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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. THAT WAS KEWL! That was the best Ive seen for an AI land battle. The SPA got pummeled by the rocket launchers. That was very cool. The graphics are gettin bad to the bone. Ya know Fates, Id like to see a mod or an addon that allows you to control the land battle too, at least to a degree. Not so much each individual unit, that could bog down too much, but say company or platoon size up to regiment. Have a "strategic" map where you give units commands to move to such and such a point. plan your air attack accordingly, with CAP of course. Then join the battle as a pilot doing your part. Kinda like Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. You could plan out the air campaign, then once you lauch it join the battle as a pilot.
  2. Yup, thinkin the same thing myself... :?
  3. What was Jiri talking when he spoke about "deamons" and "Inferno"?
  4. This IS bad news for us simmers. HL was straightforward, easy, and free. I wonder why Jiri decided to call it quits? I wonder if HL shouldnt become a pay service if money is a problem. I would pay a small fee to fly on HL. Probably just jiri ready to move on, which I can understand...still a bummer though.
  5. Maybe Ill be able to see some other good ones when you guys list your favorites. Mine are: 1.) Empire Earth...love the Admiral, (cool as a cucumber under fire), and the futuristic leader espesially, (seemed human somehow ducking for cover). Thought the bad eye on each leader was a nice touch too. 2.) The original Ghost Recon intro actually gave me a chill when they run off thru the woods at the end, some bad dudes ya dont wanna meet... 3.) The intro for Star Fleet Command Gold was cool too, espesially the Star Base exploding at the end, major boom... All these sounded great with 5.1 surround sound turned UP! :shock: :D
  6. good bye to an old friend..Bob Hope Dies

    Its hard to imagine a world without his humor. I grew up watchin' him as a kid and adult and loved every minute. Ill be watchin a Hope comedy tonight... My prayers and sinserest condolences to his family. We will all miss him... :(
  7. WOW! That is an amazing pit shot. :shock: Hey Jeff, some suggestions... Try some multiplay with USAFMTL and tell us how it goes. Give us the low down on SAM's, I heard they tend to focus on the host more than anyone else, and run a flight with lots of ground objects, see what the lag is like. And when ya get a chance, maybe some of your impressions on the editor. Thats a big one with me. Man, cant wait...cant wait...
  8. Holy crap, spits can go real low!

    Well talk about flyin right up the camera lense. That pilot was good and had a good sense of humor too. Bet he was chuckling fer sure as he went over the camera crew, hehe. If I was that reporter, I miighta said a few choice words too while I tried to shove my heart back down my throat... :shock: :D
  9. Well? Did ya??? You can find it here recruit...http://www.eagames.com/official/battlefiel...ld1942/home.jsp
  10. V1.9 Code Froze...Near release!!!!

    A HOO! and a RAH! Whoops, that Marine... :)
  11. Damn good tailhook!

    Looks like it rolled off the deck, some deck hand probably didnt chock it. Seats and canopy are still on it. Good ad for Grumman tailhooks...
  12. A moment to reflect... :0)

    Just wanted to do something special to mark my 500th post with the BIOHAZ forum. Thats right boys, (and lady)...500 witty, insightful, profound, intelligent, soulful, wry, amusing, thoughtful, idealistic, hyperbolic, astute, vivaciuos, wierd, wonderful, cute, daffy, intense, significant, warm, stimulating, poignant, matchless, manly posts from the guy with machissmo. Just to keep the conversation on an appropriate, intelligent level, I thought you all might like these little tidbits... 1.) HEADRUSH 2.) IDIOT in ACTION 3.) The BASS GAME...a little download.
  13. That was VERY COOL! The pilot was NUTS! Ya even had to throw a slight curve in the bridge, hehe, My kinda guys... :shock: :D
  14. Back from Ft. Knox

    Well, lets see... There is the new B-29 and TU-4 add-on by MontyCZ for SFP1. Its really nice. Lomac has been pushed back again, supposedely to Early October...sheesh. IL2 FB's first patch is due out june 30th.
  15. Thats a pretty good peice of rationalizing your on duty game time there Dice, hehe. I'll hafta remember that at my work. Actually, when I was in the Navy, we did a LOT of cross-training. The intention being that come casualties wether from combat or accident, we could move into another position in a pinch. Submariners are espesially known for this but surface types like me did it also. Not only could you step in, but during routine times, you had a greater appreciation for what your shipmates were facing in their daily jobs, so the whining and complaining about your shipmates were kept to a minumim. Cross-training is a very good idea.
  16. Seen some nice BYO deals on MSI MoBo's thrugh pcclub. I was thinking about a P4 2.4 ghz mobo w/ 800mhz fsb, 8x agp, and 2.0 usb. The board uses DDR-400 ram. The mobo is upgradeable to 3.0+ ghz cpu's later on. This means I can get into a P4 machine now, at 2.4 ghz, and buy the faster cpu later when they come down in price and the cpu might actually be needed by the later software. My first question, does that 2.4 ghz cpu support hyper threading? Is hyper threading really nessassary now? 2.) Does the 2.4 ghz cpu fully utilize the 800 mhz fsb? 3.) Will this system fully utilize the DDR-400? Is that ram suitable or the appropriate ram, for this system? I ask these questions because I have read a number of articles about dealers selling machines that are not really optimized to run as best as they could, using the wrong ram or an FSB they dont support, etc. PS. I was told that geek isnt such a negative thing these days, so hence the title... 8)
  17. I been lookin forward to this sim since I first heard about it. Yep, the bugs make me crazy, espesially the Radeon ones. Yep, its annoying as all get out that more info isnt forthcoming, come on Strat first and TW, sheesh. But Ill also say this, like a LOT of other guys here, I aint givin up on it just yet. This patch comin up is important to me and a lot of people. But I also really love the era of flight this sim covers. There wasnt any planes like these babies before or since. A pilot was still a pilot and not just some "integrated monitoring asset". Cant blame some modders for losing interest really. There are other places they can work where they can feel like something is happening. Communication counts. But I suspect that once the patch comes out and most of the bugs are resolved, they give 'er another whirl. Armourdave and LVP KNOW they are appreciated by the online community. They just need to be supported a little better with updates and patches by the "powers that be" to make things work like they should. Soooo, I think things will work out in the end to everyones satisfaction as long as TK doesnt walk away.
  18. That server he was using is slow as molasses even on my cable in the best of times. If your getting an error message, make sure you dont use a download accelerator like "getright", etc. His server doesnt like that. His skins are worth the wait.
  19. Yeah Smudge, make sure you understand the radar and the keyboard keys used to select and lock on to a target, espesially for a Beyond Visual Range, "BVR", shot with the sparrows. That caused me a bit of frustration till all of a sudden the light went on... Simple rule of thumb in tactics...if your in a phantom, dont dogfight Migs unless you know what your doing. Open the range and nail 'em with a missile, you can always outrun them. If your in a Mig, try to get in close and draw them into a turn fight. Then use the Migs' guns. If they start to run away and you think their going to "missile" you, head for the deck and RUUUUUUNNNN! Live to fight another day...
  20. Ya know, that thing might actually HELP my neck problems...
  21. This is what I like! Ever since I was on the Independence, Ive wanted to land on a carrier. I finally got a chance with Aces High and WW2 aircraft. Now I get to do modern a/c. And if SFP1 ever get s a decent CV going with traps, etc. I'll be stylin'. :D
  22. It'll be interestin to hear your opinion. The SinHQ preview was positive. So with another good preview and this game is bought!
  23. Ship High In Transit

    Hey Cheif, I got one for ya. Do you know where the word POSH originated? You know, like really expensive, classy, super comfortable, all that? In one of my books on ships, during the time of the great liners around the turn of the century, people going to the orient on a liner didnt like being on the side that got all the sun, it was too hot. So the wealthy people would buy staterooms on the shady side of the ship going to, and coming from, their destination. As most ships traveled from the west coast, they would get a stateroom on the port, or left side for you landlubbers, on the outbound (west) trip. And get a stateroom on the starboard side homeward bound, hence the initials P.O.S.H. Port Outbound, Starboard Homeward. Am I good or what... 8)
  24. Anyone else watch Mail Call on History Channel?

    Ermey's a hoot! What a jarhead! hehe...
  25. Where's BF 1942?

    So when ya wanna play MOD boy? :P

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