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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    I thought you were a bro Ranger, one of us who served. We joked back and forth a few times and had a laugh or two. Didnt always agree with you on some things but always respected you and never figured you to do something like this man. You gotta admit, the evidence against you is very strong...its enough. Im with weasal, I dont easily critisize or condemn or convict. But unless you can provide proof of your innocence, which I sincerly doubt, you are just plain wrong on this man. God, Country, Momma, the Military, and Police...these are impotant to us and not to be trifled with. We can critisize, we can disagree, we can even protest. But we should never do or say anything that weakens their place in our society, that cast shame on them. Too often we have... :(
  2. Update on "Armand"

    Thats certainly good news chief. :D
  3. Losing a good friend

    Chief, the Good Lord gave us the responsibility to take care of the critters he made. In the process, his intent was that we could learn much about patience, forgiveness, loyalty, child-like trust, and love. My dog Buddy has been one of my closest freinds ever. I'd truely hate to lose him, as if a close human friend was gone. I sincerly and deeply hope Armand gets better soon. I know how I would feel in your position. If he doesnt, I pray youll have the courage and yes, love, to do what is needful to keep his suffering minimized. Being a country boy, I have helped much with horses and cows and other critters, and it isnt an easy thing but I beleive its also a part of our responsibility. Know that God even watches over his sparrows, so he knows about Armand too. That kind of knowledge has helped me in the past. And I have never forgotten the lessons I have learned from these good animals, I have become a better man for them... http://members.cox.net/pcpilot/bud.html
  4. HOW u2 can get over 1500 post

    RANGER! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU???!!!??? You...you've....changed...
  5. The Biohaz Store is now online!

    OUTFREAKINGSTANDING! That mug, er, "Sim Fuel Container", is ME dude! Now all I gotta do is get my credit card working again...
  6. snxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzz.... DI rears back with aluminum 55 gallon trash can complete with lid...lets fly with a tournament grade bowling follow thru... Can, (and lid), bounce 2, maybe 3 times before starting a high speed rolling skid directly towards BP_MOSCOW's bunk...finally connecting with an earth-rending CCCRRRRRAAAAAASSSSHHHH!!! The lid flys straight up 15 feet into the air, bounces off ceiling and falls, scorring a direct hit on BP's lid. All this commotion naturally finally awakens BP from his restful sleep with one simple word... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :shock: :shock: DI walks away desperately trying to suppress a grin... Sorry BP, but Ive wanted to do this for years! A HOO and a RAH! Semper Fi... 8)
  7. Reno Air Races are coming soon......

    That was a cool video. Just made me wish more that I could go to the races. Ive always wanted to but just aint been able to swing it. Maybe next year... :( That Bearcat was pretty well modified wasnt it? Beside the spinner and prop, the fuselage seemed different, almost raised and the canopy lowered or raked to better blend with it. Looked almost like the tail stabilizer was smaller too but could be wrong. Were the wings shortened even more than a stock Bearcat? Im thinkin those werent even wings, just weapon pylons... Betcha that sucker breaks 550mph...go baby! By the way, found the "RareBear" website here...http://www.rarebear.com/
  8. Very cool vid. Im gettin a nice collection of vids showin to mah freinds.
  10. {QUOTE by Madjeff} This one WILL be on my must-have list this year, and I’ve already warned the wife and kids that I’ll be scarce the first few weeks the game is released… =) God, I know... we're doomed, doomed I tell you! My girlfriend is gonna HATE my guts! MadJeff, THANKYOU! for the excellent preview. You kept it simple and concise. It was easy to follow and made sense. I KNOW that this preview was a LOT of work. It was all appreciated. I will also add that it was everything I hoped for... :D I look forward to part 2. Again, WELL DONE and THANK YOU! :D
  11. New Air Force Uniform

    Gotta agree with scout, wondering how needed this uniform change really is. Everyone should use same BDU's for cryin out loud. A desert and forest version. If you need unit pride then wear a different cover. Too much money is being spent on less than vital things. How about putting that money in the VA system or something. People are dying for lack of care. Its like San Diego building a new stadium for the Padres for hundreds of millions of dollars when we already have a good one thats perfectly serviceable when there are families on the street because they cant afford the exhorbitant rent here. We got too much money and not enough sense...
  12. A not-so-intelligent BAM..

    Sheesh! Gotta agree, what an idiot! I wonder if the Marines repo'd the boobs?
  13. It's a bird, it's a plane, it Dubya!

    I kinda like ole "Georgie" but I gotta say that link is pretty funny Fates, hehe. Guess its kinda the American way to poke fun of your CIC, at least it has been ever since I been around...
  14. Man, these guys sound like their on the ball, tryin to get it fixed, Thats GREAT! :D Really lookin forward to this. May not have a life after LOMAC comes out...not that I do now with all the time I spend on this forum... :roll:
  15. It's a bird, it's a plane, it Dubya!

    You'd sure never see a Bill Clinton "action" figure. Unless dismantling the military is an action. I'd take 1 George Bush over 20 Bill Clinton's anyday... :x As a side note, its not unusual to see a country's leader in military uniform. As Pres, he is the CIC. Churchill had a uniform for each branch of the service.
  16. Im watchin the SanDiego Chargers kick booty tonite with some pals. Lets try to fly tommorrow nite at 9 central again.
  17. Definately a good laugh. Thanks... :D
  18. Navy Cheifs:

    The CPO Fairy???!!?? Somebody was at sea too long... :roll: Thanks for the CPO link, added it to my "military" links in my favorites folder. Welcome back Fast Eagle. Hows business these days?
  19. I agree SD, wish at least one aircraft woulda been released with the patch. But near as I can tell, howling is right. There are so many conflicting accounts at UBI forums its hard to tell. Oleg DID say the plane pack would be free, dont know if that still holds. But Im mighty glad the patch finally made its appearance. I've noticed the FLAK isnt as deadly. Ive got a homegrown mission against ships that was death for anything that flew into gun range that Im gonna try as a final eval of the FLAK accuracy, but I think they've definately toned it down. The P-47 now dives like it should from what Ive read of actual pilots accounts in my history books. I dove from 5000 meters and got to moving! Didnt check the airspeed as the ground came up way fast! Had to get around to pulling back on the ole stick... :roll: Definately a boom and zoom plane now. My framerates are definately higher too with my older Radeon 8500.
  20. That was fun. My machine did well on the host, no lag. We had SD , Snapple, and myself. A few others stopped by too so the game was interesting. Good shootout. I think Snap won in points. Im not sure but think Snapple got me 3 times and I got him twice and SD got Snapple a couple more. Once I froze snapple's controls with a good hit, and later we went head to head and I shot an engine off his 262, hehe. He cussed all the way down... Anyway, it was fun. Lets do it again maybe next week. Ill also keep an eye out for you guys in HL.
  21. Im in HL now. Got a room called "pcpilot's Biohaz Shootout" setup in the dogfight room. Its 9 central...where are you wankers?
  22. W00t, 500

    Hey! Whaddayaknow...500 posts. You obviously talk too much. Congrats SD...
  23. I can host if you wish, be glad to. I have a cable connection so lag usually isnt too much of a problem. My machine is only a P3 1GHZ though. I have found that online matches with only, say, 8 or less people isnt a problem. Anymore than that and my system may start to bog. With the three of us and say a couple or 3 others, we should do well. How about it you other Biohaz "WANKERS", wanna play? (Ya know, Im startin to like that word, hehe...)
  24. LOL! Im gonna hate doin that to you snap...hehe. Allright, didnt make it tonite cause I didnt check the forum enough. Lets try Sunday evening say at 9pm central again. I think that will be 7 or 8pm for me here in Calif. Not sure if your 1 hour or 2 ahead. Anyway, Ill be there. SD, if you can make it too, lets make it a bloody free for all, hehe. By the way, were you flyin a I-16? Isnt that a UBER plane?
  25. Snap! Yur BUTT is mine! When and where WANKER! :P

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