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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. 'bout time, YAY! You can get it here wankers...http://www.il2sturmovik.com/ Here's the readme... Readme Version 1.1 Warning The current version (1.1) is not compatible with the previous versions of the game when playing via network. Both the server and client must have appropriate versions of the game (1.1) in order to connect. Notes on the Patch Installation This patch (1.1) can be installed only over the version 1.1b. Modifications Changes and fixes in Perfect mode Fixes after version 1.1b: - Removed dark areas of terrain apperaing in the distance on some maps. - Fixed mirror reflections looking overbright. - Removed clouds flickering when flying with mirrors active. Tracks - Corrected incorrect repeated playback error. Sound - Fixed incorrect playback on card supporting EАХ 2 (but w/o ЕАХ 1). - Removed stutter and unexpected fadings. - Corrected network telephone and network telephone track playback. - Corrected playback order of music files. FM - Further tuning is performed on a line of aircraft: Me-262, Su-2, DB-3 and variants (Il-4), P-39 and variants, P-47, Bf-109 family, B-239 and Hurricane. - Revised velocity you can safely deploy flaps at. - Modifyed damage penalties for when a propellor hits the ground - this will effectively damage the engine now. - Radiator-induced drag is now caclulated properly in ‘auto/closed’ radiator mode. AI Fixed a weird bug that caused Me-262 AI pilots to forget starting the right engine sometimes. Weapons Revised the Ju-87 ‘Stuka’ bomb handling: - When pressing the bomb trigger (‘Weapon 3’ button), the bombs are released in a conventional way, in pairs like on the other planes. - Opposed to, when the dive autopilot reaches the recovery altitude, it dumps the payload as awhole. - You now can adjust the dive autopilot recovery altitude with ‘Increase Bombsight Altitude’ and ‘Decrease Bombsight Altitude’ buttons, alike the level bombers bombsight. Network Added two new event types for ‘eventlog’. One is generated when somebody kills a player descending on a parachute, the other one represents an event when his chute is damaged and he begins to free-fall to the ground. Ex.: 08:01:46 7GvShAP300(1) was killed in his chute by 7GvShAP301 at 300248.72 97822.61 08:01:50 r01100(2) has chute destroyed by 1_Static at 252955.97 141074.05 Changes in Dgen for version 1.1 1. Su-2 spelling is corrected in all locales. 2. AAA removed from one Crimea airfield. 3. Cosmetic changes in templates (some planes moved out of tents, etc). Other fixes - Fixed a bug that allowed WEP with less than 100% throttle control during engine startup. - Sun is not shining through instrument panel in B-239 any more. - P-47 series have aileron trim, as they should. - Fixed a glitch in artificial horizon in P-47. - Ju-87 won’t be dropping bombs continuously when ‘Limited Ammo’ is switched off. - Automatic mixture control in Ju-87now works properly. - Added ability to control mixture for He-111 series. - Fixed Yak-3 magnetic compass reading. - Removed random spark plugs failures on cold engines. Enjoy! :D
  2. Homeworld 2 Demo

    Here is the screens, movies, etc. page on the Homeworld2 website. Its pretty cool, showing a number of interesting shots and clips. Watch the trailer first, well worth your time. (Can ya tell I LIKE this game?) :D http://homeworld2.sierra.com/gallery.php
  3. I had the same problem, but I found that if the aircraft trim is properly set, a lot of the vibration from the FF joystick disappears.
  4. I want to play the harpoon 4

    Fleet command was always a good one, I liked it too. The NWS addon makes it a lot nicer. Never tried Sub command though.
  5. Homeworld 2 Demo

    Another shot taken during the tutorial showing a unit of scout ships launching from a carrier...
  6. Homeworld 2 Demo

    I dont think games get any better than Homeworld. I got the demo for HW2 and its awesome. It runs real well on my P3 1ghz system with a radeon 8500 64mb card. The GUI takes a little getting used to if you are new to the game but is real similar to the original HW. Once you understand it and the camera controls, this game starts to come into its own. The ship models are very 3D and incredibly detailed and very fun to watch. The game itself plays out like a HUGE sweeping drama movie or book. The strategy used is very sublime yet critical, something Im am NOT good at by the way...no, really. One thing is a MUST and thats collect RESOURCES. Resource collection vessals are small but vital, like duece and a halfs in war. You must be able to act when new technology comes along or an opponent attacks you. Sub-systems on larger ships can be targeted which often allows weaker fighters to have a major impact in a battle by disableing a far more powerful ship, such as this Carrier Im now about to destroy, (see image), . Even if you dont play space games, give this demo a try. Its worth looking at. Try the tutorial first to give you a clue on the camera and ship controls, then start the campaign which takes you thru the first 2 "chapters" of this awesome story. You WONT be disappointed. The demo can be had at FILEPLANET. Here's a screen of a Vaygr CV on the run and under attack by my fighter and bomber forces who are soon to be rienforced by new units Ive just built with greater technology and firepower...BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! This screen does not do the game justice. THIS GAME IS KEWL! Its definately one for the collection.
  7. Real Chief Petty Officers

    Hehehe.... Hey! There's salt all over the floor!??!!
  8. Homeworld 2 Demo

    Homeworld 2 demo can be had here...http://www.sierra.com/file_list.do?gamePlatformId=279 or here...http://www.fileplanet.com/files/120000/129916.shtml The original Homeworld is one of the very best strategy games out there. Still play the original every once in awhile.
  9. I want to play the harpoon 4

    Good question. Id love to play a decent Naval sim. Ive noticed on the website though that the graphics are looking real dated. Gameplay of course is what matters but I wonder if this sim is even going to come out. This mighta been better to post in the Pub...no Naval sim or strategy forums at Biohaz...yet... :)
  10. There is a resemblence

  11. Terra-Cotta Warriors

    Ive always wanted to visit China. Your freind is fortunate. The terracotta warriors are fascinating. This tomb rivals anyplace I know of for classic human decadence at the cost of many lives. IIRC, the section where the warriors are is only a small part of what may be an entire royal "village" still buried, kinda like Pompeii. I understand that this king was also very paranoid. I'd have to dig out a few books to research this a little more to give any greater details. I used to be know a little more but memory fails me. All in all, an incredible project.
  12. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    Geekus Terribilus posted this in his forum MJ...
  13. Oh, I almost forgot, my beeeeer of choice, tastes AND looks good, I can drink a cold one and get an eyefull all at the sametime. Now what beer delivers THAT kinda quality? Eat yur hearts out... :shock: :D Take a look at this webpage, hehehe. 1984 was a VERY good year. http://www.stpauligirl.com/TheGirl/poster.php :D aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh......
  14. Hmm ..suxs to be you! my wife and I have an understanding, im the infamous panty burglar in my home... Bow chicka bow bowwww..... bump bump......Bow chika bow bow..... ROFLOL! Mudd, you are too much dude, leave it to an airdale, must be the altitude...ROFLOL! Between you and skater and the rest of these charachters on Biohaz, I usually get a good gut laugh every day. :D
  15. Citadel Hell

    SD, I just wanted to add to what ElCid said. You mentioned in your initial post that this was the most challenging thing youve ever done. I can imagine that you are thinking that this may be too hard or difficult, That you might want to quit. Well, you aint alone. Every young person who has ever went into the military or a school like your in, or some other very difficult place, has asked the same question. When I got out of high school, the toughest thing I had faced was Jimmy Deciancio, (a bully), and 1500lb cows in rodeos spraying bull snot all over Arizona. When I hit Marine boot camp, (actually it hit me), I thought I was gonna die. I had never been in a high pressure place before where the least mistake brought some guy screaming down on your back. Or some other clod screws up and the whole platoon winds up on its face in the mud on a cold nite. You had to be on time, your underwear had to be folded just right, your eyeballs had best not be eye-balling the area, and WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE NUMBNUTS BEFORE I CASTRATE YOU AND FEED YOUR GONADS TO MY DOG! Yessiree, been there, done that. And thats the point Im gettin to pal. A lot of people have went the way your going. Your gonna do things today you never imagined yesterday. Your gonna get pushed farther, stressed more, ran farther, endure more, and climb higher than you ever have. And when you get there, you can stop for a minute and take a quiet satisfaction in the fact that you have become a part of something real special, something youve dreamed about since a kid. I know, I dreamed too. It was my destiny to go in the military. just like its yours pal. Ive read your posts. I recognize that this is something youve always wanted to do. So do it little bro. Keep your mouth shut, your eyes and ears open, grit your teeth, and press on. Help the bro thats not quite as fast or strong, or smart. Think team, not me. Learn to think on your feet. Good leaders will recognize initiative, the bad ones will remain clueless, pass them by, there are more important things for you to do. And it doesnt hurt to ask the Good Lord for a little more courage or wisdom. Jesus knows the trials, pains, and terror of the soldier. 20 or 30 years from now youll look back and realize that these were the best years of your life. Your life is an open book SD. Make each chapter a good one.
  16. Citadel Hell

    You'da made a good Marine, hehehe... a HOO and a RAH!
  17. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galations 6:7 They do eventually my friend...
  18. Up to 1517 signatures. The IL2 forums are a joke. You cant say anything pro or con without someone being a jerk with their comments. I can imagine what the LOMAC forums are like after repeated delays and a very promising possible release for the demo again being put off.
  19. Describe your job.

    Im a prima-donna butt and nose wiping, toilet cleaning, bugger bustin', loogie smearing, glass-cleaning, gopher guy...aka school custodian and actually like it. Its the most stress free real physical labor job Ive had in some time. :) 14 years prior service Marine Corps and Navy as a Boatswainmate, aka REAL SAILOR. Worked in the Copper mines in Arizona, land surveying in Ca., highway road crew in Oregon, ranchhand, rodeo cowboy, truck driver, Able seaman unlimited, store clerk, building maintenance, civil engineering and electro-mechanical drafter, church elder, and daddy. I can spit and hit your boot 10 feet away, string barbed wire with one eye closed and one arm behind my back, ride a bucking pony till he dont wanna anymore, and get shot down at sims faster than any of you here today... ;)
  20. Hey Chief! Look what I found

    Hey chief, how old is that egg cup collection out of curiosity?
  21. Hey Chief! Look what I found

    You got a link Snapple?
  22. Take a look at the IL2 forums, Ill-tempered, ill-mannered ... People gotta remember these are just games. There is a life outside of games. Of course, you couldnt tell that by all the posts Ive made here and at the MGG forums... I am with Fates on this one though. This sim is mucho anticipated. I intend to add a Biohaz stein so I wont have to get up for a refill as often while Im freeing the democractic world from the evil-empire once its finally released.
  23. Yeah, slightly daft for tryin that with no tailhook and AF designed landing gear...nice job though. I might add nicely lined up too. Not bad for an AF type... :P If you'd tried that back in 1983, that Russki CV woulda made you into a roman candle before you were completely around in the landing circle. Then again, they mighta took you and your snazzy new F15 to Siberia to "probe" you and see what made ya tick. :shock:
  24. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    This is my one and only son, Jody Bo. He is an Engineman second class in the US Navy and a member of Inshore Boat Unit-14, (IBU-14). Im so proud of him, its hard to keep my eyes dry... ...dang humidity anyway... I'd give anything in this world to be there with him right now...Semper Fi son...
  25. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    Dutchy, Im impressed, you remembering my son and all. Thank you! Yes, he is home now finally and safely. His whole unit made it back safely a short while back. Here is the thread I posted on his return... http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.p...c&highlight=son Still wait'n on him to get me a unit patch. Thats probably becuase he has been busy with his fiancee since he got back. So Ill cut him a little slack, hehe. :D Again Dutchy, thanks bro...

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