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Everything posted by pcpilot

  1. Army Aviation Question

    I always was amused with the interservice rivalries. Most of it was just talk and could be pretty amusin' Some of those guys were pretty quick witted, hehe. Even saw a few brawls if they were too proud to back down or walk away. Heck, the guys would fight even if you were in the same branch, just different MOS. But let a civilian stick his nose in it, be he cop or what, and all of a sudden, everyone was in the "military", there was no different branches, and that "civvie" best have lots 'o bandades, hehe. Kind of a rehearsal for when the politicians screwed things up and we'd go to war again. Suddenly everyone tries hard to work together again no matter the branch. Bein a former Marine in the Navy, I tended to be a target for both sides, hehe. That was alright. I wasnt no boxer, but if I connected, the "recipient" was usually missin somethin, like a tooth or two, or maybe gettin close and personal with the pavement, hehe. Funny thing was, I dont ever recall anyone reachin for a gun or knife. That was for wusses and women. Men used their fists, face to face. And the really odd part, was after a fight, the two goin at it had a good chance of becomin freinds afterwards...somethin about respect, and earnin it... Sorry, sometimes I blabber too much. Just a little story of "old times"...
  2. Dangme! That looks like the MOAB precurser. I can see why they only need to carry and drop one! SHEESH! Im gonna hafta try this one, hehe. Look out Berlin...
  3. OMG want to feel old lol

    LOL! Ya know, my girlfeind is the same, she is 12 years younger than me and says the SAME THING! LOL! But she still cant beat me in our wrestling matches, hehe, at least...not yet...
  4. Ya know, its funny, but my snap view has changed for some reason to a pan view when I use my hat switch. Not sure why. I looked at the mapping setup in the game but it seems normal. Im using a logitech wingman FF without the logitech software...maybe thats the prob?
  5. WOW! That was GOOD! Really good. The aerobatics were awesome. Its a mark of an excellent sim to be able to do that in a realistic manner, not to mention some darn good pilots. KUDOS INDEED! :D
  6. OMG want to feel old lol

    LOL! I KNOW the feelin", hehe. As you get older, you'll notice people sayin things like that more and more often... :D LOL!
  7. Real interesting article about the 3ghz P4 and new AMD cpu's. Looks like the testers did a pretty thorough job of testing though I dont know squat about such things. I've been looking for such articles to help with my decision about which cpu to replace my aging P3 1ghz. I'm not really concerned whether AMD's cpu is as fast or faster than the P4. The differences noted in the test seemed pretty insignificant. What matters to me is first, cost, then second, reliability. AMD has the cost part nailed down though barely. Not sure about the reliability part though. Been real happy with the later P3 Ive been using the last nearly 3 years, it seemed reliable enough. I know the AMD's Front Side Buss is slower, 333mhz, and it uses the older RDRAM I think it is. So not sure. Time is on my side methinks, prices only seem to get lower. Keep seeing lots of deals for the slightly older 2200+ AMD's with a MoBo. Maybe thats the route to take. Or a P4 2.5GHZ. What do you guys think? Thanks for the article MJ, good one.
  8. finally 500 posts!

    Lol! Thanks Ranger, now all I need is to find my dad-blamed glasses to install 'em... ...and my TEETH! WHERE ARE MY TEETH??!!??
  9. OMG want to feel old lol

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God help me! I remember this...http://www.tnthobbies.co.uk/Trekkin.wav *sniff* ah'm...*snivel* an ollllld farrrrrrrrt...WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: LOL!
  10. finally 500 posts!

    I got enough F-4 skins to last a lifetime, but that PHM and the MiG-17 look DARN good! That Mig really needed a skin. Glad you were able to get that skinning problem squared away. :)
  11. Hi S.D. and anyone else interested... This is a Mission from my IL2FB campaign I am presently working on, (no name for the campaign yet). This mission is simply called training Mission #7. It is actually the graduation/valedectorian flight of your section of pilot trainees. I would appreciate any flight/playtesting and feedback. Simply make a new folder in your C:Program FilesUbi SoftIL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten BattlesMissionsSingleDE directory called "B-239" and then unzip this mission into it. Then simply start the single mission option in the games' main screen. One problem with this mission and the editor in IL2 in general is the ai aircraft after an attack and fight often do not return to their next waypoint and continue the mission or head home. This can be annoying when your planes are circling over an enemy base, not heading away from it, and getting shot down by the laser guided ai AAA. Anyway, thanks for your help. Ill list anyone who does this mission as its playtester.
  12. WW II Europe Remember

    Yes, and all the brave resistance fighters in the Low Countries who fought bravely and well, and who kept the torch of freedom alive thru those long dark years, and who so ably assisted the Allied armies in their eventual march to victory. Salute to you good lads and lasses...
  13. Got it Dagger, THANKS! I got a copy of a four game box that had 3 other games in it too, Heavy Gear 2, Total Air War, and Barrage, all for 11.99. Life is good....
  14. Can you Identify This?

    Hmmmm, not sure, looks familier. Maybe some triplane, two seat version of the Sopwith Dolphin?
  15. Wow! Thanks Dagger! Thats nice of you pal. With a little luck, maybe Ill be flying soon! Thanks again, and if I find something soon, Ill let you know so you dont keep looking. :D
  16. Yes, and amazon. Seriously thinking about one of these two routes. I am going to CompUSA tommorrow, so I will look in the bargin bin there and see whats looking back at me... :shock: :D
  17. Good conversation guys! This is why I hit these boards. I voted for the Tornado because it is an excellent A2G aircraft not covered in any sim I know of. The Tomcat was a VERY close second in my opinion. Im also a big fan of the swingwing concept. How about an F-111 too? :) Snap and Skate, I wouldnt write off BVR and long range intercept just yet. The capability is still out there with potential enemy's for long range Anti shipping strikes. A kitchen in the fantail on a CV could ruin flight ops for a long, long time and all it takes is one or two early in a conflict to cause a lot of problems for the high command. Too many times in the past we thought a so called "old" method of combat was dying out and WHAM! its hits us again. A2A gunnery in Vietnam is a good example. That was why Topgun was formed. Now they want to phase Topgun out again Im hearing. As long as fighters carry guns and there is no better way to get in close for combat, then we best be prepared for dogfighting with guns. Same thing applies to long range weapons. Now, us having a strong air control capability with jstars, hawkeyes, and whatnot tends to limit what a long range attack can acomplish true. And with complete command of the air it likely wont happen. But we should never count on going into a conflict with anyone, having immediate air superiority, you've got to work for it. Until we attain it, we should have a good BVR capability like Pheonix and Tomcat. No one in their right mind would write off a Harrier in combat with a good, well trained, motivated pilot at the controls. It may not be the most capable plane but it held its own during the Falklands against Skyhawks and Mirages at close range with sidewinders and its gun. Working in tandem with a squad mate, its as dangerous a foe as nearly any plane out there.
  18. That does look good! :shock: :D Still no sdoe yet. You were right, chips and bits has it for $9.99, but those clods want another $7 in various shipping and two handling charges!!??!! Sheesh! So Ill keep looking for a copy...
  19. Any news when DoA 2 will be out?

    I havent but will keep an eye out. I get the Gamespy daily which helps to keep me up on "some" of the game happenings, plus with my trolling the forums... :D How did you like the first one? Was there any strategic aspect to the game or was it all only flight sim? I ask that because one of my favorite games was SWOTL. If you played campaign mode, you could plan the airwar as either the Germans ot the Americans. Then once you launch the mission, you could take your place in an aircraft. Now THATS my idea of a good gameplay for a game. I wish that my 5 1/4 floppies holding the game were still readable. I'd burn them onto a cd and build a dos machine just to play that game and Great Naval Battles of the North Atlantic. It was similar in gameplay with both a strategic and tactical aspect.
  20. Thanks SD. It will be a little while yet. Im going to add at least 5 more missions and thinking about as many as 20 more. Ill try and finish mission #7 tonite and send it to you here at biohaz as an attachment for a test run.
  21. Anyone for a little POKER!!

    Ya know, those might actually be a collectors item one day. Ive seen wierder things become hot items... Liked that website, might pick up somethin there one of these times.
  22. WOW! You have a CARRIER??!!?? :shock: Thats IT! I am getting this sim! Just aint found where I can order it yet, but sure as my name is pcpilot, I will be flying a spad soon! hehehe... Found a demo here...http://www.wingswithwires.com/chickencoop/...e_wwi/index.htm The demo link is at the bottom. I dont think this is FS-WW2 but something like the addon WW1 mod. Maybe you can tell us more Argon. Im also having a hard time finding FS-SDOE on line. Can you provide some links?
  23. Airplanesite of a friend

    Lots of nice pics. I espesially like the Dornier planes. They are STOL arent they?
  24. Pottification of the Navy

    Love this guys sense of humor and writing ability. Im adding him to my favorites. Ya know, the scary part is that its real close to being true. Anything that points to the differance between men and women is being slowly but surely mandated and regulated away, and implemented no matter what the majority think. The differance in the military now and 20 years ago is nothing less than astounding. All in the name of political correctness. But wait, I thought political correctness was suppossed to "celebrate", (Im beginning to hate this word), our differences? I guess only when it is expedient for the feminists, etc. Sure hope we find the time to train and prepare for war in the real world and not just the halls of congress...

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