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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Hunter Safety

    Ah, very cool. Its neat to hear about something new. Ill keep my eye out for one of these. My archery shop in San Diego has some interesting stuff, maybe they have one of those Hungry thingies... :P Always willing to try something new, Ill give her a whirl... :)
  2. Go Cubs!

    My mother was born 1919 in Illinois in a small town called Danville a ways south from Chi-town. She was a fan of the Cubs since her childhood. You couldnt help but grin when you watched her watching a cubs game. I never saw anyone offer so many comments or get so excited, hehe. I had the pleasure of taking her to a Padres game here in San Diego that hosted the Cubs back in 1994 I think it was. I still wear her Padres hat I bought her. (The Cubs lost...) She never got to see them win a series before she passed away in 1998. Now that the Cubs are finally going somewhere, I couldnt help but think about her and how pleased she would be to see how well they are doing. Even if they didnt take the series, she, like all true Cubs fans, would still feel mighty good about their team. Im gonna watch the next game they play and toast the Cubs for ma... This ones for you Mom...
  3. Go Cubs!

    LOL! That poor kid, I actually feel sorry for him. Talk about bein in the wrong place at the wrong time, I bet he's wishin he never hearda baseball...
  4. A Personal Opinion About Biohaz Members

    I agree with you Dagger. I visit a number of forums...Ubi, BTS, Age of Mythology, etc. and I have to say this is the most civil by far. After reading a number of posts at say, the IL2 forums, I usually get tired of the bickering and snide remarks. It refreshing to come to Biohaz and see little to none of that crap. Jeff has done a good job of moderating the site with a fair, even hand. GJ MJ. And the people who have come here have come to realize what a great site this is and its laid back atmosphere and have done well at doing thier part to keep this a community. Well done to its members too.
  5. Forum Message Listings

    Thanks MJ, that is a good feature, I like it too. :)
  6. The Brits must be havin a coronary...hehehe, just kidding... Found this cool article from AVWEB on the IL2 forums about a Yankee, read "American", who had the awesome opportunity to fly a real Hurricane fighter from Battle of Britain fame. The well written article can be found HERE! Lucky sucker...:)
  7. Oh, something else I noticed...the "HOME" link at the top of the forums page... (HOME...SEARCH...MEMBERS...etc...), doesnt take me back to BIOHAZ, it takes me to the main forum page. Is that intended? I think of home as the BIOHAZ mainpage, not the forum mainpage. It would be nice to have a way to easily go back and forth to Biohaz.
  8. Hunter Safety

    Jeez Fates, why dontcha make it hard man? I got an old 40lb recurve that I had a few years but man its hard to hold a shot very long. As much as I shake, Im doin good to hit the target much less the bullseye. I prefer a good Compound bow. Ive got a nice old Hoyt Easton that still delivers 70lbs. Not as sexy as the newer single cam Compounds but still gots lots of punch. Gosh, its time to dust it off and go "nail" a few rabbits...no pun intended...ok, it was intended... :P Yes, hunters be safe! Its more for the experiance as the kill to me, espesially with a good freind or family member...read son or daughter. Dont waste anything, be prepared to bring it all home if possible, (a pet peeve). NEVER shoot till you have positively identified your target, movement or suspicion is never enough to fire a round off for, only fools do that.
  9. Anyone Here Have The Title?

    Bummer...was hopin to get a game goin with ya Beer, you bein a sea-goin sort and all. How about you MrMudd? I finally got it running on my WinMe machine. You have got to read the install instructions for the NWP 16.8 stuff verrrrrry carefully. It gave me a lot of guff before I realized I hadnt done a couple things. Anybody else care to get their bloomers shot to ribbons? hehehehe...
  10. Please Visit This Site

    6'2" and 230 here... I can chew barb-wire and spit out nails I use rebar for my shoe laces and women keep embarrassing me with all that fainting... ;)
  11. Patch

    Well, I guess I can chime in too, hehehe. I think I can understand the frustration here that the patch has taken so bloody long. Ive been visiting the forums nearly everyday hoping for some word or update. SFP1 actually isnt even on the computer right now as I have other things going to keep me happy like IL2FB, Age of Mythology, CMBO and BB, etc. So Im really not so miffed anymore. Like chief, I can wait. Im encouraged to hear the beta testers say that its on the way. That means its still being worked on at least. Once the patch comes out, Ill be back in business and happy as a clam in salt water, Ill be able to fly the planes Ive admired since childhood in a product I always hoped would happen...and finally did. :D
  12. Comming Up On 1 Year At Biohaz

    Yeah, Jeff's managed to make a really outstanding site, not good, not ok, OUTSTANDING! Ya know, it just occured to me...we should have some kinda virtual one year party here at Biohaz. Any suggestions? Maybe everyone come online at 5pm PST on a given day to chat and have a beer together. Jeff could decorate the website...LOL!
  13. I Said Goodbye To Armand Today......

    No apology nessesary chief. I think you made the right decision. But even knowing your right sometimes doesnt make it any easier. God bless shipmate... :(
  14. Guess What My Dad Sent Me!

    Man, now thats something I aint seen in awhile hehe. Grew up chewin that stuff. I dont think they even sell it here in California. Now ya got me ta thinkin 'bout when I was a young wanker... ;)
  15. Please Visit This Site

    I paid it a visit. Good luck with the sponsers. Seems odd Florida havin a Ice Hockey team, hehe. Only ice I ever saw in Florida was in my coke. Took a look at your profile too. Gonna be a history major eh? That woulda been my major too if Id stayed with it. You gonna teach when you graduate? Saw you were born in '83. God, I feel...old. Man, that year I was doin terrible things to my body in the bars in the Phillippines. Still not sure the left side of my brain has recovered...
  16. Mind you, Im not even a civilian pilot much less a WW2 ME109 pilot. But Ive noticed that the ME109 is REAL slow in starting its takeoff roll. Once the rear wheel comes up, it starts to move a lot quicker which is logical. But it still seems a bit too slow. It doesnt seem so slow in the videos Ive seen. A couple things Im glad for is the ME109 doesnt seem to over-heat so much, and I love the dust effect on takeoff from land and the wake close to water. I also noticed the Brewster rolls horribly easy now. I doubt thats authentic. Ive been working on a Campaign that includes the brewster so Ive flown it a LOT working on my scenarios. Now with the patch, its a whole new airplane that has a nasty, over-sensitive roll. Im gonna try to add more of a dead zone in my stick and turn up my FF and see if that helps.
  17. What Do You Think Of The New Forums?

    I like it Jeff. The more I used it, the more I liked it. Havent noticed any problems yet. One thing I really miss however is the list on the old Biohaz site that listed the most recent posts on the forum. It was a fast way to go to the latest posts and news. I used it a lot.
  18. What Is This???

    I got this new "BIOHAZ" page too. Was fixin to post when I saw yur post snapple. Didnt know you went spanish Jeff, hehe. Actually, Im at work and one of the spanish ladies was readin this and said it makes very little sense. It rambles bad. This person is in dire need of a lobotomy likely...
  19. Looking For Feedback

    Personally, yes, I would like to see a final version, 17.0, finished and released. Im wondering if the graphics in Harpoon are going to be that much of an improvement over Fleet Command, it has taken so long to finish the game. It was started when FC was cutting edge. I wonder if the only advantages H4 will have over FC is in detailed gameplay and realism, (which of course are good avantages, hehe). I wouldnt be terribly surprised to find a lot of naval simmers still playing FC. Since Fleet Command's not as detailed as H4, it'll be easier to get into a game when your low on time or just dont want to get too involved. I will... By the way Mr. Clark, Ive been a member of the forums at NWP and FSP for a while now. Ive not posted but enjoyed the comments Ive read. Naval Warefare Simulations website is a constant place I visit. I want to say I appreciate what you guys are doing with these older games. I hadnt played FS in quite awhile when you came out with FSP 9.0. I reinstalled the game and havent stop playing it. Im in the middle of a campaign now against the Japs...(keep losin my damn destroyers...arrrrgh.) It plays a LOT more realistically. With the release of Thunder at Sea, Im gonna be in Hog Heaven. Ive always wanted to see something to make FS more playable like Great Naval Battles of the North Atalantic was. I love being able to manuever my fleets, then fight a tactical battle. WELL DONE! (By the way, I bought GNBNA again when you guys had it for sale on the NWS website store. ) Being an old sailor, I was a BM2, I love the Naval Games Genre. You guys have made them BETTER. BZ shipmate...
  20. Hmmm, I have been trying various remedies and settings to see what I can improve. I discovered that with the bit torrent client uninstalled, the game now loads...go figure. Must be something with my machine. I am still getting a very low framerate even with settings on low, not sure why. Ive tried several different settings with the radeon card including turning all AA trueform off. I am also having a lousy time with the control of the plane. I try to adjust the stick in game on the options screen. The stick, a logitech FF, is listed there, along with the keyboard and mouse. The adjustments I make dont stick however. I noticed that when I close out of the options page, then go back into it, all the settings I made have reverted back to default. A possible bug?
  21. So far, I have only been able to fly twice out of 10+ starts. Once I press the fly button, the screen goes black, then the game crashes to desktop. Then I have to restart the computer to get it to perform properly. Of the two times the game started, I had no sky textures and a very poor framerate with the Mig-29 once. this with settings on high first, then low the second time with the A-10. Im running a P3 1ghz machine with 512 mb RAM and a readeon 8500 w/64mb video card and WinME. My video drivers are Cat3.2, not the lastest release, as the latest cat drivers are not running properly. Anyone else with a Radeon experiancing these problems? What kind of card have you got growler?
  22. Video in the mail

    Sounds cool. I like good flight footage, hopefully with a little history too. Do you have a website link?
  23. I Fought the Law...

    I generally get my music from private parties selling used CD's. I hate the high prices of CDs these days, actually, theyve always been too high. Ive not tried the downloading method. I think Birddogg and SD are on to something though. If I could pay a small, reasonable subscription fee for a certain amount of monthly downloads, that would work. I agree that the music industry is its own worst enemy. Ill buy used before I ever buy new at these prices, espesially when there are only a few songs you really want on a CD.
  24. Where was you at 9-11-2001

    I remember how angry the people in San Diego were when the SD Padres were so ill treated by the Yankees fans when we played ball there back in 1999 I think it was. Then when this happened, the anger all blew away. You werent New Yorkers anymore, you were Americans who had been attacked. We cried with you, and sometimes still do...I havent heard a bad word against New York since. You shoulda seen all the I love New York T-shirts being worn. Your story brought tears to my eyes Skater. I am so glad that you and your innocent family made it out of all that alive. Thank God. Hold them a little closer today. I was woke up around 6am by a freinds wife calling, telling me that New York had just been attacked. My first thought was, "you better have a better reason than that to be waking me up at this hour on my day off". When I said so, she said simply, "Go look at the TV". I sat there for the next 2 hours looking at the images, my mind numb, my eyes filling with tears, and my heart growing more angry by the minute. I watched live as the second plane hit. I will never forget what happened that day as long as I live. The people who did this are my enemies, its all black and white. And I will never be convinced that hunting terrorists were ever they hide isnt right. And whoever supports or comforts them. God bless America... God bless those brave souls on the flight in Pennsylvania...God bless those who suffered in Washington...God bless New York and her fine American people... LETS ROLL!

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