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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Hollywood showers

    You mentioning the water smelling like JP5 brought it all back chief. In fact, in my 2 years on the Independance, we never had hot water once in the aft end of the ship where my berthing was. Not once, not even when we were tied up at peir 12 for cryin out loud. Now imagine taking a COOOOLD shower in Norfolk, Va. in January. We didnt need saltpeter in our chow... Yup, chiefs right. But hey, its an adventure! NEVER forget that and you'll survive... <tries not to laugh> ...snicker... ...snort... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! <Walks away laughing deleriously, wiping tears out of eyes...>
  2. Humor Corner

    ROFLOL! Im gonn ahafta pass this one on, hehe.
  3. This was posted on the Military Gamers group forum. A cobra manuever gone bad...http://pages.cthome.net/carob/hammer/MGGfi...kCobraSmack.avi
  4. I been a wee bit distracted...

    Hiya fellas. Sorry I aint been around much. My house is being painted and my ex-wife has shown up after a very long time away. She may be an "ex" technically, but she's mighty special to me even after 20 years apart. She is a slender blonde with blue eyes and still has freckles on her nose. We dated starting in high School back in 1975. I married her back in 1979. We've discovered that we still have the old "electricity". She is the mother of my son Jody who is in Iraq right now. Not sure why she is here and not sure where this is going, but willing to find out... Soooo, my attention span on anything gaming right now has been pretty short. Im still stopping by when I can to keep up on the news and shoot a razz at someone for fun. (Yes, I still want to kick some butt, [read snapple's butt, :P ], with IL2.) But it will hafta wait a little while. Glad for all the improvements to Biohaz MJ, looking good pal. Hello to everone else and Ill be seein ya... Cindy, me, Jody, and her Mom, Marygene 1980...
  5. I been a wee bit distracted...

    PS. Jody is due home in 2 weeks. He'll be flying into North Island Naval Air Station here in San Diego. His mom and I will be meeting him fer sure. Gonna be weird the three of us together again...cant wait! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW! :D
  6. I been a wee bit distracted...

    I aint so old wiseguy that I cant still lift wieghts, (work out with 70lbs.), bike, backpack. (Dont worry, you didnt offend me Skater, I dont mind a razz...) Last "walk" took me 12 miles over hill and dale in the desert in about 8 hours. Former girlfreind went with me and told me later she felt like crying, hehe. Hmmmm, come to think of it, maybe thats why she's a "former"... Anyway, thanks for the comments fellas. This is an interseting learning experiance for me. For Cindy too I think. I been listening to some of her stories and they are down right hair-raising. One boyfreind she had, pistol whipped her and wound up in jail. Sheesh, how can someone do that, espesially to a woman? Frikkin' coward...It rips my heart out to hear this sort of stuff. Makes any man with a heart want to do what he can to keep her safe. Where I live now the Good Lord brought me here nearly 10 years ago to do some healing of my own. I cant help but wonder if that isnt why she's here too. Dont know, guess time will tell. I been keeping a little sort of journal while she's here recording my impressions and thoughts. It helps to organize my thoughts a bit too. I will say that this hasnt been easy for me. A lot of emotions involved. And why am I telling you all this stuff? Dont know that either. But figured it wouldnt hurt, and maybe someone else will learn something too. Its been my experiance that a real honest relationship with anyone, but espesially with a woman you love, is the hardest thing in the world and requires a LOT of give and take, something I was never good at. Maybe I can still learn, eh? :)
  7. I understand that this manuever is an actual manuever. I have heard that only a few aircraft are capable of it, something to do with the canards perhaps. Can anyone elaborate?
  8. I want five stars

    LOL! Was hopin you'd catch that, hehe.
  9. I want five stars

    Yes, we are all a little worried about the Ranger...
  10. Agreed, most excellent looking sim. :D Wish it wasnt going to take so long...
  11. Adm. Danial V. Gallery

    Just so I dont hijack The Chiefs' thread, thought I would post a little more about this amazing man. He was a sailor right down to his fingertips and one of the few officers I'd give any respect to sight unseen. He planned, carried out, and successfully captured the first enemy man o war since 1815 with the capture of the Uboat U-505 in 1944. He was an author after retiring writing a number of books, 5 of which I have read and thoroughly enjoyed. The man was known for his seamanship, sense of tactics, and sense of humor. His sailors loved him... They dont make 'em like this anymore... http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/dvgallery.htm This is posted on Uboat.net, Read the reviews... http://www.uboat.net/books/item/1154 The Museum of Science and Industry, fascinating... http://www.msichicago.org/exhibit/U505/U505home.html Yes, the man is one of my heroes...
  12. Adm. Danial V. Gallery

    Yes it is Howling. Check the link in the above post for the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. Apparently it is now suffering the effects of 50 years of weathering. They are now begining an effort to completely rehab the boat and move it inside a protective covering or building, I forgot which.
  13. Uh, sorry fellas. I been a little busy with an old girlfreind. She cropped up outta the blue and this old geek has been a bit distracted to say the least. So bear with me, Ill get to you. Ya know, I'd forgotten how nice it was to have her around. Life has taken an upswing boys. :D
  14. DOOOH! I shoulda been in on the forums I guess over there. Darn! Oh well, the good news is its gone to beta stage, YAY! Cant wait, this sounds like a must have to me... :D
  15. Now Showing...For a limited time:

    LOL! Sorry man. Actually I shoulda known that. I used to be an Able-Saeman unlimited with a lifeboatmans endorsement. Never worked on oil rigs though, only west coast with a few years Navy time in Norfolk, Va. Most of my family though hails from Florida and the Carolinas with a LOT of us bein merchant seaman at one time or the other. Your niche sounds like a good job though with my kinda folks, a buncha rowdy, hard werkin, grinnin' roustabouts, hehe. Tell the boys howdy for me from an old, Pacific side salt. :D HEY! Ill trade ya one Pacific Typhoon fer one o' yurn hurricanes...
  16. Now Showing...For a limited time:

    Hey Beer! Dont quit yur day job pal, ROFLOL!
  17. "The Last Detail"

    Hehe, saw it for the first time when I was in Norfolk. One of my old favorites. It reinforced in my mind how sailors behaved, kinda like scallawags and pirates, but at the same time with humor. If ya did nothin else right, ya ALWAYS looked out for shipmates. Maybe I watched too much McHales Navy and too many old war movies as a kid. Speaking of sailors... Hey chief, you ever read any of Admiral Danial Gallery's books like Cap'n Fatso and Clear the Decks? If not, look 'em up, you'll love 'em! He wrote 5 books I know of. One was the story of his capture of the U-505 during WW2 from the CVE Guadalcanal. Another was a novel about bein on the brink of Nucleur war, most excellent. The other 3 were tales of Cap'n Fatso, some of the funniest, saltiest humor you ever read. Take a look at this website... http://www.sailorrandr.com/milbk/
  18. Man, you guys about made me airsick! It looked like Ole Fates almost blew up all over the mig, hehe.
  19. As Mr Burns would say as he wrings his hands..."Excellent".
  20. This madman is DOGGIN us! Lets see, 930pm EST is 630pm here. Wont be able to play till friday or Sat. Ill try to remember. If I do, Ill be savin the track to show everyone what I do to people "hackin" on me...
  21. Veterans' History Website

    Our forum moderator at the Military Gaming Group showed this link to us today. Thought you all might find this interesting. Any of you vets out there that have a story, this might be a way to preserve it as a part of American folklore. This is done apparently by the Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/folklife/vets//
  22. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    Hi guys, thanks for the kind words. I just showed "Goose's" mom these posts. She got a good laugh when she heard you guys were calling him goose, (He may have a new nickname now, hehe). She LOVED it, you all made her day fer shure. :D We havent heard from Jody in about 2 weeks till yesterday when he called to let us know that his unit is heading back to Kuwait, (perhaps their original staging area?). This is a good indication that they will be coming home soon. He told us they will be flying back thru San Diego! This means I will be able to see him before he heads back east to their homebase. You can bet I will be there when he pulls in. Dutchy, he told me he will give me a patch when he gets back to his homebase. As soon as I get it, I will scan it and post it here.
  23. Anyone workin on any good missions or campaigns for this sim? I have several Stalingrad missions for IL2 and am working now on a fictional campaign for IL2FB that takes you thru six training missions in a B-239 (Brewster), then "graduates" you to a BF-109. Right now its linear but may make it random. It has some tracks cut scenes in it too. If anyone cares to playtest the campaign once its done, I'd appreciate it. Ill do the same for you.
  24. Tribute to the Troops (Video)

    Thanks Seawolf... ... from a former Marine and Sailor. God Bless America Semper Fidelis
  25. LOL! Yeah, bet the guy you blew up stained his drawers, hehe. I try to stay at least 250 meters when bombing, higher if possible.

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