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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. DOOM III Trailer

    We'll be on the "holo deck" saying things like "engage!"... I played a LOT of Doom2, very cool. This is gonna be awesome... and spooky.
  2. Silent post for families of lost Warbird pilots

    :( My condolences to the families...
  3. I gotta say Column, that is a SHARP lookin bird. It's gonna be a part of my SFP1 collection. Thanks! All these new toys and only one joystick...
  4. Ya know, I was startin to get a little bummed. This is EXCELLENT news, espesially since I am a Radeon fan. Thanks fellas, ya made my day! :D
  5. NAS Cecil Field Florida, Remembered

    Cant beleive they'd close Cecil field... I was born near there. :( That would be like closing North Island here in San Diego, a MAJOR landmark with a LOT of meaning and memories to a LOT of people, sheesh. It sucked when they closed the Naval Training Center here where I went to boot. I drive past it every now and then, and always remember my time there and the swell guys I started the Navy with. I guess the one constant in life is change. I found out that BOTH ships I served on have been decommissioned too. Guess thats a sure sign times are changin' and me with 'em. All you can do is hope, (and fight if nessesary), that the change is for the better. I guess what Im sayin is that I sorta know how ya feel chief... Sorry too to hear about your old supervisor chief.
  6. HalfLife 2 Pre-Orders at CompUSA

    This game is gonna be my justifacation to upgrade my computer, hehe.
  7. Combat Mission...

    Not sure, but figure this game qualifies as a combat sim, though on a squad level. Anyone here play it? Most excellent tactical game. Two versions, one west front, other east front. Cant give links now as Im at work and the IT guys have all the obvious gaming sights locked out. Havent found Biohaz yet, hehe. 8)
  8. Where's BF 1942?

    Gotta agree Fates. While BF1942 doesnt really qualify as a combat sim, it still is a heck of a lot of fun. I do hear that there are several realism mods out there though that might get the game onto the forum, hehe. Desert Combat is VERRRRY cool. I've been spending a lot of time on this one for my daily run and gun fix. Got the Road to Rome expansion too. Wanna hook up? See if you can survive the Streets of Stalingrad...
  9. Man, sure sorry to hear all this. Does seem like a little more than a coincidence. Bummer... :( Just a word to you modders, dont give up. Your what makes this game come to life.
  10. These both are campaigns that this sim is screaming for. That one by MajorLee, I forget the name, that is over the bering straights, is another anticipated campaign too. Things will get a LOT more interesting with these campaigns releases.
  11. Do a search on this forum. There are several topics about making the AI aircraft flyable.
  12. Wow, you like a challenge dont you...and this isnt even as big as the last one you say.
  13. Saaaay! Very nice! This oughta be fun to fly... :)
  14. I have returned

    Hiya Argon, welcome back. Like Dagger said, we are all waiting on patches and new games like Lock On to make their appearance. In the meantime, we game, paint skins, screw with source code, and harrass Ranger...hehe.
  15. About this girl winning the CMH?

    Scout, I think Dutchy is referring to the Iraqi fellow that informed the Allies where Jessica was being held. I think he also assisted with her rescue by leading the rescuers to her, though I may be wrong. I do wish that the military and media would be more forthcoming with info surrounding this episode. I have heard from several returning vets that she was repeatedly raped and her broken bones were the result of her resistance to being raped. If this is true, the criminals who did this need to face justice. Then again, this may just be rumours the soldiers were told too.
  16. This was posted by Oleg 7/9/2003 in his UbiSoft ready room... News: We are working on the final version of the patch now. Probably will finish on this week and will begin to test then on the next week. I hope that soon it will be released. Right now we also works over free add-on with the planes that will comes some later after the patch. Probably one of the planes there will be flyable P-51D. Thats all for today. Screens shots on friday. [No screens yet however... :( } Thread can be found here... http://forums.ubi.com/messages/message_vie...dyroom&id=zvjka
  17. Whats yur favorite game intro movie?

    Rats! Was hopin to attach a zipfile of the Ghost Recon intro movie but it wont for some reason. It says that there is no size limit but wonder if 16MB isnt too much. Wasnt able to get the Empire Earth video goin either. Seems it only works if the game is installed, some wierd format. Dont have starfleet Command anymore and havent been able to find its intro. that was pretty cool... If you guys can, attach the movies as a zipfile to your post or show a link so we can view them if possible... :)
  18. It's been a while....

    Welcome back CT. Yeah, my mom used ta take my GIJoes, espesially when she found them in the GIJoe inflatable raft floating in the toilet...no sense of humor...hehe.
  19. WTF is an Air Force Ranger?

    Yeah, Im with ya Gecko. The idiots in the media are continually screwing up the proper names of units and type of equipments. Ive actually heard one guy all dressed in fatigues and in a flakvest call an Abrams an M60 just like he knew what he was talking about. The media doesnt impress me. They never bothered to tell us that Jessica lynch got raped but I have heard it from several returning troops. If they want my trust they gotta demonstrate an effort to learn what they are talking about and to tell the whole story. There are a few methinks, but they are drowned out by the dweebs in the politicians back pockets spouting only the party line. Thanks Humphrey, sounds like an answer to me... :) Cool photos on the CCT website...
  20. Dangme Beer, thats KEWL! Can we land on it yet? (not that what I do anyone would call a landing...more like a skidding crash...)

    Came in last nite at North Island Naval Air Station after umpteen delays. His mother and I were there to greet him and brought him home. He will be here for 4 days then back to St. Louis where his unit is based. The man has gained weight, looks damn good, gots a tan that's scary, and is cocky as all get out. :) They didnt see any serious action though they did have a number of "nervous times" and drew down on people quite a bit. They were surrounded by weps, idiots with guns, and explosives most of the time they were there and no one was hurt. The unit came back in one peice. He showed us some great pics on his laptop that he will burn on a cd and send to me when he can. Ill show them off when I get them. My boy is home.... :D Thank you Jesus...thank you...
  22. JEEEEEZ! Liketa jumped outta mah chair! So much for listening to you clowns and turning up the volume... :P
  23. July03 Calendars are up!

    I DO use these calenders. Thanks, they are snazzy!
  24. WOW! THAT would be worth this blasted wait! :) Here's hopin...
  25. Hooah!

    I have played both DoD and AA and they are both most excellent. The Military Gamers Group is real hot on AA right now. If any of you would like to challenge the MGG, drop me a line. I'd be real surprised if I couldnt arrange something.

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