in ever growing faith lay hold your promise of life again one day. And till then, allow your peace to reside in his heart. Let hope never dim, let laughter and smiles never fade as memories come to mind. Let him always look forward, never behind. Let him walk Lord, with you...Amen If we, or I, can help in any way, just say the word.
  4. Zag, dont feel bad, I got a P3 1ghz with 512 MB RAM and a radeon 8500 and running win98 and this game just plain aint werkin! I just bought it a couple days ago and have spent more time online and in the options page, than actually flying. I did find a work around using the old demo files to get the game to launch finally. I also discovered there is a force feedback centering problem that is being addressed in the upcoming patch along with the win98 issue. I was able to fool with the controller settings to dampen problems a bit. But in the meantime, my flight control isnt as good as I want it to be. I was also able to improve the framerates somewhat by over-clocking my video card a bit and seeting all settings on performance over quality with the card, and to generally all low settings in-game. But by far, the biggest problem, which I havent found a resolution or fix for, and which hasnt been mentioned in any patch updates, is flashing textures. My plane, the terrain, and sometimes parts of the sky flash off and on, disappear for a few moments, or turn invisible completely, forcing me to reboot. The cockpit, everything, can suddenly disappear...not good in a fight when I might need those indicators... :P All I can say is be patient. Matt Wagner seems to be a pretty squared away fellow that tries to keep us up to date on news. He says a patch is nearing completion. I beleive him. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt and a chance to get things fixed before I start looking for a rope. ;)
  5. Jetson, I too have lost family. Its the lousiest thing that can happen in this life. But remember that God loves you both and one day you will be together again in an even better place; a wonderful hope. Spend every minute with her you can and talk. Be there for her like I wish I had been for my brother. Hold fast your faith and let it grow. May Gods peace be with you both as my prayers surely are. Life will go on; we will be here when you are able to come back.
  6. I tend to agree. I cant make more than two or three passes before I get tagged. Then again, maybe thats the problem. I perhaps should do one fast pass and drop everything. But that doesnt leave much room for accuracy on my part. Hmmmm...I wonder how you could tweak that ingame. Is it hard coded? Or is there an ini file somewhere we can screw up?
  7. Im talking about when I post an image on the forum in a thread. Like if I wanted to post an image right now, I would use the image button MJ has provided. But how do I size that image so that, for instance, it isnt so large. I tried HTML tags, but they dont work.
  8. Callsign Origins

    I loved reading this post, what a hoot. Talk about a buncha charachters! :P I already explained this once but not to its entirety. I was once at a church whose preacher had license plates that said "SKYPILOT". I always thought that was kinda cool. Preachers are known by some as "skypilots", and it turned out, he actually was a small plane pilot. When it came time to figure out a moniker, I had always wanted to be a pilot but the only thing I flew was a pc, hence "pcpilot". Little minds make little connections I guess... Please keep in mind it has NOTHING to do with political correctness, hehe. I have a second rarely used nik given to me by my best freinds back in my wooley youth. I was hardcore redneck, country, rodeo, shotgun, two-fisted tequila sorta guy, who after a long nite of partying, didnt look so good in the morning. We were sitting around a campfire one particularily cold morning. I had a lousy nites sleep because the stars had really been spinning because of the booze and a rock under my sleeping bag was in my butt so I couldnt get comfortable all nite. I woke up, hair in disarray, sore, cranky, and some fool handed me a bowl of oatmeal, not my number one brealfast food. At the same time, someone snapped a picture and said I looked like an axe murderer. But Danial, my "best" friend, said "No, He looks like a hillbilly after a bad nite. He looks like "Racketyjack". Everybody cracked up. Me I just withdrew to my oatmeal grumbling how Id use an axe on the poor idiot that called me that. Well, that was all anyone needed of course...My first name is jeff and a lot of people know me as JB. So it wasnt hard for everyone to start calling me Jack, which my closest friends do to this day, some 20 years later. My other online name and email uses "Racketyjack". Long winded sucker aint I? Us southern boys love to tell a story, hehe. ;)
  9. Blonde Joke....

    Man, youd think youd know better by now, lol! :P
  10. I've been reinstalling SFP and noticed some of the new planes I added in, and a few old originals, didnt have hanger screens. A few dont have loadout images either. So I decided to fill the breach so to speak. Since Im no 3D artist working on planes, thought this might be a small contribution to the community. These two screens shown here are about 80% done so they are only a jpg preview of bmp images to see if anyone likes them. Whether you do or not is no big deal cause I do and Im still gonna use 'em in my game. :P But if there is the slightest interest, Ill be glad to zip 'em and upload them, maybe here at Biohaz if MJ's agreeable. The other planes needed are B-57, AN-12 Cub-A, B-66C, F2H4 Banshee, MiG-15 BIS, and the O-1E Birddog. [bR] I must say I think they look pretty business like and neat in the hangar screen ingame. Im jazzed... B) NOTE: OK, these two are done now. I added the girl on one and the map on the other. Placing each picture just right so as to fit the SFP hanger screen and not crowd or partially cover each other is a bit of a chore. I also find I have to touch them up a bit, add shadows or borders, then lettering the way I want it. The background has to be a dark color so the briefing will show up. Then that little hanger screen label in the upper right is a pest too trying to use it and not have it throw off the "look" of the screen. Ive been at it now over two days with only a break for church, exercise, and sleep for 14 hours. All I can say is it's fun. Do me a favor however...if I say I want to model aircraft in 3D, someone please come over and jap slap the crap outta me, ok?;)
  11. Well, heres the MiG-15bis Hangar Screen. This plane was part of the F-86 Sabre pack. Work on the screens is going to slow down now due to work tommorrow. Wont get much done during the week. However, I will get these six images zipped and uploaded to Biohaz this week as soon as the website is fixed. I still am planning on doing screens for the B-57 Canberra, the AN-12BP Cub-A, and the MiG-17PFU.
  12. Boeing Warrenty Card

    You may have already seen this, but if not, visit this link and take a look at this "Warranty Card" originally made by Boeing employees, hehe. This is an updated one from the original I think. Its a hoot. Make sure you check out the pull-down menus. BOEING WARRANTY CARD
  13. Im really lovin this hehe... Capun, an email is on the way to you.
  14. Hope the release version has a good NAVY skin, the old blue color. That plane looks sharp.;)
  15. Capun, Ill zip the F2H and email it to you if I can get the file small enough. Its a 2.3MB High Res BMP unzipped. I'll PM you if I have any problems. Another note about the low-res B-66 screen...The preview jpg posted here doesnt look to good, but the actual ingame hanger screen isnt bad at all; looks good. Not quite as good as the High Res but perfectly usable. Also, I am working on the O-1E Birddog right now. Sure is hard to find good camo images to use...looking for a good hires Tigerstripe camo or woodland.
  16. Here's the best one yet. Hope Capun likes it, I do...:) This one REALLY looks nice ingame.
  17. Nah, Ima freak too I 'spose. Still working on a campaign off and on, now at 16 missions. Was flying up till last week when I scratched the CRAP outta my game disk. Now I gots to gets a 'nother one...:( Havent bothered to get latest patch update yet 'cause cant play game till CD is replaced. I did get the beta before I wanked my disc though. Sure love that Mustang.
  18. Calling All Navy!

    I found this place on the web today and BOY! does it seem to have some nice stuff. Thier focus seems to be on model ships but I could be wrong. They have the nicest ship portraits Ive seen however. Ill be getting one of the David Ray DD-971 and the Indy CV-62. Hmmm, cant get the link thingy to work. Oh well, here's the link, just copy and paste in the browsers address bar... http://www.totalnavy.com/index.html
  19. HOLY MOLY! Sure wouldnt want to be in that house... I can see me now...walking to the window to let some air in...WHAAAM!!! An HH-1 eh? Ive seen H-2's on, not sure if Ive ever seen an H-1. Your lucky to have a useful skill to restore something like that though. Always loved the air museums. B)
  20. Ok, here's #3, for the Destroyer. I used the 256 colors for it instead of the 16bit so its not got as good resolution, however the file size is only a third of the first two. So tell me what you think, more res and bigger file size, around 2MB. Or less res and size. Hope ya like it...:)
  21. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    LOL! You snipes! :P :D This thread sure is gettin the reads, over 580! Big news eh? I guess since we are all fessing up, Im not really a pilot, nor am I a pc. Im darn sure NOT pc either, too old. However, I gave meself the moniker cause I like computer flight sims. Now if I could just get off the ground... :\ And in case anyones wondering, I DID serve in the Marines and Navy AND the Ca. Natl Guard! (Im also, scitzophrenic...) :D
  22. My Daughter Just Told Me I Listen To....

    Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin??!!?? You ARE an old fart! :P :D :D I work at a middle school as a custodian. With my grey hair, all the kids keep calling me the "Old Man", LOL! I doubt Ill ever like Rap though, still cant find the "music" part of it. ;)
  23. I cant seem to find the downloads for them. Im sorry, Im a "wanker", lol. :P
  24. Thats great AD! I always thought that the fitter was a pretty cool looking aircraft. It will definately go well in SFP. I for one will appreciate it immensely. Being an old cold warrior, Im lovin this sim era and am adding every Soviet bloc plane I can get ahold of.

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