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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Thanks for the link pal. I looked in the downloads section and never saw the B52 till today. Sheesh, I must be blind... <_< I found out the SU is still being worked on. I had thought somehow it was already done, my fubar.
  2. Guys, love this plane. It flies well, looks good, and last nite I shot down 7(!) enemy migs. Am I good or what? :) I did notice one little problem. My initial mission with the plane was supposed to be a strike mission against an airfield. The weps listed included fuel tanks, rocket pods, and the guns I think it was. When I tried to select them in the loadout screen to add onto the plane, I couldnt, it said there were zero weps available. Well, I went ahead and started the battle anyway, and there the weps were! On the plane! Even though I couldnt select them back in the loadout screen. Is there a file or something I didnt put in the right place? Minor bug fellas, GREAT airplane! Well Done and BZ!
  3. Thanks Buff, that was another plane I needed to add in my reinstall of the game. :)
  4. I was reinstalling SFP1 and wanted to update or add some planes and I cant find them. Can someone please give me a link? B-52 F-5 Harrier SU-17 That Italian thingy... :P The links for Biohaz are not working for the B52 or F-5, Thanks... :D
  5. Hi fellas, Ive noticed at a number of sites that the links for SFP1 related websites are old and out-dated. If I may so suggest, Please post your new website address here in this thread, have it updated with MadJeff for Biohaz, and lastly, you might take a little time to visit some of the main websites and update your link with them. I discovered this when I wanted to reinstal SFP1 and add the latest planes like the B52, A10, etc. and most of my links in my favorites folder were useless. I then visited a few sites that were still good, and their links were old too. Ive also looked at the errata thread. Here are a few links... -MarcFighters -Gramps -Migeg -Boopidoo Aerospace I understand that Major-Lee is unable to update his website and give us a new link until after the 17th of Dec. Just thought I would post this so everyone can easily update links on websites' links pages and in their favorites folder.
  6. Going To Eilat :)

    Eilat...we're talking a town on the coast of Israel here, right? I'd love to see Israel again one of these days. See all the places I missed the first time, which is every place but the bars in Haifa and Tel Aviv...this was back in me bad old days...
  7. Out Of Touch

    You poor, poor fella...Would you like me to play the little violin or the big one? :P Hey! Ya missed a spot on that brass... :P
  8. Pearl Harbor Day

    Pearl Harbor Remembered Pearl Harbor Day, December 7 December seventh of every year shall be known and designated as "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day". It shall be a day on which to commemorate the sacrifice of more than two thousand citizens of the United States who were killed and more than one thousand citizens who were wounded when the Imperial Japanese Navy and Air Force attacked units of the armed forces of the United States stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This caused the United States to enter into World War II. The teachers and students shall observe this day with appropriate exercises. All citizens should devote some portion of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to solemn contemplation of the selfless sacrifice made by those who gave their lives for their country in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The flag of the United States shall fly at half-staff each December seventh in honor of the individuals who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941 is the day President Franklin Roosevelt refered to when he said "the Day That Shall Live In Infamy". <S>To the veterans of that terrible day...
  9. A Good Sunday Laugh!

    Being a former US Marine and Navy, trained as Assualt boat coxswain in my early navy career, I can understand how these things happen, hehe. Beach recon is indeed vital. Thats one reason why the US formed the UDT teams back in WW2. But you know, those Royal Marines laughing at the Royal Army, I'd bet, know just how easy it is for things to go awry, even with good recon...the US Marines do, lol. :D
  10. Real Navy

    I wondered if someone would come up with something like this. I KNEW I shoulda done it first, hehe. I like the black shoe coffee mug. ;) I also liked the quote in the sidebar... "Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile...can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, 'I served in the United States Navy'." JFK ...amen to that brother... :)
  11. Call Of Duty

    Yes, or maybe BF1942 with more, and slightly better, cinematics and intensity. Gotta love the intense firefights, hehe. Ive been having a LOT of fun playin this. I wish we could drive vehicles though. Maybe in a later addon or mod.
  12. What's Up With The Brits??

    Personally, the Brits as well as anyone has the right to disagree with us. Accenting to dissent is one of the things that makes us Americans. However, we can only hope their disagreement is based on logic and common sense or just a differance of opinion. If evil things are left to unchecked, they only grow worse. The British people hopefully learned that thanks to Neville Chamberlain. The pain they suffered from an unchecked Hitler was all too obvious. While little to nothing has been found of Saddam's WMD, we all remember how he used chemicals and gas on the Iranians, Kurds, and even his own people back in the '80's. It was well documented by many sources. If they cant be found now may be explained as a clever propaganda attempt by him. Think about it. What better way to gain a political propaganda victory than to allow your enemy, who has claimed you have WMD, fail to find them and make himself look like a fool. Its a big country and these things are probably easy to hide somewhere. Our technology isnt capable of looking everywhere. This only weakens Saddams' enemy's argument for invasion and helps to turn your people against him, I mean, who likes to be invaded for no reason? Just a thought and possibility...but coupled with his obvious megalomania and terror rule of his own people, I find it difficult to bewail his fall from power. He was just another heavy handed, evil dictator who needed to be ousted for whatever reason.
  13. Cod Review Complete

    I found it Fates! Jeeze Im an idiot! <_< I didnt notice the extra "save" tab when I tried to save the game during gameplay. I was looking everywhere but there I guess. When I clicked that, I was able to name the game and save it. Now I dont get that message anymore. If there is a way to look stupid, Ill usually find it... A friend in the Military Gamers group gave me a link also to a website that has a map editor and some modding tools I think included. The site is called CallofDuty.org. Its a start eh? :)
  14. Cod Review Complete

    Fates, I went thru the manual with a fine tooth comb and was not able to find how to save a game, (other than F5 Quicksave), and give it a name of my choosing. I tried to do just that in the load/save game menu and nothing I try seems to allow me to change the name of my scenario. If I then instead attempt to start a new campaign, the game tells me that I will lose the saved campign I have, probably like you said, because of its default name, which I cant change. Id appreciate any suggestions you might have, Im stumped here. Its not like Im a newbie in computer gaming, but I cant seem to figure this out. Maybe Im thinking too linear or something. As for the mission builder, Im starting to rebel at paying more than $40 for a game. $50 is just too much. Ive spent too much on games now, some of which were flops and therefore a waste of money. (Hidden and Dangerous comes to mind. Im starting to wait more and more for the games' price to go down as it ages and look more and more in the bargain bin. (I didnt buy this game by the way, it was given to me by a freind). When a software company charges me that much for a game, I want my money's worth. A mission editor is not a huge leap I think. Most games have some sort of editor right out of the box. They obviously used one to make the scenarios. Why not just release it with the game with the standard proviso, that I've seen so many times, that its not supported? Everyone will agree that it vastly improves the replayability of the game. Hopefully, this company like some others in the past, will release the editor later on. I would prefer that more than a community made editor unless it could be shown the community editor was in some way better. If you do see an editor, let us all know, Ill do likewise. Hope I dont sound too much like Im whining, just offering my heart felt opinion as a long time consumer... ;)
  15. Video Doesn't Show On Xp

    MJ, Try posting your problem on the Naval Warfare Project forum on Yahoo-Groups. The guys at NWS are really good at figuring out problems and they know the code inside out. I think most of them run XP also so maybe they can give you a good answer. That scenario is tough. I usually start out with "auto-engage" on in properties. But with your sensers off at first, when you turn them on and see all the crap flying at you, it can give you a heart attack...
  16. The Way Things Used To Be....

    Ya know, its nice realizing I aint the only one thinking like I do. I was thinking just yesterday, that with my parents and brother all dead, life just isnt quite the same. These days Im living right now are some of the happiest days of my life, yet there is this hole, left by their loss, thats only filled with memories. Rarely does a day pass I dont think of them. Chief, I was 10 years old in 1967. I lived in Albuquerque at the time in an old farmhouse at the edge of town. Had a squad of 8 GI Joes, a model of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 on the TV, and was a cubscout with Mom as the den mother. I always managed in the Corps to be home for Christmas. It wasnt till 1977 that I spent my first Holiday away. I was in Navy bootcamp in San Diego. I was RPO1 and my buddies and I were sitting in the company office after the Company commander had left for the day just relaxing and talking about home.
  17. The Way Things Used To Be....

    Thanks Chief, you brought back a LOT of good memories as a child. I tell ya, I fell outta the big tree, next to the big field, close to the big ditch more times than I can remember. Mom would always tell me again to be careful and bandage my sore spots yet again. Never once was a lawsuit considered against the property owner. Dad smacked me for not saying sir to him or the neighbors and it never occured to me to go crying to school and sic CPS on him, I loved him too much. Even as a child I knew he was right and I needed to do the right thing, and he was only trying to teach me. I remember how special they made Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas. ...sure was a lot of empty chairs this year at Thanksgiving...I sure miss them...and those days... :(
  18. Cod Review Complete

    Good review Fates. It about sums it up. I liked the killcam too, very snazzy. Ought to be in all FPS. I noticed the AI bots can sometimes bunch up in a narrow spot but with a little effort, they seem to move out of the way as you try to advance. I liked the way they sometimes took some of the pressure off me in combat by going thru a door first, etc. Though sometimes you would here a command like "COVERING FIRE!" and no one would shoot. Maybe it was meant for me? I agree the console use to change preferances is a pain. I cant beleive they didnt realize this. There should also be a way to setup a six button mouse like my MS Explorer without me having to reinstall its software, (I dont like it). I can do 4 button settings and thats all. I loved the single player campaign as the Americans, the race in the car was way cool. :D Just started the Brit campaign and so far so good. All and all, I think you are correct, this is an excellent game and should prove to be even better with a aptch or two and some community MODS of the caliber of BF1942 mods. Your score for the game is appropriate.
  19. Happy Thanksgiving!

    My freinds who I helped during the fire and I are all going over to their house today to give thanks. The Santa Ana winds are blowing like crazy right now and filling the air with ash and dust from all the burned areas, visibility is about a quarter mile. But we are going to eat in a home that was surrounded by flames and didnt burn, which had flames come right up against the walls and is still there. Families and animals were safely evacuated during the fire, and our meager efforts at firefighting were successful till we were flanked. We managed to escape with only a singed tail-gate on the pickup. No one was hurt in our group. Yes, we are thankful when we think of all the bad things that could have happened to make it a LOT worse. Its like God put a restraining hand on Satan's attempt to harm us and told him "no further than this shall you go..." Thank you Jesus, yet again. :)
  20. This message from William Miller on the NWS Fighting Steel Forum... Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 02:04:09 -0000 From: "wmiller144" <w-miller@sbcglobal.net> Subject: *** FSP 9.21 UPLOADED *** Hello, I have posted the installer for both the English and German-language versions of FSP v9.21, the links to these can be found in the "Links" section of this forum. Issues addressed in this version: a) The new Italian CLs added in 9.2 had a data error which caused a conflict within the game that would cause a CTD in some cases. The data error has been fixed and these ships should cause no more CTD issues. (This was most evident in certain 'Thunder at Sea' generated scenarios that used these ships in larger scenarios...) B) All of the scenario editor fixes since the 9.2 release (the ones with the 5th and 6th Divisions in some scenarios) have been included in this release. The installer is about 45 Mb is size, and is a complete installer. You do NOT need the v9.2 installer, nor do you need to have v9.2 already installed: this installer is a complete replacement for the 9.2 one. (Since the large catalog file had to be replaced we decided to go ahead and make a full installer for this release, as the file size would be about the same...) Note that as the game executable was not changed, the version number of the game shown when the game starts will still read 9.2 . As long as the installer says it is version 9.21 you can rest assured that you will be installing the correct files. Thanks, William Miller Assistant Director\ Projects Developer NWS
  21. Saved the link, will keep an eye on this one. I am trying to decide which file exactly it is that I can download and tryout thier build.
  22. Driving To Arizona For Thanksgivingn

    I lived in Tucson 7 years as a teenager. You will LOVE the Pima Air Museum. please post some pics fer shure. It'll be nice to see the place again. Last I saw it that I remember was 1974...I think...been too long. Used to watch the F4 Phantoms heading for Davis-Monthan AB in flights of 4 in a diamond formation mostly. This was during the last years of 'Nam. Occasionally we'd see flights of Air Force A-7's. The last year I was there in Tucson the A-10's came in. One crashed one year on the grounds of the University of Arizona.
  23. You lucky dogs...Ill hafta wait till after the first of the month to get mine... <_<
  24. Mystery Plane

    Actually I was quoting Todds' comment and laughing at it. I found it amusing. I actually always thought the Mirage and Mystere were very nice looking aircraft. Im hoping they will come out one of these days for SFP1.

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